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Charles Di Tocca: A Tragedy

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Antonio: But 'tis thy lips
That lend it might. If I pressed other —

Helena: Other!
You should not know that any other lips
Could e'er be pressed; I'll have no kiss but his
Who is all blind to every mouth but mine!

(Breaks from him.)

Antonio: Oh? – Well.

Helena: "Oh – well?" – Then it is well I go!

Antonio: Perhaps.

Helena: "Perhaps!"     (Makes to go.)

Antonio: Good-night.

Helena (returning): Antonio – ?

Antonio: Ah! still – ?

Helena: There's gloom in the world again.

Antonio (kissing her): 'Tis gone?

Helena: Not all, I think.

Antonio: Two for so small a gloom?

(Kisses her again.)

Helena: So small!

Antonio: And still you sigh?

Helena: The vainest glooms
To-night seem ominous – as cloud-flakes flung
Upward before the heaving of the west.
(In fright) Oh!

Antonio: Helena!

Helena: See, see! 'tis Agabus!

Enter Agabus unkempt and distracted

Agabus: O – lovers! lovers! Lord have none of them!

Antonio: Good monk —

Agabus: O – yes, yes, yes. You'd give me gold
To pray for your two souls. (Crossing himself.) Not I! Not I!
Know you not love is brewed of lust and fire?
It gnaws and burns, until the Shadow – Sir,

(Searching about the air.)

Have you not seen a Shadow pass?

Antonio: A Shadow?

Agabus: Silent and cold. A-times they call him Death:
I'd have him for my brain – it shakes with fever.

(Goes searching anxiously.

Helena: Antonio —

Antonio: You're calm?

Helena: Yes, very calm —
Of impotence – as one who in a tomb
Awakes and waits?

Antonio: He is but mad.

Helena: But mad.

Antonio: Yet fear you? still?

(A shout is heard.)

Helena: Who is it? soldiers come
From Arta?

Antonio: Yes.

Helena: And by this road! – They must
Not see us!

Antonio: No. But quick, within this breach!

(They conceal themselves in the breach.The soldiers pass across the stage. The last, as all shout "di Tocca!" strikes a column near him. It falls, and Helena starts forward shuddering.)

Helena: Fallen! Ah, fallen! See, Antonio!

Antonio: What now!
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