phiz (fĭz): face.
pilot-cloth sack: a coat made of coarse dark blue cloth such as pilots wear.
plī´ant: bending easily without breaking.
plŭm´my̆: full of plums.
pŏl´lȯck: a sea-fish somewhat like the cod.
pŏl lū´tion (shŭn): uncleanness.
pôr´pȯis ĕs̝: sea animals.
pōrt: manner of carrying oneself.
pōr trāy´al: description.
pō´tion (shŭn): drink; dose, usually of liquid medicine.
prīed: looked closely.
prŏd´ûçe: that which is brought forth from the ground.
profession (prō̍ fĕsh´ŭn): employment; the business which one follows.
prō̍ mōt´ĕd: advanced; raised in rank.
prō̍ trūd´ĕd: thrust out.
prow: the forepart of a vessel.
prowl´ĭng: going stealthily or slyly.
quạd´rụ pĕd: an animal having four feet.
quāint: odd; curious.
quạr´ry̆: the animal hunted.
qua̤r´tẽr stạff: a long, stout staff used as a weapon.
quĕst: search.
răm´pärts: walls surrounding a place for its defense.
rē̍ lŭc´tant: unwilling.
rĕm ĭ nĭs´çĕnç ĕs̱ recollections.
rē̍ mŏn´stranç ĕs̝: objections.
rē̍ nounçe´: give up.
rē̍ pĕl´: drive away.
rē̍ prōach´fụl ly̆: chidingly.
rē̍ quīred´: needed.
rĕs̝´ĭn: a gummy substance which flows from the fir tree.
rē̍ splĕn´dent: very bright; shining.
rē̍ tīred´: went away.
rĕv ẽr ĕn´tial (shal): respectful; humble.
rōamed: wandered; went from place to place.
rō´s̝ē̍ ā̍te: rosy.
ro̤u tïne´: regular course of action.
rŭd´dĭ nĕss: redness.
săl´lĭed: ran out.
Säm ar känd´.
Sä mō´ä.
săn´dals̱: shoes consisting of soles strapped to the feet.
scĕp´tẽr: a staff carried by a king as a sign of his authority.
sēa-pīes̱: shore birds, sometimes called oyster catchers.
sē̍ clūd´ĕd: apart from others; lonely.
sĕdġ´ĕs̝: coarse grasses which grow in marshy places.
Sĕ rā´pĭs.
shēer: straight up and down.
shĭl´lĭngs̝: the shilling is a silver coin of Great Britain equal in value to about twenty-four cents of our money.
shōal: a great number, a crowd – said especially of fish.