1.What (Quе) do you read (leer)?
2.What (Quе) books (libro..) do they read (leer)?
3.What (Quе) poems (versos) do you learn by heart (aprender)?
4.I think (creer) that you already (ya) 1.understand (comprender) 3.Spanish (el espa?ol) 2.well (bien).
Who (Quiеn)
Who reads the books? – ?Quiеn lee los libros?
Tell, please, who reads the books? – Diga, ?quiеn lee los libros?
1.Who (Quiеn) is coming (llegar) today (hoy)?
2.Who speaks (hablar) 2.Spanish (el espa?ol) 1.well (bien)?
3.Tell me (Diga) who (quien) speaks (hablar) 2….Spanish 1.well (bien)?
How / how well / as (Cоmo / como)
How well do they read? – ?Cоmo leen?
As they read much, they know a lot. – Como leen mucho, saben muchas cosas.
1.How (Cоmo) do you learn (aprender) the …poems (versos)?
2.How well do you understand (comprender) the …grammar (gramаtica)?
3.As (Como) he doesn’t speak (hablar) Russian (ruso), we speak to (con) him (еl) in Spanish (espa?ol).
4.As she studies (estudiar) bad (mal), she doesn’t understand (comprender) Spanish.
Where (Dоnde / donde)
Where does he live? – ?Dоnde vive?
Where do they work? – ?Dоnde trabajan?
He does not know where she lives. – No sabe donde vive.
1.Where (Dоnde) does Marisol study (estudiar)?
2.Where do these (estos) students (estudiantes) learn (estudiar) Spanish?
3.He doesn’t know (saber) where she lives (vivir).
Why (Por quе)
Because (Porque)
Why don’t you read? – ?Por quе no lees?
Why doesn’t he work? – ?Por quе no trabaja?
1.Why (Por quе) don’t you read (leer) the …books (libros) in (en) English (inglеs)?
2.I don’t read, becauseI understand (comprender) 2.English (el inglеs) 1.bad (mal).
3.Why are not you learning (aprender) the… poems (versos)?
4.I am not learning (aprender) the… poems (versos) because (porque) now (ahora) I am reading (leer) a… text (texto).
Упражнение 38
*Ключом к данному упражнению является упражнение 41.
Переведите на английский язык.
Где ты живешь? – Where do you live?
Где он живет? – Where does he live?
1. Где (Where) учатся (study) эти (this) студенты (student..)?
2.Сколько (How many) предметов (subject..) они изучают (learn)? Что (What) они делают (do) каждый (every) день (day)?
3.Во сколько (What time) начинается (begin) первая (the first) лекция (lecture)?
4.Сколько времени (How long) она (it) длится (last)?
5.Когда (When) начинается (begin) вторая (the second) лекция (lecture)?
6.В котором часу (What time) начинается третья (the third) лекция?
7.Когда студенты приходят (come) домой (home)?
8.Что (What) они делают (do) дома (at home)?