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Позитивные изменения. Образование. Школа будущего. Тематический выпуск, 2022 / Positive changes. Education. The school of the future. Special issue, 2022

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The same was true with history. It was difficult to imagine any work of a historian on any topic and about any era outside of Marxist ideology.

Is it possible to adopt censorship and prohibitions from the Soviet era for the education of the future? God forbid! Ideological prohibitions and isolation have never contributed to the development of science and education.


Do you remember what Makarenko says in his books about creating an atmosphere of respect, equality, and freedom at school? He blurs the line between school and life, opens the school gates and lets real life in. Exactly the opposite of what the Soviet school did (I admit that the entire Soviet society may have been deprived of this). We can still hear that a good teacher is a "strict teacher." This is the legacy of the Soviet schooling, which we must leave behind without doubt. A good school is a school where both teachers and students are happy. Happy, not scared.

The first attempts at making schooling different were made by innovative teachers in the 1990s, when the confrontation of the two social systems was no longer decisive. There was a demand for change in schooling towards greater humanization, towards individual learning. The transition from the vertical (hierarchical, rigid, authoritative) structure to the horizontal one (democratic, emotional, open). The horizontal structure respects and appreciates the student’s personal view on problems, weaves education into a single system of knowledge, takes knowledge beyond the school walls and opens up a world that turns education into the path of a lifetime.

Just like in the second half of the 20th century, the development of nuclear energy and space travel lent a great momentum to science and forced us to reconsider many educational priorities, nowadays we see digital technologies and the Internet forcing us to reconsider the old principles of the development of modern schools.

Where rebellious physicists and lyricists, engineers and innovators of the Soviet industry once stood, now we see hipsters and IT people of the 21st century. The demand has sprung up not only for technology specialists, but also for artists, writers, designers, musicians. It is no longer the world of confrontation, it is the world of cooperation without borders, which is turning into an Internet model. There are no countries and no language barriers, all information is open and accessible, education can be obtained in any part of the world, you can travel anywhere.


How is our education changing to meet the needs of the new era? Slowly, by a narrow margin, but it is changing.

I will briefly dwell on two teachers, two school principals who tried to employ new approaches in their schools and revolutionized all ideas about the pedagogy of the time: Alexander Tubelsky and Mikhail Shchetinin.

Alexander Tubelsky. In the 1990s he became the principal of the Moscow-based "School of Self-Determination", where he tried to put into practice all the ideas of democratic education, which became more popular at the end of the century. His school has many clubs and extracurricular activities for children, democratic elections, special relationships between teachers and students, a lot of freedom for experiments. There are exercise machines in the school corridors so that students can play sports during breaks and just have fun. Friday is a free day when there are no lessons, you can do what you want guided by teachers who teach the subject of your interest, regardless of your age and grade.

The industries the military-industrial complex depended on were unequivocally successful. Accordingly, teaching the respective disciplines at schools and universities was honed to perfection.

The main slogan of the Tubelsky School is: "School should be interesting, the child should be happy to go to school." Please note that for Tubelsky, Amonashvili, Makarenko, it is not only knowledge that matters, it is the students’ and teachers’ emotional state that matters. Education should be joyful! I have repeated this many times and I will say it again.

In 1994, Mikhail Shchetinin’s school was opened in the Krasnodar Krai, near the village of Tekos. The full name was "Boarding School for the Complex Formation of the Personality of Children and Adolescents." Shchetinin’s methods seem quite extreme even now. There is a lot to be told about this school and a lot to learn from it. It was closed quite recently – in 2019.

Shchetinin went the farthest. There were no lessons in his school, there were no classes, students of different ages studied together. The main method of teaching was immersion in the subject. That is, you study continuously, every day for many hours immersing yourself in only one subject. Lessons could take place anywhere, not necessarily in the classrooms. School teachers could not necessarily be teachers, but people passionate about their work. Shchetinin erases all boundaries, removes everything that seemed unshakable and irreplaceable: lessons, classes, teachers, ideas about education in general. I think it was a big leap into the new age of education.


The beginning of the new age was the beginning of the active influence of parents on education. Actually, this was what Makarenko, Amonashvili and other innovative teachers called for. And now we listen with enthusiasm to the lectures of Dima Zitser and Lyudmila Petranovskaya, who, in fact, promote the same ideas of parental responsibility for education. Not only the state, but also parents have the right to determine how their children should be educated. The school’s monopoly on education is ending soon. This is what causes many parents to have a growing interest in family education. Family schools (schools created by parents), democratic schools, Montessori schools, Waldorf schools began to appear. The TIPS is now recognized not by a narrow group of specialists, but by many teachers even in public schools.

Please note that for Tubelsky, Amonashvili, Makarenko, it is not only knowledge that matters, it is the students’ and teachers’ emotional state that matters. Education should be joyful!

I must say that public schools understand that they fail to keep pace with the times and are looking for new solutions. Their main strength is that they can give fundamental education in mathematics, physics and chemistry. I will clarify – to give it to those who really want to take it. The ability to prepare strong personnel for the military-industrial complex has not disappeared. Now programmers have been added to the list of occupations. Here we are developing very well even compared to the rest of the world. The skills of Soviet education are not outdated.

All schools – public, private, family and alternative – are actively searching for new ways of developing education in the XXI century. Unfortunately, this search is not going to bring immediate results as education is a very conservative thing and changes slowly.


In my opinion, in the near future, education will change in the following directions:

• The focus will be on the student, his needs and opportunities. The student who interacts with the world, not counteracts the world. Metadisciplinarity will become the main way of learning (hello, Anton Makarenko, Viktor Shatalov and Mikhail Shchetinin).

