Sir To. [Draws.] Nay, if you be an undertaker, I am for you.
[Sir Toby and Antonio fight.]
[Sir Andrew hides himself behind the Trees. – Viola retires a little.]
Fab. [Parts them.] O good Sir Toby, hold; here come the officers.
Sir To. [To Antonio.] I'll be with you anon. [Antonio shows great alarm– Sir Toby sheathes his sword.] – Sir knight, – Sir Andrew, —
Sir And. Here I am.
Sir To. What, man! – Come on. [Brings Sir Andrew forward.]
Vio. [Advances.] 'Pray, sir, [To Sir Andrew.] put up your sword, if you please.
Sir And. Marry, will I, sir; – and, for that I promised you, I'll be as good as my word: He will bear you easily, and reins well.
Enter two Officers of Justice.
1 Off. This is the man; do thy office.
2 Off. Antonio, I arrest thee at the suit
Of Duke Orsino.
Ant. You do mistake me, sir.
1 Off. No, sir, no jot; I know your favour well. —
Take him away; he knows, I know him well.
Ant. I must obey. – This comes with seeking you;
But there's no remedy.
Now my necessity
Makes me to ask you for my purse: It grieves me
Much more, for what I cannot do for you,
Than what befalls myself. You stand amazed;
But be of comfort.
1 Off. Come, sir, away.
Ant. I must entreat of you some of that money.
Vio. What money, sir?
For the fair kindness you have showed me here,
And, part, being prompted by your present trouble,
Out of my lean and low ability
I'll lend you something: my having is not much;
I'll make division of my present with you;
Hold, there is half my coffer.
Ant. Will you deny me now?
Is't possible, that my deserts to you
Can lack persuasion? Do not tempt my misery;
Lest that it make me so unsound a man,
As to upbraid you with those kindnesses
That I have done for you.
Vio. I know of none;
Nor know I you by voice, or any feature.
Ant. O heavens themselves!
1 Off. Come, sir, I pray you, go.
Ant. Let me speak a little. This youth that you see here,
I snatch'd one half out of the jaws of death;
And to his image, which, methought, did promise
Most venerable worth, did I devotion.
But, O, how vile an idol proves this god! —
Thou hast, Sebastian, done good feature shame. —
In nature there's no blemish, but the mind;
None can be call'd deform'd, but the unkind:
Virtue is beauty; but the beauteous-evil
Are empty trunks, o'erflourish'd by the devil.
[Exeunt Antonio and Officers.
Sir To. Come hither, knight; come hither, Fabian.
[They retire together.
Vio. He named Sebastian; I my brother know
Yet living in my glass; even such, and so,
In favour was my brother; and he went
Still in this fashion, colour, ornament;
For him I imitate: O, if it prove,
Tempests are kind, and salt waves fresh in love!
[Exit Viola.
[They advance.]
Sir To. A very dishonest paltry boy, and more a coward than a hare; his dishonesty appears, in leaving his friend here in necessity, and denying him; and for his cowardship, ask Fabian.
Fab. A coward, a most devout coward, religious in it.
Sir And. 'Slid, I'll after him again, and beat him.
Sir To. Do, cuff him soundly; – but never draw thy sword.