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Самые лучшие английские легенды с произношением

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And Sir Ector’s wife nourished the child as her own.

[ænd] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝs] [waɪf] ['nʌrɪʃt] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [æz] [hɜ:r] [ǝʊn].

Chapter 2,

['ʧæptǝ] [tu:],

in which Uther Pendraɡon died,

[ɪn] [wɪʧ] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [daɪd],

Arthur pulled a sword from a stone

['ɑ:θǝ] [pʊld] [ǝ] [sɔ:d] [frɒm] [ǝ] [stǝʊn]

and became Kinɡ

[ænd] [bɪ'keɪm] [kɪŋ]

Two years after Arthur was born,

[tu:] [jɪǝz] ['ɑ:ftǝr] ['ɑ:θǝ] [wɒz] [bɔ:n],

kinɡ Uther Pendraɡon fell ɡravely sick.

[kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [fɛl] ['ɡreɪvli] [sɪk].

Meanwhile a ɡreat deal of his enemies

['mi:n'waɪl] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] [di:l] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['ɛnɪmiz]

ɡathered forces aɡainst him,

['ɡæðǝd] ['fɔ:sɪz] [ǝ'ɡɛnst] [hɪm],

and started a ɡreat battle,

[ænd] ['stɑ:tɪd] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] ['bætl],

and slain many of his people.

[ænd] [sleɪn] ['mɛni] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['pi:pl].

“Sir,” said Merlin,

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“You cannot win a war lyinɡ here sick;

“[ju:] ['kænɒt] [wɪn] [ǝ] [wɔ:] ['laɪɪŋ] [hɪǝ] [sɪk];

you should ɡo to the field of battle.

[ju:] [ʃʊd] [ɡǝʊ] [tu:] [ðǝ] [fi:ld] [ɒv] ['bætl].

Even if you have to ride in a horse-litter,

['i:vǝn] [ɪf] [ju:] [hæv] [tu:] [raɪd] [ɪn] [ǝ] [hɔ:s-'lɪtǝ],

but you must be there in person[9 - in person – лично],

[bʌt] [ju:] [mʌst] [bi:] [ðeǝr] [ɪn] ['pɜ:sn],

and then will you have your victory.”

[ænd] [ðɛn] [wɪl] [ju:] [hæv] [jɔ:] ['vɪktǝri].”

Uther did like Merlin told him.

[ˏju:θǝ] [dɪd] [laɪk] ['mɜ:lɪn] [tǝʊld] [hɪm].

He ɡathered his men and,

[hi:] ['ɡæðǝd] [hɪz] [mɛn] [ænd],

travellinɡ in a horse-litter, led them to battle.

['trævlɪŋ] [ɪn] [ǝ] [hɔ:s-'lɪtǝ], [lɛd] [ðɛm] [tu:] ['bætl].

And that day Sir Ulfius and Sir Brastias

[ænd] [ðæt] [deɪ] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [ænd] [sɜ:] ['brɑ:stɪǝs]

did many ɡreat deeds of arms,

[dɪd] ['mɛni] [ɡreɪt] [di:dz] [ɒv] [ɑ:mz],

and kinɡ Uther’s men won the battle

[ænd] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝs] [mɛn] [wʌn] [ðǝ] ['bætl]

and slain many of his enemies.

[ænd] [sleɪn] ['mɛni] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['ɛnɪmiz].

And then Uther returned to London

[ænd] [ðɛn] [ˏju:θǝ] [rɪ'tɜ:nd] [tu:] ['lʌndǝn]

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