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“Thank you! Aren’t these gorgeous,” Maxine said, taking a healthy chunk. Good. Faith hated being the only female who really ate.

Colleen approached the booth. “Can I get you— Oh! Hi. Uh, I’m sorry, I didn’t...see you come in. Can I get you something to drink?” she asked Maxine.

“Faith, what are you drinking, honey?” Maxine said, and Faith already liked her immensely.

“Coll, what am I having?” she asked. “Maxine, Colleen is my oldest friend.”

“Nice to meet you,” Maxine said, offering her hand to Colleen.

“You, too. Um, Faith is drinking...the uh, the Bully 2011 Riesling, right, Faith?” Coll gave her a pointed look.

“That’s right. It’s delicious,” Faith said. “Tangerine overtones, a little straw flavor, very smooth finish.”

“Sounds delicious,” Maxine said, smiling. “I’ll have that.”

“I’ll bring it right over.” With that, Colleen was off.

“So, you don’t have children, is that right?” Faith asked.

“No, sadly I never did. But I have four nieces and six nephews, and I adore them all, as well as their kids. I like to think of myself as an Auntie Mame type.”

“That’s so nice. I have a niece and nephew myself. And you’re a bookkeeper?”

“Yes. I love numbers, love making sense of things. I always have.”

Faith sat back and listened as Maxine told her about life in rural Ohio and how she’d come to the Finger Lakes on vacation, then decided to move to Penn Yan after she’d had a windfall. “It was one of those things, Faith,” she said. “I was doing fine, don’t get me wrong, but I must’ve had some kind of angel on my shoulder, because really, who wins a hundred thousand dollars with a scratch-off? I asked myself, what do I want to do for the rest of my life? And this place above all others was the one that spoke to me.”

Colleen brought over the wine. “Faith, can I see you a second?” Colleen asked. From the kitchen came a crash and a yell. “Shoot,” she said, and dashed off.

Maxine was passing every test. Manners, funny, open, warm, told a good story. She was financially secure, had an active social life, loved fishing, tennis and cooking. Faith’s hopes rose. At the very least, she could see Dad dating this nice lady occasionally. For one indulgent moment, as Maxine was telling her about her trip to Montana last summer, Faith pictured her in the New House for Sunday dinner, laughing her husky laugh, charming everyone. Even Mrs. J.

Maybe Levi would be there, too.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t hear what you just said.” What the heck. She already felt like she and Maxine were old friends. “I just started seeing someone myself,” she whispered. “I’m a little distracted.”

Maxine’s face lit up. “I wondered why a pretty girl like you was still single,” she whispered. “Tell me about him.”

“It’s very new,” Faith whispered, feeling the heat rise into her cheeks. “He’s very...” Her voice trailed off. Hot. Intense. Great in bed. Delicious.

“Oh,” Maxine said, smiling in a wonderfully conspiratorial way. “One of those. I get it.”

Faith felt like giggling. Two glasses of wine, only nachos since noon. “Anyway, back to you, Maxine. What do you like to cook?”

Her phone vibrated, her cue to go to the bathroom. “I’m so sorry. Excuse me for one second,” she said, sliding out of the booth.

Jack met her at the entrance of the restrooms. “Dad says it’s a go. He likes what he’s heard so far.”

“Yes!” Faith said, elation rising up like a geyser. Finally, she could look at Dad and see a happy man, rather than a lonely widower doing his best.

“This is so weird, Faith. I feel like we’re pimping out our father.”

“No, we’re not! Don’t you see, Jack? Dad could get married again. He could stop missing Mom and be happy.”

Her brother gave her an odd look. “I think he’ll always miss Mom, even if he did remarry, and he’s not unhappy, Faith.”

“Well, you’re next, so be nice to me or I’m throwing you to Colleen, and the hyenas will pick over your bones.”

“So, love is in the air, huh? Since Levi, ah, drove you home?”

She couldn’t help a smile, remembering the other night.

“Oh, God,” Jack said. “Sorry I asked.” He walked back to his table.

Faith took a minute to use the bathroom. Her cheeks were flushed. She looked a little...dreamy. Maybe Levi would come over tonight and shag her silly, since Sarah’s Twitter feed said he’d dropped her off and all.

The stall door opened, and Jessica Does came out.

“Oh. Hey,” Faith said, abruptly turning on the water. Didn’t want Jessica to think she just came in to gaze at her reflection.

And, oh, crap. Jessica was Levi’s old girlfriend. Would that come into play?

“Hi.” Jessica washed her hands, too.

“How are you?” Faith asked.

“Fine. You?”


With that, Jessica reached past Faith and grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser, her movements so sharp that Faith actually ducked. “Jesus, Holland,” Jess said, rolling her eyes. “You think I’m gonna slap you or something?”

“No, no. I didn’t. I just...”

“Whatever. Bye.”

Jess was gone, ever the princess of manners. Didn’t matter. Dad’s potential wife was out there.

Faith’s phone buzzed. It was a text from Colleen, for God’s sake. Faith had nothing against phones and texting, but really. Colleen was in the same building. She opted not to read it but speak to her friend instead. Maxine, a live human, was waiting for her, after all. Faith opened the door and went out, only to see her father standing there.

“I really like her,” Dad said. “She seems really nice. Tall, isn’t she?”

“Mmm-hmm. Great clothes.”

Dad smiled. “I noticed that, too. Your mom was quite snazzy, too. Like you.”

This time, the guilt punch wasn’t quite so strong. “Thanks, Daddy.”

Her dad folded her into a hug. “I appreciate this, sweetpea. I really do. You’re awfully good to your dear old dad. So maybe I’ll swing by the booth, pretend I just dropped in, how’s that?”
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