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“YOU HOT BITCH,” Colleen breathed the next evening, her eyes full of admiration. “You slept with Levi Cooper? Get outta town! Tell me everything. How many times did you—”

“Okay, whoa. Easy, girl.” Faith sat back in her seat at O’Rourke’s, which had just opened. She hadn’t seen Levi since The Night, though she’d smelled chocolate again at three this morning. Today, though, his car wasn’t at the station or in back of the Opera House, so she assumed he’d driven his sister back to school. Not that she was stalking, though, yes, she had just followed Sarah Cooper on Twitter.

“I want every detail,” Colleen said. “You owe it to me. My friend got it on! I’m so happy!”

“Yay! But could you just lower your voice a teensy bit? That’d be great.”

“No one’s here, pet.”

“Your brother might come in any second.”

“He doesn’t count. Right, Connor?”

“That’s right.” Connor appeared from the kitchen. “Hi, Faith. Glad you’re getting some.”

“Thanks, Con. And thank you, Colleen, for not telling me your brother was lurking.”

“What color dress should I pick out for the wedding?” Colleen asked. “You definitely owe me another gig as maid of honor, since Jeremy ripped me off the first time.”

“You know what? He’s the—” Faith looked around (the early crowd was trickling in) and lowered her voice to a whisper. “He’s only the second man I’ve slept with. So let’s just slow things down.”

“I know he’s the second,” Colleen said. “That’s my fault. I regret buying you adult toys.”

“Shh! Come on! I don’t want your brother to know all this stuff!”

“Well, it’s true,” her friend said, taking a long pull of coffee. “I’m sure you would’ve gotten laid long before now. Three years is too long.”

“I’d have to agree there, Faithie,” Connor called.

“You two. What a team.” Ah, well. It was just Coll and Con, the two-for-one special.

“So how was it?” Colleen asked.

“I’m only telling you if you keep your voice down.”

“Fine,” Colleen whispered. “How’s this?”

Faith smiled. “It was...” She smiled. “It was amazing.”

“Yes! This is great! Con, it was amazing.”


Colleen sighed happily. “So, are you engaged, are you dating, or was this a one-time bang-a-palooza, never to be repeated, are you friends with bennies...what?”

Faith paused. “I don’t know. We’re definitely not engaged.”

Colleen gave her a knowing look. “You’re in love, aren’t you?”


“Sure you are. I know you. You wouldn’t have had sex with him if you weren’t.”

“I’m not. He’s... I mean, he’s... It could happen, I suppose.” Her face was getting hot again. “Look, here’s my dad. Please don’t hit on him or tell him I’m getting a little some-some or give him anything with jalapenos, because he’s got acid reflux.”

“Oh, Jack is here, too. Hooray.”

“Be merciful, Coll.”

“They’re kind of early, aren’t they?” Connor asked, looking out from the kitchen door. “I don’t usually see Jack before seven.”

“I’m screening a date for my dad. Dad will eavesdrop, then give me the thumbs-up or down.”

“You Hollands are so cute.”

The afternoon after the party, while Levi had been busy with his sister, Honor, Pru and Faith had had an intervention with Dad. Honor had served as Head Inquisitor, Mrs. Johnson banging pots and slamming drawers in the kitchen to underscore the theme of disapproval. Dad had admitted that he’d enjoyed Lorena’s “wacky ways,” as well as the distraction of having someone new to talk to but hadn’t believed she was as attached as his children had warned. He had no intention of seeing the vegan gardener again and said he’d try to be open to dating someone. Maybe. Possibly. And, yes, he’d do what they told him from now on.

Faith was immensely relieved.

“Jack,” she said, “brother mine, don’t think I didn’t notice you skulking off from the party the other night.”

“Don’t think I didn’t hear you left with Levi.”

“He drove me home,” Faith said, feeling her face practically burst into flame.

“Is that what you kids are calling it these days?” He gave her a cuff. “Spare me the details, okay? Pru is bad enough. Pru is horrifying, come to think of it.”

A half hour later, Faith was seated in a booth, the same one where the accountant had tried to talk dirty to her. Accountants. Were they all pervy? At any rate, Dad was in the next booth, already sweaty, pretending to talk to Jack, who was reading the paper.

Because internet dating was the most effective way to find someone, Faith had given it another shot (avoiding StillHotGranny). She reposted a profile for her dad, admitting immediately that she was his daughter, acting as first-round screener. Tonight, she was meeting a woman named Maxine Rogers, who’d answered all questions appropriately.

Faith was just digging into the plate of nachos grande and a glass of beautiful Riesling, which had the nicest tangerine notes and went perfectly with dinner, when Maxine approached.


“Hi! Maxine, right?”

The woman smiled broadly. “Yes. How are you, dear?”

She was very tall, which hadn’t come across in the photos. Her hair was black (had to be dyed, but it was a nice job, too, very shiny, unlike Lorena’s Sharpie look), and her makeup was expertly applied, especially her red lipstick, which was bold and rather dashing. Maxine had put in some effort, in other words, and it worked. She was nicely dressed, especially notable since she had to be nearly six feet tall. Faith noted that her dad had turned his head the slightest bit to check her out.

“It’s wonderful to finally meet you,” Maxine said. Her voice was pleasantly low-pitched.

“You, too,” Faith said. “You’re so nice in your emails.”

“Oh, sweetheart, you’re an angel to say so.” She settled back against the booth. “I think it’s very kind what you’re doing, helping your father find love again. Just so sweet.”

It really was, Faith thought. “Would you like some nachos?”
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