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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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His unpopularity, 253.

Accepts a peerage, 254.

Puritans, absurd and brilliant characteristics of, i. 128-132.

Theatres closed by, 209.

Persecution of, by Elizabeth, inexcusable, 295.

Their persecution by Charles I., ii. 22.

Settlement in America, 29.

Blamed for calling in the Scots, 34.

Defended against this accusation, 34, 35.

Difficulty and peril of their leaders, 44.

The austerity of their manners drove many to the royal standard, 55.

Their position at the close of the reign of Elizabeth, 380.

Pym, John, intimate with Hampden, ii. 31.

His influence, 36.

His impeachment ordered by the King, 45.

Lady Carlisle's warning to him, 46.

Pynsent, Sir William, his legacy to Chatham, iii. 645 (#x19_x_19_i58).

Quebec, conquest of, by Wolfe, ii. 276.

Quintilian, as a critic, i. 42.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, ii. 94.

His position at court at the close of Elizabeth's reign, 383.

His execution, 413.

Ramus, ii. 455.

Ranke, Leopold, review of his History of the Popes, iii. 1-46 (#x1_x_1_i36).

His qualifications as an historian, 1 (#x1_x_1_i36), 44 (#x2_x_2_i23).

Red-haired people, might be forced into the attitude of the Jews toward governments, i. 649.

Reform Bill, ii. 268.

Conduct of its opponents, 336.

Reformation, the, spirit of, in Europe, i. 296.

In England, 297.

Its immediate effect upon political liberty in England, ii. 8.

Analogy between it and the French Revolution, 71.

Its effect upon the Church of Rome, 138.

Vacillation which it produced in English legislation, 364.

Progress of, in northern Europe, iii. 14 (#x1_x_1_i58).

In Italy, 15 (#x1_x_1_i61).

In Spain, 16 (#x1_x_1_i62).

Effect of, on the Catholic Church, 22 (#x1_x_1_i65).

Degenerates into a political contest, 35 (#x2_x_2_i11).

Reformers, always unpopular in their own age, ii. 303.

Regium Donum, ii. 654.

Religion, of the English, in the 16th century, ii. 85-89.

Injurious influence of Louis XIV. on, 118, 119.

Natural and revealed, does not admit of progress, iii. 4 (#x1_x_1_i44).

Remedies of Good and Evil Fortune, Petrarch's, i. 37.

Revolution of 1688, i. 366.

Review of Mackintosh's History of, ii. 283-356.

Revolution, the French, social and political consequences of, ii. 71, 72, 99-101, 296, 297.

Terms in which it is spoken of by M. Dumont, 98-103, 294.

Compared with the English and with the American, 107, 122-124.
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