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“Yes. Now be quiet and go to sleep.”

She looked at him another second, unconvinced, and he felt a pang of remorse. He picked up a strand of her hair and gave it a gentle tug, then pulled her head back down to his shoulder.


Women. Always with the talking. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for doing me.”

He laughed. “You’re welcome. Did you have fun?”

“What do you think?”

“You made a lot of noise. That’s generally a good sign.”

She raised her head to look at him, her coppery hair falling half over her face. “Well, well, well. Look at that. Levi Cooper, smiling.”

And sure enough, it seemed he was.

Then she kissed him, hesitantly, sweetly, then less hesitantly, and nobody went to sleep for a long while.

Except the dog.


LEVI COOPER HAD washboard abs.

Not that Faith was ogling or anything. Okay, she was totally ogling. So was Blue, for that matter, still hoping Levi would throw the ball ten or five hundred times.

But Levi was asleep, so ogling was allowed. Plus, how could a woman drag her eyes off that perfect, beautiful body? His arms were ridiculously male, heavy and thick with muscle, his chest solid and broad. And those abs...rippled and hypnotic and magically perfect.

Yes. Levi Cooper was a sparkly unicorn of wonder.

Granted, Jeremy had been gorgeous. Movie star, NFL chiseled handsome, and, yes, Faith had loved looking at him, too. Then again, he hadn’t known what to do with her.

And Levi most definitely had. Hand to God, yes.

Sex with a straight guy—definitely the way to go. Especially this straight guy, because, much to her surprise, he hadn’t just been hot and, er, competent, he’d been...sweet. There was really no other word for it. And Levi Cooper with ruddy cheeks and sweaty hair and beautiful arms, asking her if she liked what he was doing...crikey! She was getting turned on just thinking about it.

Time to go. Blue needed a walk before she jumped Levi again. She pulled on some clothes, then slipped out of the bedroom with Blue. Realized she was grinning. Kinda felt like skipping.

She set up the coffeepot and turned it on, then grabbed Blue’s leash, causing her dog to freeze in wonder before springing for the door. “Yes! We are taking a walk! I know! It’s so exciting, isn’t it?” she whispered (because she had a beautiful man sleeping in her bed, had she mentioned that?). She opened the door and Blue bounded out, whimpering in excitement.

Sarah Cooper was standing in the hallway.

“Do you know where my brother is?” Sarah blurted, her face creased with worry.

“Oh, honey, yes, I do. He’s, uh...he’s in there.” Faith nodded back at her place.

“I called him last night, but he didn’t pick up,” she said.

“Shoot. I— He’s...sleeping.”

Sarah’s expression changed from worried to astonished. “Holy heck,” she said. “Did you guys do it? Are you sleeping together?”

“Um...maybe your brother should answer that.”

“You are! You’re doing my brother. OMG, where’s my phone? I have to tweet this.”

“Calm down, Sarah,” came Levi’s voice. The man himself came out of her apartment, his dress shirt untucked. “If you tweet this, you’re dead.”

“Dude, I’m completely supportive. Faith is much nicer than G.I. Jane. I approve.”

“Super,” Levi said. Faith smiled at Sarah, grateful. Always good to have family on your side.

Levi tucked in his shirt. Too bad. He looked better naked. “What are you doing home, anyway?” he asked his sister.

Sarah’s eyes widened. “Levi! This was the weekend you allowed me to come back, remember? The weekend I wasn’t forbidden to come.”

Levi took a short breath, held it, and then said, “Right. So get inside and stop bothering Faith. I’ll be right there.”

“I’m not bothering her,” Sarah said. “We’re bonding. In case I’m gonna be an aunt sometime soon.”

“Sarah. Go. Inside. Now.” There was a fascinating knot in his jaw. His sister obeyed, pulling a face at Faith as the door closed.

“Don’t be mad at her,” Faith said.

“I’m not,” he said. Jamming his hands in his pockets and ignoring Blue’s whimpers of adoration, Levi finally looked at her. “Hi,” he said, his voice just a soft scrape.

A two-letter word, and she was a mushy puddle. “Hi,” she whispered.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Fine. How are you?”

His eyes dropped to her mouth. “Also fine. But I have to go.” He looked as somber as somber got.


“I’ll see you.”

“Yes. As we live not too far from each other.” She bit down on a smile.

“Right.” Only then did he seem to realize she was joking, which he acknowledged with a raised eyebrow. Then he grabbed her, eliciting a squeak, and gave her a hard, fierce kiss, and before she could even respond, let her go. “See you around, neighbor.”

With that, he was gone.

* * *
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