Red and black will they convert in their green.
Napoleon III Bonaparte (20.04.1808-09.01.1873) was a nephew of Napoleon I. He came to power through elections, having become the first president of France in 1848. From 1852 he became the last emperor of France. For some reason, Nostradamus calls Napoleon I a saint, although a definition given to in quatrain 1.60 fits him more: "rather a butcher than a prince". He is not a saint at all, given the ravage of the church and the number of people killed by his wars.
The 2 line. The name and glory of Napoleon I supported and maintained the authority of the nephew. He understood this. In everything even in clothes Napoleon III tried to imitate his uncle. His reign was the embodiment of Bonapartism ideas.
In the third line Nostradamus predicts the capture of the emperor, besides the insurgent people deprived him of all rights and privileges and he died in exile.
In the last line about changing colors there is an association with his two portraits by Winterhalter.
On one of them ( which was painted in 1855 he is depicted in black and red colors. A later portrait (,_m%C3%A5lning_av_Franz_Xaver_Winterhalter_fr%C3%A5n_1857.jpg#mw-jump-to-license) painted in 1857 he is depicted in green tones. Then the last line should be: "Red and black will change to green." Although in my opinion other interpretations of this line are also possible.
Linkage with other quatrains: 6.22, 4.22.
Decoding of the number 10.30. 1000-30=970, 9-1=8, we will get 870 – the year of captivity.
Quatrain 5.30* Capture of Paris 1870
Tout ? l'entour de la grande citе,
Seront soldats logez par champs & ville,
Donner l'assaut Paris, Rome incitе,
Sur le pont lors sera faite grand pille.
All around the great city
Soldiers will be lodged throughout the fields and towns:
To give the assault Paris, Rome incited,
Then upon the bridge great pillage will be carried.
During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 Napoleon III was captured. In France a new revolution began. The Prussian army blocked Paris. Famine started in the city because of a lack of supply. After bombing Paris was surrendered.
The 4th line. In May 1871 a peace treaty (bridge) was concluded according to which France had to pay 5 billion francs and give Alsace and Lorraine to Prussia.
Linkage with other quatrains: 10.30
Decoding of the number 5.30. If 5 flip in 2 then 2000-30=1970. 9-1=8 then we will get 1870 – the year of capture.
Quatrain 7.34 Paris Commune
En grand regret sera la gent Gauloise,
C?ur vain, leger croira temerite:
Pain, sel, ne vin, eau, venin ne ceruoise,
Plus grand captif, faim, froid, necessite.
The French nation will be in great grief,
vain and lighthearted, they will believe rash things.
No bread, salt, wine nor water, venom nor ale,
the greater one captured, hunger, cold and want.
“The greater one captured” – the capture of Napoleon III in 1870. The king provoked the war with Prussia by his defiant behavior and lost. The war did not stop after his captivity. The Paris Commune rose and proclaimed the republic. The last two lines tell about the hardships of the people in the period of revolution, war and interregnum.
Linkage with other quatrains: 6.22, 4.22, 3.14.
Quatrain 3.14 From unhappy father
Par le rameau du vaillant personnage,
De France infime par le pere infelice:
Honneurs, richesses, trauail en son vieil aage,
Pour auoir creu le conseil d'homme nice.
The branch of the valiant personage,
From France: from feeble of the unhappy father:
Honors, riches, travail in his old age,
For having believed the advice of a simple man.
The branch of the valiant personage. This is probably a prophecy about Napoleon III (1808-1873) – the nephew of Napoleon I.
From France: from feeble of the unhappy father. He was born in France. The daughter of Josephine Hortense was his mother, and his father was Louis Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother. This marriage took place on the orders of the emperor and was unhappy. At the wedding, the bride was tearful. Together they almost did not live. Louis was practically disabled: due to severe arthritis, he had difficulty controlling his arms and legs, and was subject to severe depression. Moreover, he was of not atraditional sexual orientation.
Honors, riches, travail in his old age. Napoleon III became emperor of France. In 1870, he lost the war of Prussia, was captured, then emigrated to England. There he lived rather poorly.
Decoding of number 3.14. If the numbers to rearrange – 413, to consider 4 as 400, then 400-13=387. The numbers rearrange – 873, 1 put in front, we get 1873 – the year of death Napoleon III.
Катрен 4.22 The Naked King
La grand copie qui sera dechassee
Dans vn moment fera besoin au Roy,
La foy promise de loing sera faussee,
Nud se verra en piteux desarroy.