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Claimed by the Desert Sheikh: The Sheikh and the Pregnant Bride / Desert King, Pregnant Mistress / Desert Prince, Expectant Mother

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“I’ve let it go,” she told him and realized she meant it. She still felt stupid, but she wasn’t longing for a repeat performance. “You’ve let it go. We’re moving on. So answer the question. How’s Elaine?”

“Good. Great. We’re spending a lot of time together.”

She could hear his affection in his voice. Maybe it was more than affection; maybe it was love.

“I’m glad,” she said firmly. “You deserve someone great in your life.”

“You, too. But watch out for those princes at the ball. They play by different rules.”

That made her smile. “I’m hardly in danger, Jon.”

“You’re exactly what they’re looking for.”

She glanced at her scarred hands and thought about the long days she spent in a garage working on cars. She doubted a lot of princes dreamed about a woman like her. “If you say so.”

They talked for a few more minutes, then said goodbye and hung up. As Maggie replaced the phone, she realized she didn’t hurt as much as she thought she would. That talking to him had actually been … nice.

She probed her heart, trying to figure out if she had regrets that things were over between them. There was tenderness there, but it was a whole lot more about missing her friend than missing her lover. Maybe she hadn’t been lying when she’d said they’d both moved on. And wouldn’t that be a good thing?

“They’re not comfortable,” Maggie grumbled as Victoria rolled her hair with heated curlers.

“Beauty is pain. Suck it up, honey.”

Maggie eyed her friend. Victoria was a blond stunner, with her hair piled on top of her head and makeup emphasizing her beautiful features.

“So you practically had to cut off a leg to look like that?” Maggie teased.

Victoria laughed. “What a sweet thing to say. Hold on to that thought because when I’m done with your hair, I’m going to pluck your eyebrows.”

“I don’t think so.”

“You’re going to have to trust me.”

An hour later Maggie stared at herself in the mirror. “Wow.”

“I know. You had all that potential just lurking. Maybe now you’ll take a second or two and put on mascara in the morning.”

Maggie knew that was never going to happen, but she had to say she’d cleaned up a lot better than she’d ever imagined she could.

Her hair had been pinned up in a loose style that allowed a few curls to tumble down to her shoulders. Makeup made her eyes look big and her mouth all pouty. Victoria had lent her a pair of dangling earrings that sparkled, and the dress fit her perfectly, emphasizing the few curves she had.

“I like it,” she said slowly, then shifted her weight and winced. “But the shoes are killing me and don’t say beauty is pain again.”

“You’ll get used to them.” Victoria linked arms with her and stared at their reflection. “Damn. I’m still short.”

“You’re gorgeous.”

“We both are.”

Her friend was being generous, Maggie thought, but she was in the mood to accept the compliment.

There was a knock at the door. The two women looked at each other.

“It’s your room,” Victoria pointed out. “So I’m not expecting anyone.”

Maggie walked to the door, nearly falling off her high heels as she moved. She opened the door and found Qadir standing there.

“Good evening,” he said. “I am here to escort you two ladies to the ball.”

Maggie stared at the handsome prince in his tuxedo. He looked perfect, but then he always did. “Really? That’s so nice. Thank you. We’re about ready.”

She stopped talking and held in a groan. That’s so nice? Could she have said something more stupid?

He stepped into the suite. “Hello, Victoria.”

“Prince Qadir. You’re looking especially royal this evening.”

He smiled. “Thank you. You’re both very beautiful.”

Victoria grabbed Maggie’s arm and pulled her into the bedroom. “You know he’s here for you, don’t you? I’m just a pity date.”

“What? No. He’s not. He’s my boss.”

“So he’s carrying on a time-honored tradition. Be careful, Maggie. You lead with your heart.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “Please. Qadir isn’t here for me. He’s just being polite.”

“Uh-huh. Do you see Nadim being polite and taking me to the party? Qadir is intrigued and when the man in question is a prince, you need to be careful.”

Maggie appreciated her friend’s warning, but there was no need. Qadir would never see her as anything other than his employee. Not that she wanted him to.

The two women collected their evening bags and returned to the living room. Qadir escorted them both downstairs and led them to the elevator.

When the doors opened on the main floor, she could hear music. There were dozens of people in the wide hallway, all moving toward the massive open doors at the far end.

There were lights everywhere. Bright chandeliers and sconces illuminated the well-dressed crowd. More people pushed toward them and Maggie found herself separated from Qadir and Victoria.

She didn’t mind. Victoria’s well-meaning advice had made her a little uncomfortable. Qadir didn’t see her as a woman and she wasn’t about to get any ideas about him. Sure, he’d been great about the car and he was easy to work for, but there was nothing between them.

She pushed Victoria’s words to the back of her mind and concentrated on the beauty of the ballroom.

There was a dais at one end, with an orchestra playing. There were dozens and dozens of food tables scattered around the outside of the room with an equal number of bars between them. Guests pressed together, talking and laughing.

The women were so beautiful, Maggie thought, not sure where to look first. Regardless of their ages, they were stunning in amazing gowns and glittering jewels.

She reached up and touched the earrings Victoria had loaned her. The stones were glass, the gold merely a colored finish. But that didn’t matter. No one had to know they weren’t real or that she’d bought her gown on consignment. For tonight, she was attending a royal ball and she planned to enjoy herself.

She waited in line to get a glass of champagne, then sipped the bubbly liquid. People stood in groups around her, talking loudly. Some of the conversations were in English, but many were not. She recognized a few of the languages.
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