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Naturae convenienter vivere. To live conformably to Nature. Ludlow.

Ne cede malis. Yield not to misfortune. Chase.

Ne crede colori. Trust not to color. Smith.

Ne oublie. Do not forget. Graham.

Ne parcas nec spernas. Neither spare nor scorn. Yates.

Ne quid nimis. Not too much of anything. Tazewell.

Nec aspera terrent. Difficulties do not daunt. Smith.

Nec degener. I do not degenerate. Silvester.

Nec elatus nec dejectus. Neither overjoyed nor overworried. Thomas.

Nec gladio nec arcu. Not by sword or bow. Dudley.

Nec quaerere honorem nec sperne. Neither to seek nor to despise honor. Sargent.

Nec sorte nec fato. Neither by chance nor fate. Rutherord.

Nec spe nec metu. Neither by hope or dread. Read.

Nec te quaesiveris extra. Seek not beyond yourself. Harison.

Nec timeo nec sperno. I neither fear nor despise. Greene.

Nemo nisi Christus. Nothing unless Christ. Apthorp.

Never check. Hawks.

Never despair. Pintard.

Nihil me tangere. Nothing smirches me. Stearns.

Nil conscire sibi. To have a conscience free from guilt. Prescott.

Nil desperandum. Never despair. Shepheard. Sheppard. Stewart.

Nil facimus non sponte Dei. We do nothing but by the will of God. Atkinson.

Nil sine Deo. Nothing without God. Waldo.

Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mortalibus. Life gives nothing to mortals without great labor. Evarts.

Nil utile quod non honestum. Nothing useful that is not honest. Smith.

Nobilis ira. Noble in anger. Stewart.

Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna. (Hor.) Ponder night and day. Robbins.

Non est vivere sed valere vita. Not living, but health, is life. Moore.

Non flectere a vero. Not to be moved from the truth. Livius.

Non incautus futuri. Not heedless of the future. Lee.

Non nobis solum. Not for ourselves alone. Drayton. Eliot.

Non oblitus. Not forgotten. McTavish.

Non reverter invitus. Reluctantly I do not return. Jenkins.

Non sibi sed aliis. Not for himself, but for others. Olmsted.

Non sibi sed patriae. Not for himself, but for his country. Hill.

Non vi sed voluntate. Not by force, but good will. Boucher.

Nosce te ipsum. Know thyself. Edwards. New York Society Library.

Not always so. Barrell.

Nulla pallescere culpa. To turn pale from no crime. Byrd.

Nulli praeda. A prey to no one. Deane.

Nullus in verba. (Hor. Ep. Lib. I. i. 14.) At the dictation of no man. Maxey.

Nunc mihi nunc alii. Now for myself, now for another. Wormeley.

Nunquam non paratus. Never unprepared. Johnston.

Occasionem cognoscere. To perceive the opportunity. Lowell.

Omnes fremant licet dicam quod sentio. Though all rage, I shall say what I think. Smith.

Omni fortunae paratus. Ready for any fortune. Forbes.

Omnia Deo pendent. All things depend on God. Stockton.

Omnia relinquit servare rempublicam. He leaves all to serve the state. Tuberville.

Par espérance et activité nous surmontons. By hope and work we overcome. Gorham.

Par pari. Equal to my equal. Wall.
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