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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 04

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Flying, we cleared the trench and, at a bound,
The shelt'ring breastwork, bore the garrison down,
Scattered them out across the field, destroyed;
Capturing the Swede's whole panoply of war—
Cannon and standards, kettle-drums and flags.
And had the group of bridges at the Rhyn
Hemmed not our murderous course, not one had lived
Who might have boasted at his father's hearth
At Fehrbellin I saw the hero fall!

ELECTRESS. Triumph too dearly bought! I like it not.
Give me again the purchase-price it cost.

[She falls in a faint.]

FIRST LADY-IN-WAITING. Help, God in heaven! Her senses flee from her.

[NATALIE is weeping.]


The PRINCE OF HOMBURG enters. The others.

THE PRINCE. Oh, Natalie, my dearest!

[Greatly moved, he presses her hand to his heart.]

NATALIE. Then it is true?

THE PRINCE. Could I but answer No!
Could I but pour my loyal heart's blood out
To call his loyal heart back into life!

NATALIE (drying her tears).
Where is his body? Have they found it yet?

THE PRINCE. Until this hour, alas, my labor was
Vengeance on Wrangle only; how could I
Then dedicate myself to such a task?
A horde of men, however, I sent forth
To seek him on the battle-plains of death.
Ere night I do not doubt that he will come.

NATALIE. Who now will lead us in this terrible war
And keep these Swedes in subjugation? Who
Shield us against this world of enemies
His fortune won for us, his high renown?

THE PRINCE (taking her hand).
I, lady, take upon myself your cause!
Before the desolate footsteps of your throne
I shall stand guard, an angel with a sword!
The Elector hoped, before the year turned tide,
To see the Marches free. So be it! I
Executor will be of that last will.

NATALIE. My cousin, dearest cousin!

[She withdraws her hand.]

THE PRINCE. Natalie!

[A moment's pause.]

What holds the future now in store for you?

NATALIE. After this thunderbolt which cleaves the ground
Beneath my very feet, what can I do?
My father and my precious mother rest
Entombed at Amsterdam; in dust and ashes
Dordrecht, my heritage ancestral lies.
Pressed hard by the tyrannic hosts of Spain
Maurice, my kin of Orange, scarcely knows
How he shall shelter his own flesh and blood.
And now the last support that held my fate's
Frail vine upright falls from me to the earth.
Oh, I am orphaned now a second time!

THE PRINCE (throwing his arm about her waist).
Oh, friend, sweet friend, were this dark hour not given
To grief, to be its own, thus would I speak
Oh, twine your branches here about this breast,
Which, blossoming long years in solitude,
Yearns for the wondrous fragrance of your bells.

NATALIE. My dear, good cousin!

THE PRINCE. Will you, will you?

If I might grow into its very marrow!

[She lays her head upon his breast.]

THE PRINCE. What did you say

NATALIE. Go now!

THE PRINCE (holding her). Into its kernel!
Into the heart's deep kernel, Natalie!
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