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The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts

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(Pauline gives him some sugar.) Thank you, dear.


M. de Rimonville?

The General



M. de Rimonville?

The General

Godard, my wife wants to know if you would like some coffee?


Yes, thank you.

(Godard places himself in such a way as to watch Pauline.)

The General

It is pleasant to sit down and take a little coffee in quiet.

Napoleon (running in) Mamma, mamma! My good friend Ferdinand has just fallen down; he has broken his leg and they are carrying him into the house.


That's dreadful!

The General

How very unfortunate!



(Pauline falls back on her chair.)


What is that you said?

Napoleon It is all a joke! I only wished to see if you all loved my good friend.

Gertrude It is very naughty of you to act in that way; how did you come to think of such a trick?

Napoleon (whispering)

It was Godard.

Godard (aside) She loves him! She was nicely caught by my trap, which I have never known to fail.

Gertrude (to Godard, as she offers him some coffee)

Are you aware, sir, that you would make a very indifferent preceptor?

It is very bad of you to teach a child such mischievous tricks.

Godard You will come to the conclusion that I did pretty well, when you learn that I have been enabled by this little stratagem to discover my rival.

(Godard points to Ferdinand who is entering the room.)

Gertrude (letting fall the sugar basin)


Godard (aside)

She is in the same box!

Gertrude (aloud)

You startled me.

The General (who has risen from his seat)

What is the matter with you, my dear child?

Gertrude Nothing; it is Godard's nonsense; he told me that the public prosecutor had come back. Felix, take away this sugar basin, and bring me another one.


This is a day of surprises.

Gertrude M. Ferdinand, they are going to bring some sugar for you. (Aside) He is not looking at her. (Aloud) How is it, Pauline, you did not put any sugar in your father's coffee?

Napoleon Why, of course, it was because she was too scared; didn't you hear her say "oh!"?

Pauline Won't you hold your tongue, you little story-teller! You are always teasing me.

(Pauline sits on her father's knee, and puts sugar in his cup.)

Gertrude Can it be true? And to think that I have taken such pains in dressing her! (To Godard) If you are right, your marriage will take place in a fortnight. (Aloud) M. Ferdinand, here is your coffee.
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