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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Effect of the publication of its proceedings, 220.

Parliament, the Long, its actions justified, i. 116.

Convened, 306.

Early measures approved, 316.

Attempt to seize five of its members, 318.

Loyal tendency of, 319.

Loyalists in, 320.

Attitude at the beginning of the war, 329.

Nineteen propositions of, 331.

Claims control of the militia, 333.

Its errors, 335.

Inclined to half measures at first, 338.

Growth of military party in, 339.

Gets into the hands of the army, 340.

Its first meeting, ii. 36.

Recapitulation of its acts, 37.

Its attainder of Strafford defended, 39, 40.

Sends Hampden to Edinburgh to watch the king, 41.

Refuses to surrender the members ordered to be impeached, 45.

Openly defies the king, 49.

Its conditions of reconciliation, 53.

Pascal, Blaise, ii. 590.

"Patriots, The," in opposition to Sir Robert Walpole, ii. 219.

Their remedies for state evils, 220-222.

Paulet, Sir Amias, ii. 373.

Peacham, Rev. Mr., his treatment by Bacon, ii. 405.

Peel, Sir Robert, i. 701.

Peerage, Sadler's assertion of its sterility refuted, i. 633, 684.

Pelham, Henry, his character, ii. 228.

His death, 260.

Pelhams, the, their ascendency, ii. 227.

Their accession to power, 255.

Feebleness of the opposition to them, 257.

Peninsular War, Southey's, i. 500.

People, the, in the 17th and 19th centuries, i. 543, 544.

Their welfare disregarded in partition treaties, ii. 141, 142.

Pepys, Samuel, praises the Triple Alliance, ii. 536, note.

Pericles, his eloquence, i. 53.

Distributes gratuities to Athenian tribunals, ii. 431.

Périer, J. V., his translation of Machiavelli, i. 140.

Peterborough, Earl of, his expedition to Spain, ii. 159.

His character, 159, 171.

His successes on the northeast coast of Spain, 161-166.

His retirement to Valencia thwarted, 170.

Returns to Valencia as a volunteer, 170.

His recall to England, 171.

Pétion, the Girondist, iii. 523 (#x16_x_16_i23).

His unfortunate end, 527 (#x16_x_16_i29).

Saint Just's speech on his guilt, 528 (#x16_x_16_i31).

"Petition of Right," enactment of the, ii. 17.
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