7. You are Mary. (Nancy) – Are you Mary or Nancy?
8. You are cold. (Hot) – Are you cold or hot?
9. They are sick and wrong. (Well and right) – Are they sick and wrong or well and right?
10. Peter is flexible. (Strong). – Is Peter flexible or strong?
Задание 3, упражнение 6
1. Это рука или кисть? – Is it arm or hand?
2. Это талия, это не бедро или тазобедренная кость. – It is wrist, it is not hip or pelvis.
3. Это палец руки или палец ноги? – Is it finger or toe?
4. Это не волосы, это волосяной покров головы. – It is not hair, it is scalp.
5. Это локоть. – It is elbow.
6. Это зуб? – Нет, это челюсть. – Is it tooth? – No, it is jaw.
7. Это пятка или арка стопы? – Is it heel or the arch?
8. Это ноздря или нос? – Is it nostril or nose?
9. Это шея? – Is it the neck?
10. Где зубы? – Where are the teeth?
11. Кто ты? – Who are you?
12. Почему ты здесь? – Why are you here?
13. Что это, лодыжка? – What is it, ankle?
14. Когда это неправильно? – When is it wrong?
Задание 5, упражнение 1
chairs, blocks, belts, mats, blankets, bolsters, and cushions (pillows).
Задание 5, упражнение 2
1. There are cushions on the floor. – Подушки на полу.
2. There is a bolster on the mat. – Валик на коврике (Болстер на мате).
3. Are there blocks on the chair? – Кирпичики (блоки) на стуле?
4. Is there a mat in the room? (room [rum] – комната) – В комнате есть коврик?
5. Are your legs on the mat? – Твои ноги на коврике?
6. My head is on the pillow. – Моя голова на подушке.
7. Our feet are on the floor. – Наши ступни на полу.
8. The hands are beside the bolster. – Руки с боку от валика.
9. His body is under the blanket. – Его тело под пледом (укрыто пледом).
Задание 5, упражнение 3
1. Блоки (находятся) на коврике. – The blocks are on the mat.
2. Валик рядом с ковриком? – Is bolster near the mat?
3. На полу подушки, блоки и плед. – There are cushions, blocks and blanket on the floor.
4. Его руки на стуле. – His hands are on the chair.
5. Мои ноги под пледом. Мне не холодно. – My lets are under the blanket.
6. Где твоя голова? Моя голова на подушке. – Where is your head? My head is on the pillow.
7. Мой ремень на моей ступне. – My belt (strap) is on my foot.
8. Два коврика в комнате. – There are two mats in the room.
9. На блоке есть ремень? – Is there a strap on the block?
Задание 5, упражнение 4
1. There are cushions on the floor. / There are no cushions on the floor. / Are there cushions on the floor?
2. There is a bolster on the mat. / There is no bolster on the mat. / Is there a bolster on the mat?
3. Are there blocks on the chair? / There are no blocks on the chair. / There are blocks on the chair.
4. Is there a mat in the room? / There is no mat in the room. / There is a mat in the room.
5. Are your legs on the mat? / My legs are not on the mat или There are no my legs on the mat. / There are my legs on the mat или My legs are on the mat/
6. My head is on the pillow. / My head is not on the pillow. / Is my head on the pillow?
7. Our feet are on the floor. / Our feet are not on the floor. / Are our feet on the floor? Или Are there our feet on the floor?
8. The hands are beside the bolster. / The hands are not beside the bolster. / Are the hands beside the bolster? Или Are there hands beside the bolster?