 Рейтинг: 4.5

Graded Literature Readers: Fourth Book

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flĭm´s̝y̆ thin.

fŏr beâr´: keep from.

fŏr´eĭgn: belonging to other countries.

fōur scōre: eighty.

fra̤ud: deceit; cheat.

frŏth´y̆: full of bubbles.

fŭṉc´tions (shŭns̝): actions suitable to a business or profession.

găl´lant: brave.

găl´ley̆: a vessel with oars, used by ancient people.

gärb: dress.

Gēe´zĭs: the sun.

ġē´nĭes̝: spirits; powerful fairies.

giving ear: listening.

glâre: stare; look fiercely.

glēe: joy; mirth.

glŏss´y̆: smooth and shining.

grăt´ĭ tū̍de: thankfulness.

grăv ĭ tā´tion (shŭn): the law of nature by which all bodies are drawn toward one another.

Great Wall, the: a wall fourteen hundred miles long, built many hundreds of years ago for the defense of the Chinese Empire.

grēen´swa̤rd: turf green with grass.

guärd´ĭ an: one to whose care a person or thing is committed.

gŭlls̝: long-winged seabirds.

hăv´ŏc: destruction; ruin.

ha̤ws̝´ẽrs̝: large ropes.

hẽr´mĭt: a man who lives apart from other people.

hĭl´lȯck: a small mound.

hīre´lĭng: one who serves for gain only.

hŏp´pẽr: a box through which grain passes into a mill.


hȯv´ẽrs̝: covers; shelters.

hū̍ mĭl´ĭ ā´tion (shŭn): shame; disgrace.

ĭl lū´mĭ nāt ĕd: lighted up; brightened.

ĭm ăġ´ĭ nȧ tĭve: full of fancies.

ĭm pĕt´ū̍ oŭs: hasty.

ĭm pŏs´tor: a cheat; one who imposes upon others.

ĭn crē̍ dū´lĭ ty̆: unbelief.

ĭn´fĭ nĭte ly̆: beyond measure; greatly.

ĭn ġē̍ nū´ĭ ty̆: skill; inventiveness.

ĭn hĕr´ĭt ançe: possession.

ĭn scrĭp´tion (shŭn): that which is inscribed or written, especially on a building or monument.

ĭn sta̤lled´: placed in office.

ĭn stĭnc´tĭve: acting according to one's nature.

ĭn tẽr çēde´: speak in one's behalf.

ĭn tŏl´ẽr ȧ ble: not to be borne.

ĭn´vȧ lĭd: one who is weak from illness.

Ĭ ŏl´c̵hŏs.


jŭṉ´gles̝: thickets of trees and vines.

Kägh: the hedgehog.

kīne: cows.
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