As a formation, the Eight may symbolize complex conclusions, constructions, formations of the will, actions, or thoughts.
Fig. 3.8.1 Eight of Swords – a formation of the will, actions, thoughts. Character as a formation uniting myriad elements of will. A mountaineer.[365 - Downloaded fromматтерхорн-h?rnligrat-холодный-968 / (]
Fig. 3.8.2 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy, a formation of thoughts. Education as a formation uniting myriad elements of knowledge.[366 - Downloaded fromвручение-диплома-cap-выпускной-шапка-3430714 / (]
Fig. 3.8.3 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy, a formation of the will, actions, thoughts. Confidence and conviction in one's knowledge. Dogmatism.[367 - Downloaded fromчеловек-портрет-старый-пожилой-1283235 / (]
Fig. 3.8.4 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy of the will, actions, thoughts. Firm conviction in one's principles. Fanaticism. "Semper Fidelis"[368 - "Semper Fidelis" (Latin). "Always faithful": the motto of the US Marine Corps.].[369 - Downloaded fromморской-военные-в-формировании-184988 / (]
Fig. 3.8.5 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy, a formation of the will, actions, thoughts. Resolve in achieving a goal. Persistence. A woodpecker.[370 - Downloaded fromпестрый-дятел-дятел-птица-птичий-7048245 / (]
Fig. 3.8.6 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy of the will, actions, thoughts. Unwavering sense of self-worth. Confidence in one's abilities. "No one, but us!"[371 - "If not us, then who? No one, but us!": the motto of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.].[372 - Downloaded fromармия-воздушно-десантные-войска-1550406 / (]
Fig. 3.8.7 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy, a formation of the will, actions, thoughts. Complex motor skills [373 - (]as a formation of an action uniting myriad elements. Acrobatics. The martial arts. Complex group interactions.[374 - Downloaded fromакробаты-цирк-конторсионизм-тихань-412011 / (]
Fig. 3.8.8 Eight of Swords – stability, resilience, constancy, a formation of the will, actions, thoughts. Complex fine motor skills[375 - (] as a formation of action and will, uniting many "small" elements. A microsurgeon, a musician, a juggler.[376 - Downloaded fromпианино-человек-пианист-ключи-4294992 / (]
The defining feature of the Eight of Swords is a certain stability, resilience, steadfastness of anything related to the will, actions, thoughts, or information.
A "reversed" Eight of Swords is the loss of stability, resilience, steadfastness of anything related to the will, actions, thoughts, information.
For example, it may symbolize "mumbling", a person who's not confident in himself and his actions.
The biggest insult for a man from a woman is to be called a "foot rag"[377 - – The point of this insult – to express the woman's disappointment in the male as a partner, spouse, protector, and provider for their mutual offspring; to underscore her sense of futility in perpetuating this genetic line. Compare with the motto of the US Marine Corps. And then, for a full understanding, step into the shoes of a woman in a critical situation, when she’s counting on her man not to let her down. (Muse)]. Because that means he lacks will and a backbone.
Nine of Swords
A "real man" and a "real woman" can never be united in marriage.
A "real woman" never accepts a man on his first marriage proposal.
And a "real man" doesn't propose twice…
"Nines", according to the Kabbalah, are the last, final step before the Ten (transformation, transition to a new level). This moment determines the meaning of the "Nine".
"Nines" are completeness, perfection, mastery, a certain ideal (for your level or class).
Swords are will, action, thought, information.
Accordingly, the Nine of Swords is completeness, perfection, mastery of the will, actions, thoughts.
For example, it may symbolize a bestseller, an artistic masterpiece.
Fig. 3.9.1 Nine of Swords – an artistic masterpiece as perfection, mastery of will, action, thought.[378 - Downloaded fromизобразительное-искусство-картина-74050 / (]
Fig. 3.9.2 Nine of Swords – a bestseller, a musical chef d'oeuvre as completeness, perfection, mastery of will, action, thought.[379 - Downloaded fromшопин-ноктюрны-коллекционные-4668944 / (]
Fig. 3.9.3 Nine of Swords – completeness, perfection, mastery of will, action, thought. A master. A sniper. A perfect result.[380 - Downloaded fromдарт-стрела-дартс-5843146 / (]
Fig. 3.9.4 Nine of Swords – a top-notch athlete as completeness, perfection, mastery of will, action, thought.[381 - Downloaded fromгимнастка-спортзал-1958324 / (]
Fig. 3.9.5 Nine of Swords – completeness, perfection, mastery of will, action, thought. A grandmaster, a master in Go[382 - (], checkers, backgammon, etc.[383 - Downloaded fromшахматы-шахматный-турнир-по-шахматам-67660 / (]
Fig. 3.9.6 Nine of Swords – the medalist as acknowledged perfection, mastery of will, action, thought.[384 - Downloaded fromчеловек-спортсмен-нирадж-чопра-6535555 / (]
Fig. 3.9.7 Nine of Swords – completeness, perfection, mastery of will, action, thought. A task brought to full completion. Overcoming difficulties and challenges. Graduate students.[385 - Downloaded fromсредняя-школа-выпускной-в-восторге-1835762 / (]