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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Rupert, Prince, ii. 48, 58.

His encounter with Hampden at Chalgrove, 59.

Russell, Lord William, his conduct in the Council, ii. 581.

His death, 584.

Russia, joins Maria Theresa against

Prussia, iii. 294 (#x9_x_9_i18).

Goes over to Prussia, 327 (#x10_x_10_i10).

Rutland, Earl of, his character, ii. 423.

Ruyter, Admiral de, in danger of assassination, ii. 542.

Sackville, Earl of (16th century), ii. 93.

Sackville, Lord George, ii. 728.

Sadler, Michael Thomas, his Law of Population reviewed, i. 608-640.

His ranting style, 608.

Deems the asserted evil of superfecundity a reflection on the Deity, 611.

Attempts to distinguish this from other evils, 613.

His law of population, 615.

Misuse of mathematical terms, 616.

His law proved false, 618.

Danger of attaching such theories to religion, 621.

His law at most merely a theory of superfecundity, 623.

Evidence entirely against him, 624-627.

Connection between fecundity and wealth, 631.

Unfounded assertion of the sterility of the Peerage, 632.

His conclusions with regard to the United States, 636.

His ideas on their population, 637.

His faults summarized, 640.

His Refutation refuted, 656-690.

His motto ridiculed, 656.

His essay utterly bad, 657.

Tries to evade his attack on Malthus, 659.

His doctrine with regard to evil refuted, 661.

Claims that Malthus charges the Deity with partiality, 663.

Accused of "packing," 670, 680.

His theory disproved by general conditions in France, 670.

And in England, 675.

Especially by conditions in English towns, 680.

His further deductions from the fecundity of the nobility, 684.

General remarks on his work, 690.

St. John, Henry, his accession to power in 1712, ii. 177, 186. See Bolingbroke, Lord.

St. John, Oliver, counsel against Charles I.'s writ for ship-money, ii. 28, 32-34.

Made Solicitor-General, 40.

St. Louis, his persecution of heretics, ii. 432.

St. Maloes, ships burnt in the harbor of, ii. 276.

Saint Simon, cited, ii. 116, 184.

Sallust, characteristics of, as an historian, i. 259.

His Conspiracy of Catiline criticised, 260.

His character and genius, ii. 358.

Samson Agonistes, modelled on the Greek Drama, i. 95.

Satan, Montgomery's, worse than his other poor poems, i. 566.

Schitab Roy, ii. 133.
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