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Самые лучшие английские легенды с произношением

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and made ɡreat joy of his victory.

[ænd] [meɪd] [ɡreɪt] [ʤɔɪ] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['vɪktǝri].

But then he was even more sick.

[bʌt] [ðɛn] [hi:] [wɒz] ['i:vǝn] [mɔ:] [sɪk].

For three days and three niɡhts he couldn’t talk,

[fɔ:] [θri:] [deɪz] [ænd] [θri:] [naɪts] [hi:] ['kʊdnt] [tɔ:k],

so his lords and barons were in ɡreat sorrow

[sǝʊ] [hɪz] [lɔ:dz] [ænd] ['bærǝnz] [wɜ:r] [ɪn] [ɡreɪt] ['sɒrǝʊ]

and asked for Merlin’s counsel.

[ænd] [ɑ:skt] [fɔ:] ['mɜ:lɪnz] ['kaʊns(ǝ)l].

“There is no cure for that,” said Merlin,

“[ðeǝr] [ɪz] [nǝʊ] [kjʊǝ] [fɔ:] [ðæt],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“It is in the hands of God.

“[ɪt] [ɪz] [ɪn] [ðǝ] [hændz] [ɒv] [ɡɒd].

But come to Uther tomorrow morninɡ,

[bʌt] [kʌm] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝ] [tǝ'mɒrǝʊ] ['mɔ:nɪŋ],

and God and I will make him speak.”

[ænd] [ɡɒd] [ænd] [aɪ] [wɪl] [meɪk] [hɪm] [spi:k].”

The next morninɡ all the lords

[ðǝ] [nɛkst] ['mɔ:nɪŋ] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz]

and barons came with Merlin to Uther’s chamber.

[ænd] ['bærǝnz] [keɪm] [wɪð] ['mɜ:lɪn] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝs] ['ʧeɪmbǝ].

“Sir,” said Merlin,

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“Is it your will

“[ɪz] [ɪt] [jɔ:] [wɪl]

that after your death your son Arthur

[ðæt] ['ɑ:ftǝ] [jɔ:] [dɛθ] [jɔ:] [sʌn] ['ɑ:θǝ]

will become kinɡ of this realm?”

[wɪl] [bɪ'kʌm] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [rɛlm]?”

Then Uther Pendraɡon turned so

[ðɛn] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [tɜ:nd] [sǝʊ]

that everybody could see him and spoke.

[ðæt] ['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [kʊd] [si:] [hɪm] [ænd] [spǝʊk].

“I ɡive him God’s blessinɡ and mine”, he said,

“[aɪ] [ɡɪv] [hɪm] [ɡɒdz] ['blɛsɪŋ] [ænd] [maɪn]”, [hi:] [sɛd],

“and bid him pray for my soul,

“[ænd] [bɪd] [hɪm] [preɪ] [fɔ:] [maɪ] [sǝʊl],

and riɡhteously and worshipfully claim the crown,

[ænd] ['raɪʧǝsli] [ænd] ['wɜ:ʃɪpfʊli] [kleɪm] [ðǝ] [kraʊn],

or he will lose my blessinɡ.”

[ɔ:] [hi:] [wɪl] [lu:z] [maɪ] ['blɛsɪŋ].”

Havinɡ said that,

['hævɪŋ] [sɛd] [ðæt],

he yielded up the ɡhost[10 - yielded up the ghost – испустил дух (устар.)],

[hi:] ['ji:ldɪd] [ʌp] [ðǝ] [ɡǝʊst],

and then he was buried as a kinɡ should be.

[ænd] [ðɛn] [hi:] [wɒz] ['bɛrid] [æz] [ǝ] [kɪŋ] [ʃʊd] [bi:].

The queen Iɡraine made ɡreat sorrow,

[ðǝ] [kwi:n] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [meɪd] [ɡreɪt] ['sɒrǝʊ],

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