Quatrain 5.15 Abdication of Napoleon I
En nauigant captif prins grand pontife;
Grands apprestez saillir les clercs tumultuez:
Second esleu absent son bien debise,
Son fauory bastard ? mort tuе.
The great Pontiff taken captive while navigating,
The great one will fall, the clerks will in tumult:
Second one elected in his absence, estate declines,
His favorite bastard to death broken.
The first line is possibly about Pope Pius VII, who came into conflict with Napoleon I. On the night of 6.07.1809 General Etienne arrested the pontiff.
The second line is about Bonaparte's abdication in 1815 and the appointment of a young son, whom he loved very much, as his successor.
3 line. At the time of his abdication, Napoleon II had not lived in France for 2 years. He never ruled, and in 1832, apparently, was killed (4 line). Bastards were those who had only one of the parents of royal blood. Only the mother of Napoleon II came from the royal family.
After the exile of the emperor, the monarchy was restored in France by initiative of Alexander I. This entailed changes in state institutions and a change of personnel.
Linkage with other quatrains: 8.32 "Napoleon II"
Decoding of the number 5.15. If 5 to flip into 2 (215), 200-15 = 185, 1 to put before 5, then we get 1815 -year of Bonaparte's final exile.
Quatrain 3.96* Duke of Berry
Chef de Fossan aura gorge couppee,
Par le ducteur du limier & leurier:
La fait pare par ceux du mont Tarpee,
Saturne en leo treziesme Feurier.
The Chief of Fossano will have his throat cut
By the leader of the bloodhound and greyhound:
The deed executed by those of the Tarpeian Rock,
Saturn in Leo February 13.
A. Lepeletier gave the first interpretation of this prophecy. Based on the date, he assumed the assassination of the Duke of Berry, who was to inherit the throne of France. As stated in the quatrain, on 13 February 1820, the artisan Louis Louvel mortally wounded the Duke when he leaving the theater, but not to the throat, but to the chest.
Here the prophet revealed else one secret. Line 3 indicates that the criminal initiative originated in Italy. In ancient Rome convicts were throwns from the Tarpeian rock. At this time, Napoleon Bonaparte was hiding in Italy, having escaped from the island of St. Helena
Line 2 also points to the Emperor, who has always loved and kept dogs. Perhaps he wanted to break the Bourbon line, free the throne for his son. However, his plans did not come true, his son died young, at the initiative of his nephew.
Decoding of the number 3.96. If 3 to consider as 3000, 6 to turn over in 9, then 3000-99 =2901. 9-1=8. Rearrangement of numbers gives 1820 – the year of the murder.
Quatrain 5.79 Reign of Napoleon
La sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles
Par la venue du grand Legislateur:
Humble haussera, vexera les rebelles,
Naistra sur terre aucun aemulateur.
The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings,
Through the coming of the great legislator:
He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels,
His like will not appear on this earth.
The 1 line. Napoleon captivated the Pope, expropriated the property of the church, oppressed the priests. The second line is about his lawmaking.
The 3 line. Distribution of titles and positions to people from the bottom who managed to be useful to the emperor – “will vex the rebels”. The seizure of power in 1799 is considered the end of the revolution and the restoration of absolutism.
Linkage with other quatrains: 4.54, 8.57, 1.76.
Decoding of the number 5.79. If 5 to flip in 2 and to consider 2 as 2000 then 2000-79=1921, 9-1=8, 1821 – the year of death.
Quatrain 3.27 The decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphs
Prince lybinique puissant en Occident,
Fran?ois d'Arabe viendra tant enflammer:
S?auans aux lettres sera condescendent,
La langue Arabe en Fran?ois translater.
Libyan Prince powerful in the West
Francois with Arabian will come as inflame.
He will learned condescending to letters
Francois translate the Arabian language.