The Gryphon was surprised.
“What! Never heard of that!” it exclaimed. “You know what ‘to beautify’ is, I suppose?”
“Yes,” said Alice doubtfully: “it means ‘to make something prettier.’”
“Well, then,” the Gryphon went on, “if you don’t know what to uglify[80 - to uglify – «безобразить», антоним, образованный по аналогии с to beautify – «украшать»] is, you are just foolish.”
Alice turned to the Mock Turtle, and said “What else did you learn?”
“Well, there was Mystery,” the Mock Turtle replied, “Mystery,[81 - Mystery, Seaography – названия предметов построены на ассоциациях с History («история») и Geography («география»)] ancient and modern, with Seaography: then Drawling, Stretching[82 - Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in Coils – названия предметов построены на ассоциациях с Drawing («рисование»), Sketching («рисунок»), Painting in Oils («живопись маслом»)], and Fainting in Coils.”
“What was that like?” said Alice.
“Well, I can’t show it you myself,” the Mock Turtle said: “I’m too old for that. And the Gryphon never learnt it.”
“I had no time,” said the Gryphon: “I went to the Classics master, though. He was an old crab
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