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Claimed by the Desert Sheikh: The Sheikh and the Pregnant Bride / Desert King, Pregnant Mistress / Desert Prince, Expectant Mother

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“Mr. Ambassador—”


She ignored that. “Mr. Ambassador, I’m afraid you have the wrong idea about me.”

She had plenty more she wanted to say, but just then Qadir appeared at her side. “Maggie. There you are. Our dance is next.” He smiled at the Russian. “Do you mind if I cut in?”

Vlad stepped back. “Of course not.”

Qadir drew her against him. “What happened?”


He waited. She sighed. “I think he was coming on to me. I’m not sure.”

“He was.”


Qadir laughed. “He would not be flattered by your reaction.”

“I barely know the man.”

“He is powerful. For many women that is enough.”

Then those women needed to get a life, she thought. “I didn’t know what to say.”

“You can start with no. That usually works.”

“I’ll remember that.” Not that she was likely to run into any more ambassadors. “How was your dance with Sabrina?”

Qadir’s gaze narrowed. “Are you mocking me?”

“Maybe a little. But she is a known breeder.”

He moved them off the dance floor and out onto a balcony. The stone floor was cool on her bare feet.

“For you this situation is amusing,” he grumbled. “For me it is anything but. I do not want an arranged marriage to a sensible young woman from a good family.”

“Then what do you want?”

Qadir didn’t answer. Was it that he didn’t know or was he simply not prepared to share his private thoughts with her?

“Can the king force you into marriage?” she asked instead.

“No. But he can be difficult.”

“He cares about you and it’s not totally crazy that he wants his sons married. I’m sure he’s more than ready for grandchildren.”

“You’re taking his side?” Qadir asked.

“No. I’m pointing out that while his tactics are a little obvious, he means well. He cares, which should be worth something.”

“If he were to turn his considerable interest on getting you married, I suspect you would change your mind.”

“Maybe,” she murmured thinking she wouldn’t mind a little meddling from her own father. It would mean he was still around to bug her. Right now that sounded lovely.

“So he wants a good breeder,” she said, “and you want to fall in love?”

“Love is not required. I would settle for mutual respect and shared interests.”

Neither sounded very romantic, Maggie thought, but then she wasn’t royal. She wanted a lot more than that. Passion, excitement. She wanted to be swept away. She wanted a deep love that would last forever.

Qadir walked around the edge of the dance floor, both watching Maggie dance with his cousin and avoiding Sabrina, Natalie and any other woman of whom his father would approve.

Nadim danced with Maggie as he did everything in his life—with great competence and little real interest.

Nadim was sensible. In truth he lacked personality. Even as a child, Nadim had been boring.

Qadir, As’ad and Kateb had been close, always getting into trouble together, playing tricks on unsuspecting palace staff and causing their father to constantly threaten them with banishment. Nadim had always followed the rules.

Even now, as the song ended, Nadim bowed politely to Maggie, then turned away, never once noticing her bare feet or the way she adjusted her dress to make sure no one caught sight of her toes.

His gaze shifted to the left where he saw Natalie—or was it Sabrina?—glancing around the room as if searching for someone. He moved deeper into the crowd.

While he was pleased his brother As’ad was celebrating his engagement to Kayleen, Qadir wished only for the ball to be over. If he had to meet one more “appropriate” young woman, he would ride into the desert and join his brother Kateb, living in the villages, far from the palace.

It wasn’t that he objected to marriage … at least not in theory. But practice was a different matter. While he wasn’t waiting for the fantasy of falling in love, he wanted to feel something when he chose his future wife. Anticipation would be good. Pleasure.

Even a comfortable level of fondness. So far, he hadn’t felt anything.

He’d been in love once, he reminded himself, and once had been enough. He wasn’t interested in love, as he’d told Maggie, but he insisted on something more than simple disinterest in a marriage of convenience.

He saw As’ad bend down and say something to Kayleen. They looked happy. Not only had his brother found the right woman, but he’d managed to get their father off his back. If only Qadir could do that, as well.

What he needed was an engagement, he told himself. Or at the very least, a serious relationship. While he knew dozens of women who would be interested, he found himself not the least bit intrigued by any of them. One of life’s ironies, he supposed.

He saw Maggie move toward the buffet. She ignored the caviar and went right for the tiny quiches. She popped one in her mouth, then licked her fingers.

The action was quick and unstudied, yet he found it erotic. The flick of her tongue against her skin made him think of doing the same to her himself. All over.

The heat that accompanied the thought was nearly as surprising as the image now planted in his brain. Maggie? Sexy?

She was competent and he enjoyed speaking with her. He liked teasing her and the sound of her laugh, but nothing more. She worked for him. She wasn’t the type of woman who played his kind of game. She was …

Perfect, he thought as he studied her. Sensible, hardworking and not the least bit pretentious. While she hadn’t come out and said money was an issue in her life, he knew she’d wanted the job because of the high fee involved. Was she willing to sell other services that might help him distract his father?

“It’s almost like Christmas,” Maggie breathed as she stared at the stack of boxes waiting right outside her office. She’d arrived a little late this morning. The party had gone on long into the night and she’d stayed far later than she’d expected. It had made getting up with her alarm a bit of a challenge. But now that she was here, she stared at the packages and forgot to be tired.
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