The Dormouse shook its head, and said, “Of course, of course; it’s just what I was going to say.”
“What about the riddle?” asked the Hatter.
“I can’t guess,” Alice replied: “what’s the answer?”
“No idea,” said the Hatter.
“Nor I,” said the March Hare.
“What’s the time?” asked Alice.
“It’s always six o’clock now,” the Hatter answered. “It’s always tea-time, and we have no time to wash the dishes.”
“Then you move round, I suppose?” said Alice.
“Exactly so,” said the Hatter.
“But what happens when you come to the beginning again?” Alice asked.
“Let’s change the subject,” the March Hare interrupted. “The young lady will tell us a story, right?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know one,” said Alice.
“Then the Dormouse will tell us something,” cried the Hatter and the March Hare. “Wake up, Dormouse!”
And they pinched it on both sides at once.
The Dormouse slowly opened his eyes.
“I wasn’t asleep,” it said in a hoarse, feeble voice: “I heard every word.”
“Tell us a story!” said the March Hare.
“Yes, please do!” pleaded Alice.
“And be quick,” added the Hatter.
“Once upon a time there were three little sisters,” the Dormouse began in a great hurry; “and their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie[50 - Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie – Элси, Лэси и Тилли]; and they lived at the bottom of a well…”
“What did they eat or drink?” asked Alice.
“They drank treacle,” said the Dormouse.
“They couldn’t do that, you know,” Alice gently remarked; “Were they ill?”
“Yes, they were,” said the Dormouse; “very ill.”
Alice went on: “But why did they live at the bottom of a well?”
“Take some more tea,” the March Hare said to Alice.
“I did not drink anything,” Alice replied, “so I can’t take more.”
“You mean you can’t take LESS,” said the Hatter: “it’s very easy to take MORE than nothing.”
“Nobody asked your opinion,” said Alice.
Alice took some tea and a bread-and-butter, and then turned to the Dormouse, and repeated her question. “Why did they live at the bottom of a well?”
The Dormouse said, “It was a treacle-well.”
“It’s impossible!” Alice was very angry, but the Hatter and the March Hare went “Sh! sh!” and the Dormouse sulkily remarked, “If you can’t be civil, finish the story for yourself.”
“No, please go on!” Alice said very humbly; “I won’t interrupt again.”
“And so these three little sisters—they were learning to draw[51 - to draw – игра слов: 1. рисовать; 2. черпать (воду)], you know,” said the Dormouse.
“What did they draw?” said Alice. She forgot her promise.
“Treacle,” said the Dormouse.
“I want a clean cup,” interrupted the Hatter: “let’s all move.”
He moved on, and the Dormouse followed him: the March Hare moved into the Dormouse’s place, and Alice took the place of the March Hare.
Alice did not wish to offend the Dormouse again, so she began very cautiously:
“But I don’t understand. Where did they draw the treacle from?”
“You can draw water out of a water-well,” said the Hatter; “so I think you can draw treacle out of a treacle-well, eh, stupid?”
“But they were IN the well,” Alice said to the Dormouse.
“Of course they were”, said the Dormouse; “they were learning to draw, and they drew everything that begins with an M.”
“Why with an M?” said Alice.
“Why not?” said the March Hare.
Alice was silent.
The Dormouse had closed its eyes by this time. The Hatter pinched it, it woke up again with a little shriek, and went on: “that begins with an M, such as mouse-traps, and the moon, and memory, and muchness[52 - muchness – множество]—did you see muchness?”
“Muchness?” said Alice, very much confused, “I don’t think—”
“Then don’t talk,” said the Hatter.
Alice got up and walked off; the Dormouse fell asleep instantly, and nobody called after the girl. They were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot.