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Notes and Queries, Number 16, February 16, 1850

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"I am, til God me better minde sende,
At Dulcarnon, right at my witt'is ende.
Quod Pandarus ye nece, wol ye here,
Dulcarnon clepid is fleming[3 - Fleming; banishing? from fleme, A.S. to banish.] of wretches."

This passage of Trolius and Creseide is quoted in the life of Sir Thomas More, given in Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Biography. More's daughter said to him, when he was in prison, "Father, I can no further goe; I am come, as Chaucer said of Cressid Dulcarnon, to my witt's end."

Has this passage been satisfactorily explained since Tyrwhitt's time? The epithet "Dulcarnon" is mentioned in a note to the translation of Richard de Bury's Philobiblon, London, 1832. I give the note in full. It is in reference to the word "Ellefuga":—

"This word was a pons asinorum to some good Grecians,—but that is probably its meaning[4 - "Helleflight," as given in the translation, p. 178.]; at least making it the name of a problem gets over all difficulty. The allusion is to the flight of Helle, who turned giddy in taking a flying leap, mounted on a ram, and fell into the sea;—so weak a head fails in crossing the pons. The problem was invented by Pythagoras, 'and it hath been called by barbarous writers of the latter time Dulcarnon,'—Billingsley. This name may have been invented after our author's time. Query δολκαρηνον."

If we take the words "Dulcarnon" in this sense, it will help to explain the passage in the Troilus and Creseide.


Bishop Barnaby.—The origin of the term "Bishop Barnaby," as applied to the Lady-bird, is still unexplained.

I wish to observe, as having some possible connexion with the subject, that the word "Barnaby" in the seventeenth century appears to have had a particular political signification.

For instance, I send you a pamphlet (which you are welcome to, if you will accept of it) called "The Head of Nile, or the Turnings and Windings of the Factious since Sixty, in a dialogue between Whigg and Barnaby," London, 1681. In this dialog, Whigg, as might be expected, is the exponent of all manner of abominable opinions, whilst Barnaby is represented as the supporter of orthodoxy.

Again, in the same year was published Durfey's comedy, "Sir Barnaby Whigg," the union of the two names indicating that the knight's opinions were entirely regulated by his interest.


P.S. The pamphlet above alluded to affords another instance of the use of the word "Factotum," at page 41.: "before the Pope had a great house there, and became Dominus Factotum, Dominus Deus noster Papu."

Barnacles.—In Speculum Mundi, or a Glass representing the Face of the World, by John Swan, M.A., 4th edit., 1670, is the following mention of the Barnacle goose (pp. 243, 244.):—

"In the north parts of Scotland, and in the places adjacent, called Orchades, are certain trees found, whereon there groweth a certain kind of shell-fish, of a white colour, but somewhat tending to a russet; wherein are contained little living creatures. For in time of maturity the shells do open, and out of them by little and little grow those living creatures; which falling into the water when they drop out of their shells, do become fowls, such as we call Barnacles or Brant Geese; but the other that fall upon the land, perish and come to nothing."

The author then quotes the passage from Gerard where mention is made of the Barnacle.


Ancient Alms-Dishes.—I have one of these dishes; diameter 1 foot 4-3/4 inches, and its height 1-1/2 inch. The centre is plain, without any device, and separated from the circle of inscription by a bold embossed pattern.

The inscription is Der infrid gehwart, in raised (not engraved) capital letters, 1 inch long, repeated three times in the circle. Mine is a handsome dish of mixed metal; yielding, when struck, a fine sound like that of a gong. It has devices of leaves, &c. engraved on the broad margin, but no date.

I have seen another such dish, in the collection of the late William Hooper, Esq., of Ross, part of which (and I think the whole of the under side) had been enamelled, as part of the enamel still adhered to it. In the centre was engraved the temptation in Eden; but it was without legend or date.


Why the American Aborigines are called Indians. —I have often wondered how the aborigines of America came to be called Indians; and for a considerable time I presumed it to be a popular appellation arising from their dark colour. Lately, however, I fell in with a copy of Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Antwerp, 1583, by Abraham Ortelius, geographer to the king; and, in the map entitled Typus Orbis Terrarum. I find America called America, sive India Nova. How it came to get the name of India Nova is of course another question, and one which at present I cannot answer.




The arrangements for the Exhibition of Works of Ancient and Mediæval Art at the rooms of the Society of Arts in the Adelphi, are proceeding most satisfactorily. Her MAJESTY and PRINCE ALBERT have manifested the interest they feel in its success, by placing at the disposal of the Committee for the purposes of the approaching Exhibition a selection from the magnificent collection of such objects which is preserved at Windsor.

Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, of 191. Piccadilly, will sell on Thursday next, and five following days, the extensive and valuable Library of a well known and eminent Collector; comprising some very early printed books of extreme rarity, numerous French, Spanish, and Italian early Romances, an extensive series of ancient Italian Books quoted by the Academia della Crusea, ancient and modern Books of Travels, and Oriental Books and MSS.; amongst which latter are the original MSS. of the celebrated M. Jules de Klaproth.

We have received the following Catalogues:—

"A Catalogue of Scientific and Mathematical Books, comprising Architecture, Astrology, Magic, Chess, and other Games; Fine Arts, Heraldry, Naval and Military, Numismatics, Penmanship and Short Hand, Typography, and Miscellaneous Books now selling at the reduced prices affixed by William Brown, 130. and 131. Old Street, St. Luke's, London."

"Catalogue (Part I. Feb. 1. 1850) of Choise, Useful and Curious Books in most departments of Literature, on Sale, at the very low prices affixed, by John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho Square."

"William Dobson Reeves' Catalogue of Books (Many Rare and Curious), now on Sale at 98. Chancery Lane."

"Catalogue of very Cheap Books, chiefly Divinity, with a Selection of Miscellaneous Literature, on Sale, for Ready Money, by T. Arthur, No. 496. New Oxford street."

"A Catalogue of Fathers of the Church, and Ecclesiastical Writers to the Fifteenth Century, arranged in Chronological Order, with Collections, Analyses and Selections, Illustrative and Introductory Works, and an Alphabetical Index of Authors; on Sale at the Low Prices affixed, for Ready Money, by C.J. Stewart, 11. King William Street, West Strand."

We had occasion in a former Number (No. 5. p. 78) to speak in terms of high and deserved praise of Mr. Stewart's "Catalogue of Bibles and Biblical Literature;" the present is no less deserving of commendation, in as much as it gives not only the Fathers and Ecclesiastical Writers in Chronological order, according to Centuries (to each of which, by the way, Mr. Stewart affixes its distinctive character, Apostolic, Gnostic, &c., as given by Cave); but also marking the precise period in which they severally flourished, so as to show their succession in each century. So that this Catalogue, with its Index, and its tempting quotations from Cranmer and Bishop Hall, which we regret we have not room to quote, will really be most useful to all Students of Theology and Ecclesiastical History.



(In continuation of Lists in former Nos.)

GLAMORGANSHIRE PEDIGREES, from the MSS, of Sir Isaac Heard, Knt. By SIR THOMAS PHILLIPS, Bart. 1845.

A LITTLE WELSH ACCOUNT OF THE PRINCIPALITY OF WALES. By D.T. First printed about the year 1720.




LORD FARNBOROUGH'S PAMPHLET UPON THE IMPROVEMENT OF WESTMINSTER. Published the latter end of 1826, or January 1827.

*** Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.


We are again compelled, by want of space, to omit many Articles that are in type; among others, one by Mr. Hampson, on King Alfred's Geography of Europe; Extracts from Accounts of St. Antholin's, The Rev. Dr. Todd On the Etymology of Armagh; as well as many NOTES, QUERIES, and REPLIES; and our acknowledgments of COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED. We are for the same reason under the necessity of abridging our usual weekly NOTES ON BOOKS, &c.

R.M. JONES, Chesea. To the queries of this correspondent (No. 14. p. 217.), who inquired for the best Treatise on the Microscope, and where to purchase the most perfect instrument, we have received many replies, all agreeing in one point—namely, that Mr. Queckett's is the best work on the subject—but differing mostly as to who is the best maker. Mr. Jones is recommended to join the Microscopical Society, 21. Regent Street, where he will see some of the best-constructed and most valuable microscopes ever made; and then can make his choice.

To correspondents inquiring as to the mode of procuring "NOTES AND QUERIES," we have once more to explain, that every bookseller and newsman will supply it regularly if ordered; and that gentlemen residing in the country, who may find a difficulty in getting it through any bookseller in their neighbourhood, may be supplied regularly with the stamped edition, by giving their orders direct to the publisher, Mr. GEORGE BELL., 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order, for a quarter, 4s. 4d.; a half year, 8s. 8d.; or one year, 17s. 4d.

Errata.—No. 15 p. 232 vol. 1 l. 24., dele full stop after Gloss; same page, col. 2. lines 21, 22., for "Historia" read "Historica," and for "Herveio" read "Heroico." P. 236. l. 12., for "varieties" read "vanities."

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