• Education will transcend the boundaries of the school, grade, and age. The whole world will become a school (Mikhail Shchetinin, Alexander Tubelsky).

• The main motivation for learning will be interest in the subject, not fear. Positive emotions will be the basis of learning. If a child comes home from school happy, then this is a good school (Shalva Amonashvili, Anton Makarenko, Alexander Tubelsky).

• Boring memorization and cramming will be replaced by effective memorization, a creative approach to solving problems, project work (Genrikh Altshuller, Viktor Shatalov).

• The main challenge for education in the 21st century will be the need to combine a strong scientific worldview with creative approaches and a pedagogy of uncertainty and spontaneity. This is a union between the Soviet scientific school, training, creativity and democratic structure of education, no matter how incompatible they may seem now.

P. S. Unfortunately, there are not too many books and research papers analyzing the experience of Soviet innovative teachers. This topic is just beginning to be explored. The facts I wrote about were largely taken from seminars and personal meetings, conversations with school principals, teachers and students as well as followers of innovative teachers. Here are a few books which are relevant to the topic and which I used in preparing this article.


1. Alexandrova, Ye. A. (2017) Cultural Studies. The History of Ideas and Their Implementation. Moscow: Forum Publ., INFRA-M Publ. (In Russian).

2. Amonashvili, Sh. (2017). How to Love Children. The Experience of Introspection. Moscow: Svet Publ. (In Russian).

3. Amonashvili, Sh. (2014). Pedagogical Parables. Moscow:

Amrita Publ. (In Rusian).

4. Anikeeva, N. (2020). The Main Thing about Raising Children. Montessori, M.; Korczak, J.; Vygotsky, L.; Makarenko, A.; Erikson, E. Moscow: Piter Publ. (In Russian).

5. Soloveytchik, S. (2018). Pedagogy for Everyone. Moscow: AST Publ. (In Russian).

6. Tubelsky, A. (2012). School of the Future Built Together with Children. Moscow: Pervoe sentyabrya Publ. (In Russian).

Архитектура Школы будущего: гибкость, открытость и оригинальность

Хотели бы вы учиться в Школе чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс? Кто из нас, посмотрев серию фильмов о Гарри Поттере, не был восхищен архитектурой и стилем замка? Образ Хогвартса крайне обаятельный, но с реальностью и будущим не соотносимый, считает основатель и генеральный директор бюро IND architects Амир Идиатулин. Эксперт поделился своим мнением, о чем должен помнить архитектор, проектируя Школу будущего, и почему типовые решения могут быть вредны.

Амир Идиатулин

Основатель и генеральный директор бюро IND architects


Дети – невероятно консервативные существа. Ответственные родители знают, что размеренный образ жизни, дисциплина – залог здорового развития ребенка. Если ребенок просыпается, ест, учится, играет, занимается спортом и ложится спать примерно в одно и то же время, он с гораздо большей вероятностью вырастет спокойным, собранным, психически устойчивым. Разумеется, наличие расписания, обуславливающего ритм жизни, – отнюдь не единственный фактор, влияющий на формирование нервной системы молодого организма, однако стоит признать, что это весьма существенный фактор.

Для ребенка принципиально важна предсказуемость, по крайней мере, до момента его вступления в пубертатный возраст, – предсказуемость в еде, в том, как организовано пространство его маленького мира, и так далее.

В школе ребенок проводит значительную часть своей жизни – 5–6 дней в неделю, от 4 часов в день, если говорить о младших классах, и более (не забываем о факультативах и продленке). По этой причине устройство школы должно быть предельно понятным, то есть предсказуемым, таким, чтобы новые ученики максимально быстро адаптировались к непривычной обстановке.

Все мы помним образ Хогвартса из цикла романов о Гарри Поттере – замок с лабиринтообразной структурой, где полно тайных комнат, лестницы постоянно перемещаются и можно проходить сквозь камины и шкаф. Так вот, образ крайне обаятельный, но с реальностью не соотносимый.

Отмечу, что когда я рассуждаю об условной предсказуемости образовательного пространства, то имею в виду, конечно же, его планировочное решение. Немаловажную роль, разумеется, играют и качество навигации, и отношение педагогов к своим подопечным, и общая атмосфера в учебном заведении, но планировка – это основа основ, каркас, который определяет как форму, так и «содержание».


Вместе с тем архитектору следует отдавать себе отчет в том, что дети с их бьющей через край энергией и богатой фантазией остро нуждаются во впечатлениях, в каких-то маркерах самоидентификации. Архитектура школы может и должна быть одним из таких маркеров – вот почему типовые решения в данном случае не то что не применимы (они применимы везде), а скорее вредны.

Задумайтесь, почему какая-нибудь гимназия № 1529 им. А. С. Грибоедова (бывшая школа № 59 им. Н. В. Гоголя) в Староконюшенном переулке в Москве пользуется такой популярностью, почему многие так страстно желают отдать туда своих детей? Дело ведь не только в репутации самого учреждения, в квалификации работающих там учителей. Людей притягивает само здание – у него есть история, его облик узнаваем и впечатывается в память. Большинство российских школ, увы, не могут похвастаться тем же.

«Финская школа» в Подмосковье, также мной упоминавшаяся, является своеобразным прототипом школы-пансионата в Бурабае, подобно тому, как роман «Камера обскура» Набокова можно рассматривать в качестве эскиза к его же «Лолите». В проекте «Финской школы» мы впервые сформулировали те принципы, которые позднее легли в основу концепции IQanat.
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