Que sept ne tiennent par rang la Hierarchie.
Libra will see Hesperius rule
He will rule over heaven and earth,
No one will see the forces of Asia perish
Until the seven take their place in the hierarchy.
Hesperia – Western Europe.
Quatrain 2.31 Long rain
En campagne Cassilin fera tant
Qu'on ne verra que d'eau les champs couuerts
Deuant, apres, la pluye de long temps
Hors mis les arbres rien l'on verra de vert.
In Campania the Capuan [river] will do so much
That one will see only fields covered by waters:
Before and after the long rain
One will see nothing green except the trees.
Quatrain 3.42 The mutations
L'enfant naistra ? deux dents en la gorge,
Pierre en Tulcie par pluye tomberont:
Peu d'ans apres ne sera bled ne orge,
Pour faouller ceux qui de faim failliront.
The child will be born with two teeth in his mouth,
The stones will fall during the rain in Tuscany:
A few years after there will be neither wheat nor barley,
To satiate those who will faint from hunger.
Quatrain 2.7 Will die of famine
Entre plusieurs aux isles deportees,
L'vn estre nay ? deux dents en la gorge
Mourront de faim, les arbres esbroutees
Pour eux neuf Roy nouuel edit leur forge.
Amongst several transported to the isles,
One to be born with two teeth in his mouth
They will die of famine the trees stripped,
For them a new King issues a new edict.
As in quatrain 3.42, the great famine is predicted here, and the birth of one with two teeth.
Quatrain 1.44 Sacrifices will be resumed
En bref seront de retour sacrifices,
Contreuenans seront mis a martyre,
Plus ne seront Moines, Abbez, Nouices,
Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher que cire.
In a short time sacrifices will be resumed,
those opposed will be put (to death) like martyrs.
The will no longer be monks, abbots or novices.
Honey shall be far more expensive than wax.
Quatrain 9.3 Double-headed monsters
La magna vaqua ? Rauenne grand trouble,
Conduicts par quinze enserrez ? Fornase:
A Rome naistra deux monstres ? teste double,
Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands ? l'espase.
The 'great cow' at Ravenna in great trouble,
Led by fifteen shut up at Fornase: