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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Used as a tool, 135 (#x5_x_5_i5).

Accuses Hastings before the Council, 150 (#x5_x_5_i29).

Seized on charge of felony, and convicted, 153 (#x5_x_5_i33).

His execution, 155 (#x5_x_5_i37).

Oates, Titus, his plot, ii. 321-326.

Ochino, Bernardo, sermons by, ii. 369.

Ode to the Virgin, Petrarch's, i. 32.

Old Bachelor, Congreve's, iii. 81 (#x3_x_3_i20).

Oligarchy, has proved universally pernicious, i. 64.

Omichund, his position in India, ii. 709.

His treachery toward Clive, 711-717.

Omnipresence of the Deity, Montgomery's, criticised, i. 556.

Orange, William, Prince of, ii. 537.

The only hope of his country, 542.

His success against the French 543.

His marriage with the Lady Mary, 550.

See William III.

Orators, On the Athenian, i. 40-55.

Oratory, excellence to which it attained at Athens, i. 45.

Circumstances favorable to that result, 46.

Principles upon which it is to be estimated, 49.

Causes of the difference between English and Athenian orators, 50.

History of, at Athens, 51.

Speeches of the ancients, as transmitted to us by Thucydides, 52.

Period during which it flourished most at Athens, 52.

Coincidence between the progress of the art of war and that of oratory, 54.

Orme, his work on India, ii. 671.

Orsini, Princess, ii. 154, 155, 169.

Osborne, Sir Peter, and Sir William Temple, ii. 511.

Ossian, poems of, utterly condemned, i. 20.

Ostracism in Athens, i. 64.

Oude, Hastings's dealings with the Prince of, iii. 137 (#x5_x_5_i8).

Monetary demands on, 188 (#x6_x_6_i32).

Begums of, plundered, 191 (#x6_x_6_i39).

Overbury, Sir Thomas, ii. 436, 438.

Oxford, University of, inferior to that of Cambridge, in intellectual activity, ii. 364.

Painting, causes of its decline, in England after the civil wars, ii. 199.

Paley, cited, i. 660. Mr. Gladstone on, ii. 605.

Papacy, its antiquity, iii. 2 (#x1_x_1_i42).

Triumph at the Reformation due to public opinion, 25 (#x1_x_1_i69).

Papists and Protestants, line of demarcation between, ii. 380.

Paradise Lost, Milton's, i. 99.

Parker, Archbishop, ii. 89.

Parliament, recent demands on, i. 377.

Reform of, demanded, 378.

Parliament of James I., ii. 13, 14.

Of Charles I., his first, 15, 16.

His second, 17.

Its dissolution, 18.

His fifth, 31.
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