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100 ВОПРОСОВ БЕЗ ОТВЕТОВ Военно-морской флот России. RUSSIAN Navy 100 unanswered questions

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No. 5 «The Crimea. Sevastopol» – 20 authors and participants.

No. 6 «St. Petersburg. 310 years of CNM – 12 authors and participants.

The authorial collective of the book series «PORTS OF THE WORLD» has In all, 95 authors by the 6th almanac.

Our authors are scientists, shipbuilders, doctors of the army and navy of the Russian Federation, journalists, artists, writers, poets and collectors. There are persons among them, which are awarded with of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, orders and medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Our book educational project, which mainly deals with the history of maritime affairs in Russia, particularly welcomes the participation of schoolchildren, students and pupils of military and naval history clubs in the almanacs.

Among the authors there is a large percentage of participants that have a scientific worldview, who are awarded with the titles of candidates and doctors of science, docent and professorial status. They teach a wide variety of disciplines in universities of CIS countries (from history and oceanology to shipbuilding disciplines, and from medicine to journalism and philosophy, which allows to publish articles of analytical orientation that allow people to navigate the information world of marine sciences and related perspectives.

The following books were published in the series:

The book-almanac No. 2 – «Kronstadt…» (May 2017), A5 format, 400 pages, more than 150 illustrations. https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/140870489/

The book-almanac No. 3 – «Vladivostok. Hospital. Participation in the Russo-Japanese War…» (August 2017), A5 format, 400 pages, 150 illustrations, E-version: https://www.litres.ru/aleksandr-cymbal/vladivostok-istoriya-mediciny/.

And on other sites: https://ridero.ru/books/vladivostok_1/; https://ru.bookmate.com/books/IoQCeh2v; https://ridero.ru/books/vladivostok_1/ https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/142027376/

The book-almanac «Arkhangelsk. Severodvinsk…» (October 2017), A5 format, 400 pages, 150 illustrations; https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/160422081/?stat=YW5fMQ%3D%3D

The book-almanac «Crimea. Sevastopol» (June 2018), A5 format, 500 pages, 200 illustrations. https://www.litres.ru/kollektiv-avtorov/krym-sevastopol-235-let-chernomorskomu-flotu-rf/chitat-onlayn/

The book-almanac «Saint Petersburg. 310 years of CNM» (July 2019), A4 format, 630 pages, 458 illustrations. https://ridero.ru/books/sankt-peterburg_310_let_centralnomu_voenno-morskomu_muzeyu/

An art album «Sevastopol» (2008) was published in the series «PORTS OF THE WORLD»,

136 graphic works with the urban landscape of white-stone Sevastopol – Chersonesus: http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4179855/?gclid=CKr0vem3jNYCFY0A0wodvDAMZw

In all by June 2019 our books have been purchased by five thousand people, which indicates the demand for our book series.

«Arkhangelsk. Severodvinsk» is particularly popular, – interest in the Russian North and the northern sea route (Arkhangelsk – Vladivostok) is not fading. They are followed by «Sevastopol», " Kronstadt» in popularity.

These books were declared bestsellers more than three times (more than 100 downloads per month) … By the time of writing this text (April 2020) each of the almanacs, despite the young age of the series (three years have passed since the release of «Kronstadt…"), has reached the milestone of a thousand readers.

Since 2010, we have been creating a hand-drawn album «Saint Petersburg». We invite you to participate in the book series «PORTS OF THE WORLD» with texts, documents, information and financial sponsorship.

The second appeal to the A. V. Kartapolov

«About the lack of interest in the raised in the book questions» St. Petersburg. 310 years of the Central Naval Museum of Russia» (July 2019) in persons of state, vested with official power, responsible for the authority of the Ministry of Defense and the Navy…»

«Fear the indifferent! It is with their tacit consent that all evil on earth is done!»

    Julius Fuchik

– They say in the first edition in our book there was confusion, – photos of the first section are out of place in the text. – We have listed 200 errors in expositions at CNM … – it is necessary to correct the errors not in the book but in the museum.

Kartapolov Andrey Valerievich – Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The experience of six months of work with zero result.

«Ship of Glory» – National Maritime Museum of Russia is «damaged.» This is about it more than 400 pages in the first edition of our book!

Our co-author Smyrnov K. K. from 2015 to 2018 in thirty letters to the Director of CNM Nehai R. Sh., with illustrations and references to sources, reviewed more than 200 historical and technical mistakes made by the museum in expositions!

The letters were left unanswered.

Some of Smirnov’s letters are published in the first edition of the 160-page book. His remaining unpublished letters on 70 pages are ready for publication.

K. Smirnov’s letters made up the section «TECHNICAL CULTURE AND HISTORICAL ACCURACY». They are published as the last opportunity to influence the «situation».

Another 200 pages in the section «MENTORS AND FOUNDERS» deals with the losses suffered by the Museum as a result of illiterate management. We believe that CNM – «the ship of Russian naval patriotism», using the expression of S. O. Makarov – «drowned in papers»… and museum authority with it. And this is only one of the «Hundred questions to the Director».

Answer the questions asked in the book.

In this short chapter, dear reader, we present our, so far unsuccessful, experience of attempts and efforts to draw attention to issues related to the management of the CNM, issues published as a book in July 2019 under the title «SAINT. PETERSBURG. 310 years of the CNM».

«Works» have been taken for five years – 2016 —2020

We list:

1. 2016—2018 – 30 letters of K. K. Smirnov that were left unanswered with errors in expositions of the museum to the director of CNM Nehai Ruslan Shamsudinovich.

2. 2017—2019 – the book «Saint Petersburg: 310 years of the Central Naval Museum» was created and published»;

From May to November 2019 the book was donated in paper form as a gift for familiarization and / or review to the following responsible persons:

3. 2019, May – to the chief of the NIIO (military history of the North-Western region of the Russian Federation) Research Institute of the Military Academy of the General staff of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, Korshunov Eduard Lvovich-manuscript, with illustrations, personally in hand;

4. 2019, July – to the Head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General A.V. Kartapolov. The appeal was published in a book published in July 2019;

5. 2019, August – to the Head of the Medical Service of the High Command of the Russian Navy, Colonel of the Medical Service, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Mosyagin Igor Gennadievich, personally in hand;

6. 2019, August – to the Chief of the VUNC of the Navy «Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov» Vice-Admiral Vladimir Kasatonov; (the book in paper form through the captain of the 1st rank Berezyuk Alexander Petrovich);

7. 2019, August – to the State adviser of justice of the 1st class, former Chief military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, Colonel General of justice, doctor of law, professor Demin Yuri Georgievich (book through Sergey Kulbatchenko);

8. 2019, August – Responsible persons of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (e-book through the captain of the 2nd rank retired, marine writer Alexander Pokrovsky);

9. Since July 2019 to date, the book is in free access in electronic form on the Internet. Readers of the book were hundreds of people: https://ridero.ru/books/sankt-peterburg_310_let_centralnomu_voenno-morskomu_muzeyu/

We are interested:

– The lack of measures taken and answers to the questions asked indicates the indifference of these recipients to the reputation of the Russian Navy?».

– Our collective work on the preparation of the book, which lasted for more than 2 years, the publication of an A4 book of more than 600 pages and 458 illustrations, criticism and analysis, which received positive reviews from two professors, is not necessary?

In the current situation of «vacuum – without answers», we plan to translate this edition of the book into English. We continue to look for people who can more clearly explain to the responsible persons in the specialty what we were not able to explain for half a year after the book was published.»

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