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Trust in God. Jones.

Try. Brazer.

Tutus si fortis. Safe if brave. Smith.

Ubi libertas ibi patria. Where liberty prevails there is my country. Dinwiddie. Weiberg.

Ubi plura nitent paucis non offendar maculis. Where the most is bright, let me not be offended by a few spots. Walker.

Ubi plura offendar maculis nitent non ego paucis. Where the most is bright, I shall not be offended by a few spots. Danforth.

Un loy, un roy, un foy. One law, one king, one faith. Herbert.

Ut aquila versus coelum. Like the eagle to heaven. Bowdoin.

Ut quiescas labora. Labor that you may rest. Gallaudet.

Utere mundo. Use the world. Blackley.

Utraque unum. With either one. Georgetown College.

Vera pro gratis. True rather than pleasing. Webster.

Veritas. Truth. Harvard College Library.

Veritas vincit omnia. Truth conquers all things. Waterhouse.

Vérité sans peur. Truth without fear. Petigru.

Verum atque decens. The truth and rectitude. Weld.

Verum dicet. He speaks the truth. Stanford.

Verus in actione consistit. Truth consists in action. Craven.

Vestigia nulla retrorsum. (Hor. Ep. i. I. 73.) No steps backward. Kip.

Vestra cura alitur. Nourished by our care. Social Law Library.

Vi et virtute. By strength and courage. Spaight.

Via ad cordem. The way to the heart. Wisner.

Victoria aut mors. Victory or death. Kip.

Videte et cavete ab avaritia. Recognize and beware of avarice. Pownall.

Vigila. Watch. Anderson.

Vigilemus ut vigilantis. Let us watch as those who are vigilant. U. S. Navy.

Vincit amor patriae. The love of country surpasses all things. Pennington.

“Vincet amor patriae laudumque immensa cupido.” – Virg. Æn. vi. 823.

Vincit omnia veritas. Truth conquers all things. Hyslop.

Vincit veritas. Truth conquers. Chambers.

Virescit vulnere virtus. Her virtue flourishes by her wound. Burnet.

This is also the motto of the family of Galloway, whose crest is a pelican in her piety.

Virtue, Liberty, and Independence. Pennsylvania Historical Society.

Virtus basis vitae. Virtue is the foundation of life. Bull.

Virtus durissima terit. Virtue bears the greatest hardships. McLean.

Virtus est natale meum. Virtue is my birthright. Tillotson.

Virtus est vera vetustas. Virtue is true old age. Van Rensselaer.

Virtus et scientia ad utilitatem dirigunt. Virtue and knowledge direct to usefulness. Moral Library.

Virtus interrita pergit. Virtue fearlessly advances. Moore.

Virtus, libertas et patria. Virtue, liberty, and country. Wetmore.

Virtus sibi munus. Virtue its own reward. Van Cortlandt.

Virtus sola nobilitate. Virtue by nobility only. Mayo.

Virtute et fide. By valor and faith. Roome.

Virtute fideque. By valor and faith. Murray.

Virtute invidiam vincas. Conquer envy by virtue. Cleborne.

Virtute patria tuemini. By virtue you guard your country. Pepperell.

Virtutem hilaritate colere. Cultivate virtue by mirth. Wynkoop.

Virtutis gloria merces. Glory is the reward of valor. Robertson.

Vitanda est improba Siren defidia. The impious Siren, faithlessness, must be shunned. Walker.

Vive ut vivas. Live that you may live. Abercrombie.
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