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Her Only Hero

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“I can spare some time to help on my off days, if you want.”

The corners of her wide mouth tucked in, as if she didn’t want to give anything away. “That’s not necessary. I can—”

“I know. You can do it yourself. That doesn’t mean an extra pair of hands wouldn’t make it go faster.”

She evaded his eyes, and he suspected she was searching for a good excuse. Or at least, a change of subject.

“Maybe so.” Her tone was noncommittal. “Tell me, have you talked to your folks yet about the new job?”

She’d opted for the change of subject. And he must have been suffering from a mental lapse when he’d told her about that. Why on earth would he talk to her about something he hadn’t even told his family?

“Not yet, but I have to.” He couldn’t suppress a grin.

“I just heard that I passed the test. I’ve been called for an interview.”

And once again, he’d told her something he’d told no one else.

She came closer, as if she needed to study his face seriously. “Are you happy about it?”

Was he? A good question. “I guess. The arson squad would be a challenge, if I got it. Lots of brainwork.” He grimaced. “To tell the truth, I’m better at physical challenges than mental ones.”

Maybe that was the problem. He liked the physical risks of firefighting, maybe too much. He’d told Laura about Dad’s heart attack, but he hadn’t told her all of it. Not about the part he’d played.

“Just tell them.” She put her hand lightly on his arm.

“They might surprise you. And if they’re upset, at least it will be out in the open. You can’t deal with it as long as they don’t know.”

“You’re pretty good in the advice department, you know that?”

She smiled slightly, shaking her head. “I should have learned something from all the mistakes I’ve made.”

A man who was interested in a woman would follow up on a comment like that. But he’d just told himself how wrong it would be to get interested in her, hadn’t he? Whatever he said next had to be noncommittal.

“Well, given the way rumors fly around the department, I’d better come clean before they hear it from someone else.”

Laura didn’t move, but she seemed to draw back a little. Her smile faded. She got the message.

She turned her attention to the bucket, wringing a sponge out as if it were a very important action. “Speaking of the department, I’d say you’ve more than done your duty here. The fire damage is cleaned up, and I’m back on target with my renovation.”

It was a nice, polite dismissal. Well, that was what he wanted, wasn’t it? He couldn’t get involved with her. He couldn’t let Mandy start to depend on him. Everyone knew he wasn’t dependable when it came to relationships.

He took a breath. For some reason, he couldn’t seem to find the words to agree with her. “I’ll just check that back door to be sure the new lock is in right, and then I’ll be on my way.”

She nodded, her smile stiff.

Right. He headed for the kitchen before he could say something he shouldn’t.

Fifteen minutes later he was still fiddling with a perfectly good lock. Maybe he ought to face the fact that he didn’t want to leave.

This isn’t about what you want, dummy. It’s about what’s the right thing to do.

His head came up at the sound of voices in the other room. Apparently Laura had company.

“Mr. Potter.” Laura didn’t sound happy to be interrupted yet again.

“Bradley, please. I thought you were going to call me Bradley.”

Bradley Potter. Nice, well-off, the last son of one of Suffolk’s founding families. Brad was a successful businessman, good-looking, single. Laura ought to be friendlier to someone like that.

“Another list of changes?” She didn’t sound particularly friendly at the moment. He heard the rustle of papers. “But I’ve already complied with the requirements from the historic preservation committee.”

“I’m so sorry.” Bradley’s tone exuded sympathy. “I wish I didn’t have to bring you bad news, but I’m sure you understand that we have to be very careful about any renovations that go on in the historic district.”

“I know that.” Laura snapped the words.

Maybe he’d better get in there before she got into a fight with one of the most influential men in town. He strolled into the room, enjoying the look of surprise on Brad’s face at the sight of him.

“Hey, Brad. What are you up to?”

“Ryan. What are you doing here?” Brad nodded stiffly, his immaculate dress shirt and flannel pants incongruous in what was essentially a construction site.

Still, he was a lot better for Laura and Mandy than a commitment-phobic firefighter.

“Just checking up on some of the repairs after the fire. You did know that Ms. McKay had a fire out in the back, didn’t you?”

“I heard.” Brad turned toward Laura. “I’m so sorry for all the trouble you’ve been having.” He nodded toward the papers in her hand. “And that I have to add to your problems at a time like this.”

Mandy came to lean against Ryan, and he put one hand on her shoulder. Maybe the child sensed the tension in the room and had picked him for a friend. Laura certainly looked as if she’d gotten some bad news.

“So how exactly are you adding to Ms. McKay’s problems?” Stay out of it, he told himself. But he didn’t seem to be listening.

Laura looked up from the papers, her face pale and tight. “The historic preservation committee has landed me with a new set of requirements. Two pages’ worth of things they didn’t tell me on the initial inspection.”

“As I was saying to Laura, the preservation committee is especially careful of any renovation in the historic district.” Brad’s tone was as smooth as silk. He must have practiced that statement a few times. “I might personally think they’re being a little unreasonable, but I have to do as the committee tells me.”

“Let me have a look at what they’re asking.” He reached for the papers.

But before he could reach them, Brad took them from Laura’s hands. “This is just a work sheet. I’ll have a more official list drawn up and drop it off for you.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was tight.

Brad seemed to hesitate, glancing from Ryan to Laura. “Look, I know these changes seem unduly harsh. Why don’t I have a word with the committee members unofficially, before this goes to its final format? Maybe I can get them to ease up on some of their requirements.”

“Would you?” Laura’s smile blazed, and Brad blinked as if the sun had just come out.

“Of course.” His voice warmed suddenly. “Of course I would.”

Hadn’t he been telling himself that Brad Potter was just the sort of man for Laura? He shouldn’t feel like punching the guy just because Laura was looking at him as if he were some sort of hero.
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