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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 04

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May I interpret them to suit me best?

ELECTRESS. Be off, I say! More, later, as we ride!
Come, let me have your arm.

THE PRINCE. Oh, Cæsar Divus!
Lo, I have set a ladder to thy star!

[He leads the ladies out. Exeunt omnes.]


Scene: Berlin. Pleasure garden outside the old palace. In the background the palace chapel with a staircase leading up to it. Tolling of bells. The church is brightly illuminated. The body of FROBEN is carried by and set on a splendid catafalque. The ELECTOR, FIELD-MARSHAL DÖRFLING, COLONEL HENNINGS, COUNT TRUCHSZ and several other colonels and minor officers enter. From the opposite side enter various officers with dispatches. In the church as well as in the square are men, women and children of all ages.

ELECTOR. What man soever led the cavalry
Upon the day of battle, and, before
The force of Colonel Hennings could destroy
The bridges of the foe, of his own will
Broke loose, and forced the enemy to flight
Ere I gave order for it, I assert
That man deserves that he be put to death;
I summon him therefore to be court-martialed.—
Prince Homburg, then, you say, was not the man?

TRUCHSZ. No, my liege lord!

ELECTOR. What proof have you of that?

TRUCHSZ. Men of the cavalry can testify,
Who told me of 't before the fight began:
The Prince fell headlong from his horse, and, hurt
At head and thigh, men found him in a church
Where some one bound his deep and dangerous wounds.

ELECTOR. Enough! Our victory this day is great,
And in the church tomorrow will I bear
My gratitude to God. Yet though it were
Mightier tenfold, still would it not absolve
Him through whom chance has granted it to me.
More battles still than this have I to fight,
And I demand subjection to the law.
Whoever led the cavalry to battle,
I reaffirm has forfeited his head,
And to court-martial herewith order him.—
Come, follow me, my friends, into the church.


The PRINCE of HOMBURG enters bearing three Swedish flags, followed by COLONEL KOTTWITZ, bearing two, COUNT HOHENZOLLERN, CAPTAIN GOLZ, COUNT REUSS, each with a flag; and several other officers, corporals, and troopers carrying flags, kettle-drums and standards.

The Prince of Homburg!—Truchsz! What did you mean?

ELECTOR (amazed).
Whence came you, Prince?

THE PRINCE (stepping forward a few paces).
From Fehrbellin, my liege,
And bring you thence these trophies of success!

[He lays the three flags before him; the officers, corporals and troopers do likewise, each with his own.]

ELECTOR (frigidly).
I hear that you are wounded, dangerously?
Count Truchsz!

THE PRINCE (gaily). Forgive!

COUNT TRUCHSZ. By heaven, I'm amazed!

THE PRINCE. My sorrel fell before the fight began.
This hand a field-leech bandaged up for me
Scarce merits that you call it wounded.

In spite of it you led the cavalry?

THE PRINCE (regarding him).
I? Indeed, I! Must you learn that from me?
Here at your feet I laid the proof of that.

ELECTOR. Relieve him of his sword. He is a prisoner.

DÖRFLING (taken aback).

ELECTOR (stepping among the flags).
Ah, God greet you, Kottwitz!

TRUCHSZ (aside). Curses on it!

KOTTWITZ. By God, I'm utterly—

ELECTOR (looking at him). What did you say?
Look, what a crop mown for our glory here!—
That flag is of the Swedish Guards, is't not?

[He takes up a flag, unwinds it and studies it.]

KOTTWITZ. My liege?
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