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The Rubicon. A play in two acts

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Nadya. A nice suit. [Pause.] Didn’t they have your size?

Makar. Nadya.

Nadya. Don’t take chances, Makar.

Makar approaches the door leading to Sea Lion’s study, peeps through a key-hole, and presses the door handle. The door is locked.

Makar. Nadya…

Nadya. Your brother lets you stay here out of pure generosity.

Makar. Say just one word.

Nadya. Go away, you viper.


Makar. So, where is my goody-goody brother?

Nadya. At the old ranger station, with the gamekeeper.

Makar. A raid?

Nadya. Some tourist has been ripped apart by a bear.

Makar. Poor little bear. These two won’t let it go.

Stvolov walks in.

Nadya. Welcome to the Rubicon Hotel.

Stvolov. It’s raining like hell. How are you, mistress?

Makar.[Aside.] Could be better.

Stvolov. Pour me some coffee and get me a bite to eat.

Nadya. What about something stronger?

Stvolov. A cognac, please.

Makar comes up to the window and peers into the darkness.

Stvolov. That went down good.

Nadya. Have a slice of lemon, it’s on the house.

Stvolov. There’s this village, Bear Creek Valley. How long will it take to get there?

Nadya. Why would you go so far at this time of night?

Stvolov. I’m going to see my brother.

Makar. How long has he been in jail?

Stvolov. He is a hydrologist there.

Makar. Hydrologists, geologists… Our gold makes everyone restless.

Nadya. Bear Creek Valley is three hundred kilometers away from the city. And we are right in the middle. The Rubicon.

Stvolov. The Ru-bi-con.

Makar. He’s gone.

Stvolov. Who’s gone?

Makar. Your taxi driver.

Stvolov leaps up, dashes outside, and then comes back.

Stvolov. Piece of shit. I didn’t get the plate number.

Nadya. And your bag’s in the trunk.

Makar. Count your lucky stars he didn’t bump you off on the way here.

Nadya. God spare us.

Stvolov. That’s a fine how-de-do you have here.

Makar. It’s a dog-eat-dog world.

Nadya. Welcome to the Rubicon Hotel.

Scene 2

The stage setting is the same.

Sea Lion and Agap enter. Sea Lion is dressed in a sailor’s striped shirt. He is carrying a leather travel bag.

Agap. Fuck…

Sea Lion. What?

Agap. I got soaked to the bone and almost froze to death.

Sea Lion. It’s because you are a wuss.
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