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A Cry In The Night

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“We’ve got a lost boy. Four years old.” He indicated the general location on the map. “White River National Forest. East slope.” Pulling in a deep breath, he looked at Kelly. “They’ll need a description. You’re familiar with the area. I’d like you to point out the exact location. Give us the circumstances.”

Buzz watched her approach, aware of the dull thud of his heartbeat. In the harsh light of the galley, she looked pale and badly shaken. The cut on her temple stood out in stark contrast to her ashen complexion. The bruise forming beneath was going to be brilliant once it bloomed. She’d shed her coat in the foyer, and for the first time he realized just how bad the fall she’d taken must have been. Her jeans were dirty at the left hip and torn at the knee. The flannel shirt she wore had come untucked at one side and hung ungracefully to mid thigh.

He might be angry with her for lying to him about their son all these years, but he damn well was going to make sure she got checked out by a doctor before this was through. Damn hard-headed woman.

“This is Kelly Malone,” he said.

Absolute silence filled the room. The four men watched her carefully and with great interest as she took her place at the front of the room and let out a shaky breath. Her brown eyes scanned the male faces watching her.

“Eddie is four years old,” she began. “Dark hair, brown, cut short. Gray eyes. He’s wearing a white Denver Broncos sweatshirt and a pair of blue jeans. White sneakers. He had a green jacket tied around his waist, but he might be wearing it now. His backpack is blue.” Setting her purse on the table, she pulled out her wallet and dug the photo from it with trembling fingers. “I’ve only got one picture. It’s a couple of months old, but it’s a good one.” She looked longingly at the photo, then closed her eyes briefly. Without looking at it again, she handed it to John Maitland.

“Where did you last see him?” Jake Madigan asked.

Taking Kelly’s arm, Buzz eased her toward the map. “Did you say the eastern edge of the park?” he asked her.

She nodded, then turned to study the map.

Buzz could feel her shaking, knew she was holding onto her composure by only a thread. A very thin thread that wouldn’t hold much longer. He didn’t want to be there when it snapped, but knew he’d rather it be him than someone else.

He was aware of the men watching her, could practically feel the curiosity bubbling in the room. He knew they were wondering if their surly team leader had an ex-wife and a child he’d never told anyone about. Holy hell, this was a mess.

Forcing his mind back to the matter at hand, he gently squeezed her arm to let her know she was doing all right. That they were going to get through this. That they were going to get their son back.

Kelly gave him a grateful look, but her hand shook violently when she raised it to point out the hiking trail where she’d fallen. “Right here.”

“That’s the eastern edge of the hiking trails,” said John Maitland. “Terrain gets rough to the north.”

She nodded. “We were on the southernmost trail. About two miles from the campground.”

“How long has he been gone?”

“Almost four and a half hours.” Her voice cracked with the last word.

Knowing she couldn’t take much more before she broke, Buzz moved her gently aside and stepped forward. “Flyboy, what’s the weather situation?”

“There’s a front to the northwest. Weather Service is expecting sustained winds of fifty knots. It’s going to get rough when that sucker blows through.”

“What’s the flying time frame?”

“I’d say we have a couple of hours of fly time before I have to recall to base.”

Buzz’s curse was interrupted by Jake Madigan’s. Buzz looked over at the tall man wearing the battered Stetson.

“That’s not the only problem,” the cowboy said.

The hairs on Buzz’s nape stood up. Next to him, Kelly jerked her head toward Jake. Buzz shot the other man a questioning look.

Jake sighed, glanced from Kelly to Jake.

Buzz understood what the other man was trying to say an instant too late. Kelly darted around the table and walked over to Jake. Chin jutting, she raised her hand and pointed a finger in the general direction of his face. “Don’t you dare keep information from me just because you think I can’t handle it. I need to know what’s going on.”

Grimacing, Jake removed his Stetson, then looked helplessly at Buzz. “Well, ma’am…uh, with all due respect—”

“What problem?” she pressed.

Realizing abruptly what Jake was about to say, Buzz stepped forward and put his hands on Kelly’s shoulders. “We’re professionals, Kel. Let us take care of this. We’ll find him.”

“No.” She whirled on Buzz. “Don’t try to keep me out of this. I’m not going to sit this out.” She turned back to Jake, who looked as if he’d just backed into a cactus. “Damn it, tell me what the hell is going on.”

Jake sighed, shot Buzz a questioning look.

Knowing his ex-wife wasn’t going to back down, Buzz gave him a minute nod.

“The ranger station up on Ruby Lake reported a fire a few hours ago,” Jake began. “There was a lightning strike. With the drought and high winds, the fire is gaining momentum. It’s still small at this point, but it’s burning uncontrolled and heading this way.”

Kelly put her hand to her mouth to stop the sob that bubbled out, but she didn’t succeed. Her free hand went to her stomach, as if she’d been gut-punched. “Oh, God. Oh, no.”

Buzz pressed his fingers into her shoulders. “Kelly, the fire is small. Chances are the firefighters will be able to contain it. Let us take care of this. These men are the best. They’ve got to go to work. Right now. I’ll have Dispatch take you to the hospital to get that bump checked—”

“I’m not leaving Eddie.” Shaking off his grasp, she turned to face him, a waif ready to take on an army. “Don’t ask me to stay out of this. I know the area. I know the trails. I’ve got to be out there, looking for him.”

“You were knocked unconscious, damn it. You’re not going to do anyone any good when the adrenaline wears off and you find yourself flat on your back with a concussion.”

“The only thing that’s wrong with me is that I’ve lost my son.”

“You’re scared spitless and bleeding and running on nerves and your own hard head—”

“Don’t you dare try to shut me out of this. I’m not going to sit it out.”

“You’re out of control.”

She advanced on him, shaking so violently she didn’t trust her legs. “You’re damn right I am! I thought you might feel the same way, but obviously, your heart is still as cold as it ever was!”

She hadn’t meant to go there. Hadn’t meant to say those words or make this any more personal than it already was. Her control broke with an almost audible snap! The tears came in a rush. A useless, humiliating show of emotion that wasn’t going to accomplish anything except give her a wham-banger of a headache and prove to the men in this room she wasn’t going to be much help. She struggled valiantly to staunch the sobs that wrenched from deep in her chest, but they were powerful and shook her from head to toe.

Realizing the room had gone utterly silent, Kelly sucked in a breath and stopped herself cold. Buzz stared at her as if she’d just announced that she was an alien and would be moving back to her own planet in another galaxy at the end of the week. Tony Colorosa and Pete Scully had found something fascinating in the wood planks of the floor. John Maitland stared at the map. Jake scratched at a non-existent stain on the felt of his hat, his brows knitting as if in intense concentration.

Knowing her credibility was on the line, she let out the breath she’d been holding and addressed the men. “Eddie also has a flashlight with him. Since it’s dark, he may have it on. It’s plastic and not very bright, but the batteries were new, so it should be working.”

Buzz cleared his throat. “If that’s all….”

She jerked her head. “Please, find him. I want him back.”

He addressed his team. “Let’s get this show on the road, gentlemen.” He looked at his pilot. “Do your best for me, will you, Flyboy?”

“Piece of cake.” Some of the cockiness went out of Tony’s expression when he glanced at Kelly. “We’ll find him, Ms. Malone.”

Because she couldn’t speak, she nodded her thanks and within seconds, the men had grabbed their canvas equipment bags and rushed out the rear entrance, leaving an uncomfortable silence in their wake.
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