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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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The first and second, 108-110.

Warnings which preceded it, 112-122.

Richardson, Samuel, dependent on his shop for support, i. 723.

Richelieu, Duke of, captures Minorca, ii. 266.

His frivolity and vice, iii. 312 (#x9_x_9_i42).

Robertson, Dr., sometimes misplaced words ludicrously, ii. 477.

Robinson, Sir Thomas, leader of the House of Commons, ii. 262, 263.

Rockingham, Marquess of, leader of the independent Whigs, iii. 654 (#x20_x_20_i15).

Becomes first Lord of the Treasury, 655 (#x20_x_20_i17).

Brings Burke to his side, 656 (#x20_x_20_i20).

Action on the Stamp Act, 658 (#x20_x_20_i24).

Carries the repeal, 663 (#x20_x_20_i35).

Dismissed, 667 (#x20_x_20_i44).

Moderation toward the new government, 672 (#x20_x_20_i52).

Attitude toward Chatham, 680 (#x20_x_20_i66).

Roe, Sir Thomas, advises the East India Company, ii. 737.

Rohillas, their courage and independence, iii. 139 (#x5_x_5_i12).

Conquered for the Prince of Oude by British troops, 141 (#x5_x_5_i15).

Roland, Madame, dying words of, ii. 100.

Execution of, iii. 533 (#x16_x_16_i38).

Rome, its lack of progress in political science, i. 265.

Exclusive spirit of, 266.

Under the tutelage of Greece only, 267.

Literary torpor induced by despotism, 269.

Only broken by the barbarian invasions, 271.

Bribery at, ii. 431, 432.

Rome, Church of, its encroaching disposition, ii. 322.

Its policy, 334.

Remarkable history of, iii. 2 (#x1_x_1_i42).

Rebellion against in Provence, 9 (#x1_x_1_i54).

Lollard movement against, 13 (#x1_x_1_i57).

The great reformation, 14 (#x1_x_1_i58).

Internal purification of, 18 (#x1_x_1_i64).

New enthusiasm in, 22 (#x1_x_1_i65).

Its contest with Protestantism, 24 (#x1_x_1_i67).

Superb organization of, 29 (#x2_x_2_i3).

Its utilization of enthusiasts, 30 (#x2_x_2_i4).

Degenerates again from its highest standard, 35 (#x2_x_2_i11).

Its territorial limit, 36 (#x2_x_2_i12).

Fourth attack on, 38 (#x2_x_2_i14).

Its calamities during the French Revolution, 42 (#x2_x_2_i20).

Again regained its position, 44 (#x2_x_2_i23).

Rooke, Sir George, Rear Admiral, captures Gibraltar, ii. 158.

Fights with a French squadron near Malaga and returns to England, 159.

Rosamond, opera of, Addison's, iii. 431 (#x13_x_13_i61).

Rousseau, Horace Walpole's opinion of, ii. 198.

Royalists, their good qualities, i. 132.

Many of them friends of the constitution, 328.

Rulers, theoretical tendency of, i. 390.

Effect of public opinion on, 392.
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