Çĭn´trȧ: a town in Portugal.
clăṉ´gor: a sharp, harsh, ringing sound.
clēave: cut; part.
clī´ent: one who asks advice of a lawyer.
cŏm mĕnd´ĕd: praised.
cŏm pass´iȯn ā̍te ly̆: (păsh) pityingly.
cŏm pĕlled´: forced, obliged.
cŏm´plā̍i sănt ly̆: politely.
cŏm prē̍ hĕnd´: understand.
cŏn çĕn´tẽred: concentrated; fixed.
cŏn fīd´ĭng: trusting.
cŏn jĕc´tū̍re: guess.
cŏn jūre´: beg earnestly.
cȯn´ jŭr ẽr: a magician.
cŏn´ sē̍ quĕnt ly̆: accordingly; as a result.
cŏn strŭc´tion (shŭn): manner of building; arrangement.
cŏn vẽrt´ĕd: changed.
cŏn ve̱yed´: carried.
cȯv´ẽrt: shelter.
Crṳ´sōes̝: men like Robinson Crusoe, the hero of the story of that name. He was a shipwrecked sailor who lived many years on an uninhabited island.
dē̍ ci´siȯn: fixed purpose. (sĭzh)
deficiency (dē̍ fĭsh´en çy̆): want.
dē̍ lĭb´ẽr ā̍te: slow and careful.
dē̍ mūre´ly̆: soberly.
dĭs guīs̝ed´: dressed for the purpose of concealment.
dĭs̝´mal: sad.
dĭ vẽrt´: turn aside.
Dō dō´nȧ.
drēar´ĭ ĕst: most comfortless and sorrowful.
drow´s̝y̆: sleepy.
ĕd´dy̆ ĭng: moving in a circle.
ē̍ mẽrġed´: came out.
ĕm´ĭ grants: emigrants are people who have left one country to settle in another.
ĕn coun´tẽr: meet.
ĕn´ẽr ġy̆: force and resolution; power for work.
ĕn tẽr tāin´ment: amusement.
ē̍ quĭpped´: dressed; fitted out.
ĕs pīed´: saw.
ē̍ thē´rē̍ al: heavenly.
fēat´ly̆: nimbly.
fēats: tricks.
fēe: charge.
fĕs´tĭ vals̝: feasts.
fī´broŭs: composed of fibers or threads; tough.
fĭ dĕl´ĭ ty̆: faithfulness.
fis´sṳre: a narrow opening. (fĭsh)
fit´fụl: changeable.
fläunt: wave; spread out.
flēe: run away.