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American Book-Plates

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Patior ut potior. I endure as I can. Spotswood.

Patria cara carior libertas. Dear is country, dearer is liberty. Brown. Clinton. Marchant.

Patria veritas fides. Country, truth, faith. Everett.

Pauper non in spe. Not poor in hope. Poor.

Pax et amor. Peace and love. Backhouse.

Pax et copia. Peace and plenty. Jones.

Pax hospitia ruris. Grateful peace of the country. Jones.

Pax in bello. Peace in war. Prioleau.

Pax quaeritur bello. Peace is secured by war. Oliver.

Pectore puro. With a pure heart. Royall.

Pelle timorem. Drive off fear. Whatley.

Peperi. I have brought forth. Pepperrell.

Per aspera ad astra. Through trials to glory. Johnson.

Per varios casus. By various fortunes. Mercer.

Perge coepisti. Go on as you have begun. Ten Broeck.

Perit ut vivat. He dies that he may live. Fenwick. Magill.

Persevere. Gallatin.

Pia mente studeatur. Study with reverent mind. Phillips Academy.

Piety is peace. Hopkins.

Post tenebras speramus lumen de lumine. After the darkness we hope for the light of the day. Coffin.

Postero ne credo. Trust not the future. Cutting.

Praestat opes sapientia. Wisdom excels wealth. Livingston.

Pro aris et focis. For our altars and our firesides. Bloomfield.

Pro Deo et nobilissima patria Batavorum. For God and my most noble country, Batavia. Van Ness.

Pro lege et rege. For the law and the king. Child. Hicks. Whitebread.

Pro libertate. For liberty. Provoost.

Pro patria. For my country. Wallace.

Pro patria mori. For country, die. Gardiner.

Pro patria semper. Always for my country. Fitzhugh.

Pro rege et patria. For the king and fatherland. Champion.

Probitas laudatur et laget. Honesty is praised and is left to starve. Antill.

Probitate et industria. By honesty and industry. Bridgen.

Procurator industria. Industry the chief. Fraunces.

Progredi non regredi. To advance, not to recede. Rutledge.

Propere et provide. Quickly and carefully. Robinson.

Proprium decus et petrum. Powel.

Prospicere quam ulcisci. Overlook rather than avenge. Maingault.

Providentia sumus. We are providence. Blatchford.

Prudenter et simpliciter. Discreetly and simply. Vaughan.

Pugna pro patria libertas. I fight for the liberty of my country. Martin.

Qui contentus felix. Happy he who is content. Smith.

Quicscit in perfecto. He rests in labor completed. Linonian Society Library.

Quo cunque ferar. Whithersoever I may be carried. St. Clair.

Quo fata vocant. Where the fates call. Bay. Erving. Vose.

Quo vocat virtus. Where virtue calls. Jauncey.

Quod fieri non vis alteri ne fueris. Do not that which you would not wish another to do. Cock.

Recte et suaviter. Justly and mildly. King.

Recte faciendo securus. Safe in acting justly. Inglis.

Refero. I bring back. Wall.

Respice finum. Regard the end. Mcmurtrie.
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