Летит, как пух от уст Эола;
То стан совьет, то разовьет,
И быстрой ножкой ножку бьет.
Всё хлопает. Онегин входит,
Идет меж кресел по ногам,
Двойной лорнет скосясь наводит
На ложи незнакомых дам;
Все ярусы окинул взором,
Всё видел: лицами, убором
Ужасно недоволен он;
С мужчинами со всех сторон
Раскланялся, потом на сцену
В большом рассеянье взглянул,
Отворотился – и зевнул,
И молвил: «всех пора на смену;
Балеты долго я терпел,
Но и Дидло мне надоел».
The hall is full, the boxes flashing,
The stalls and armchairs are in boil,
The circle top with clapping splashes,
A curtain rustles in a whirl.
Airy, magnificent and brilliant,
And to a fiddlestick obedient
Istomina stands in a crowd
Of nymphs, who make a nice background.
One of her feet touches the floor,
The other circles fairy light,
She suddenly jumps and is in flight,
Like fluff produced by Aeolus blow;
Now twists her waist, and now untwists,
By one quick foot the other beats.
All clapping. Here’s Onegin coming,
He walks through armchairs, steps on feet,
And his lorgnette aside aligning
To unknown ladies in box seat;
The theatre’s circles he glanced over,
Disliked the faces and adornments,
Vulgar and tasteless all that found,
Exchanged the bows with men around,
Casted his gaze straight to the stage,
And did it with a vacant look,
Averted, yawned and did conclude:
“It is right time all that to change.
Ballets awake in me just bore,
Didlo doesn’t stir me anymore”.
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