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Her Only Hero

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“We all try to get off Sunday when we can. These get-togethers are important to Mom. Besides, Pastor Brendan would get after us if we missed church.” His eyebrows lifted. “I thought maybe we’d see you there this morning.”

Apparently the Flanagans didn’t intend to let her forget that she’d once belonged to their church. A little flicker of annoyance went through her. “I’m not sure Mandy would feel comfortable there.”

“Why not?” His eyes were fixed on hers, seeming to demand an answer.

“It’s difficult when she can’t understand what’s going on.” And why won’t you leave it alone?

“Nolie’s always in church school. I know she’d be glad to sign for Mandy.”

He was crowding her on the subject, and she frowned at him. “It’s hard for her to interact with hearing children.”

“Really?” He nodded toward the corner of the room.

“She seems to be doing fine at the moment.”

She’d thought Mandy was still at her side. Instead she was clear across the room, sitting in front of a tower of blocks with the other children.

She made an instinctive movement toward them. “I’ll just go and—”

Ryan stopped her with a touch on her arm. “Why don’t you let them play? They’re okay.”

Irritation scraped along her nerves. Ryan didn’t know anything about raising a hearing-impaired child. But she watched as Shawna handed Mandy a block, clapping when she put it on top of the tower. Mandy’s solemn little face broke into a smile.

Laura’s throat tightened. That was what she wanted for Mandy—to see her playing normally with other children instead of being trapped and isolated in her silent world.

“Laura, it’s grand to have you back in Suffolk.” Ryan’s father approached with an outstretched hand. She probably would have known Joe Flanagan anywhere—he still had that square, bulldog face and friendly smile, although only a few tinges of red showed in his now-white hair.

“Thank you. And thanks for all the help from your family with the fire clean-up.”

He shrugged. “Firefighters enjoy seeing things put back to rights after a fire. You know that all of us Flanagans are involved with the department now, don’t you?”

Ryan groaned. “Please, Dad. I’m sure Laura doesn’t want to hear about our old family traditions.”

His father’s face tightened, as if he were about to issue a reprimand.

“I have every reason to know about Seth and Terry and Ryan, since I met them on the job,” she said quickly.

Joe nodded. “I guess you did at that. Sorry I wasn’t there. I never thought I’d be stuck at a desk job in the department, but it makes me proud to know that those three are out there on my old team.”

She nodded, glancing at Ryan, and was struck by the expression that crossed his face at his father’s words. What was it? It was gone too quickly to say, but she was left with a sense of something uneasy behind Ryan’s smile.

Chapter Three

Despite her qualms, Laura decided that the evening had gone pretty well. They’d moved past dessert and coffee, and she sat next to Nolie, Gabe’s wife, on the sofa. The other woman had the serene, absorbed face some women wore during pregnancy, as if they listened to something inside themselves.

“Do you know yet if the baby’s a boy or girl? Or aren’t you telling?”

She’d been eager to find out when she was pregnant. The tests had told her she was going to have a daughter. They hadn’t been able to predict that Mandy would be born with a serious hearing problem.

“It’s a girl.” Nolie’s face curved in a satisfied smile.

“I thought maybe Gabe would want a boy first, but he says after growing up with his brothers and cousin, he’s delighted to have a baby girl.”

“That’s lovely.” Unexpected tears stung her eyes, and she blinked them away. “My husband—”

She stopped. Jason had been disappointed their child had been a girl, and doubly disappointed that she hadn’t been perfect, but she shouldn’t say that.

“I’m sorry.” Nolie clasped her hand in sudden empathy, seeming to understand what she didn’t say. “But you shouldn’t worry too much about her. I work with children who have disabilities, so I see the parents’ concerns all the time. Mandy’s such a bright, loved child. Believe me, she’ll do fine.”

“I want her to have the best. I know she can live a full life without hearing, but if she qualifies for the cochlear implant—”

A cry interrupted her, and she swung around, heartbeat accelerating. Mandy—

Michael was trying to pull a toy train from her hand. He wrenched it free, and Mandy wailed.

She was across the room in an instant, but Siobhan got there first, pulling her grandson away.

“Michael Joseph Driscoll, I’m disappointed in you. Mandy is our guest. Say you’re sorry.”

“He just wanted to show her how it works, Grammy,” Shawna said. “Honest.”

Laura wrapped her arms around Mandy, feeling her child’s hot tears against her face. Her heart hurt. Mandy didn’t understand. How could she?

“Sorry,” Michael mumbled.

Everyone was looking at them. All she wanted to do was get out.

“That’s fine, Michael. I know you didn’t mean it.” She struggled to smile at the child. After all, he was just behaving like a normal, hearing five-year-old.

She stood, holding Mandy in her arms, arranging a smile on her face for Siobhan. “Mandy’s getting tired. I think it’s time we headed for home. Thank you so much for dinner.”

Siobhan was wise enough not to argue, but Laura could read the regret in her eyes. She gave Laura a quick hug and stroked Mandy’s curls. “It was lovely to have you here. Come again soon.”

She nodded, her smile stiff. No, they wouldn’t come again. All the Flanagans meant well, but Mandy needed a less chaotic environment than the one they provided.

Ryan reached her and lifted Mandy from her arms before she realized what he was doing. “I’ll walk you out.”

“I’ll take her.” They’d had this conversation before, hadn’t they? Ryan hadn’t listened to her then.

“Mandy’s fine with me, aren’t you, little girl?” He stroked Mandy’s hair with a gentle touch.

She hated to admit it, but he was right. Mandy snuggled against him, her face tucked into his strong shoulder. For some reason that was obscure to Laura, Mandy trusted him.

She said her goodbyes quickly, trying to evade repeated invitations and offers of help from each of the Flanagans. It seemed the goodbyes would never end, but finally she escaped out the front door with Ryan carrying Mandy.

She paused for an instant on the porch, inhaling the cool spring air and absorbing the quiet.

“Okay?” Ryan gave her a quizzical look.
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