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American Book-Plates

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Reviresco. I become young again. Maxwell.

Robori prudentia praestat. Discretion is more than strength. Young.

Rosae inter spinas nascunter. Roses are found among the thorns. Thorndike.

Sacra quercus. Holy oak. Holyoke.

Saepe pro rege, semper pro republica. Often for the king, always for the commonwealth. Vassall.

Sans changer. Without changing. Musgrave.

Sans Dieu je ne puis. Without God I cannot do it. Skipwith.

Sapienter si sincere. Wisely if sincerely. Davidson.

Secundis dubiisque rectus. Upright both in prosperity and perils. Wythe.

Seges votis respondet. The crop responds to the prayers. Hasty Pudding Club Library.

Semper caveto. Be always on guard. Ball.

Semper fidelis. Always faithful. Schuyler.

Semper idem. Always the same. Clark.

Semper paratus. Always prepared. Dunning. Everdell. McCoun. Hopkinson.

Serva jugum. Keep the yoke. Hay.

Simplius sicut columbae. More harmless than a dove. The Bishop of Jamaica.

Sine Deo careo. Without God I want. Cary.

Sine virtute vani sunt honores. Without virtue, honors are vain. Bozman.

Sol sapientiae nunquam occidet. The sun of wisdom never shall set. Social Friends’ Library.

Sola bona quae honesta. Those things only are good which are honest. Hunter.

Sola salus servire Deo. The only safe course is to serve God. Burke. Jarvis. Morong.

Soli Deo gloria et honor. Glory and honor be to God alone. Boudinot.

Solus minus solus. Alone yet not alone. Muhlenberg.

Sperne successus alit. Success nourishes, but to scorn. Gurney.

Spero meliora. I hope for better things. Livingston. Ludlow. Panton.

Spes mea in Deo. My trust is in God. Cabell.

Spes meliora. The hope of better things. Panton.

Spes vincit terrorem. Hope conquers all fears. Winthrop.

Stand sure. Grant.

Strive for glory. Vavasour.

Study to know thyself. Greene.

Stultum est in foro sigtare. It is foolish to shoot arrows in the forum. Unidentified Plate.

Sublimiora petamus. Let us seek loftier things. Bancker.

Sublimis per ardua tendo. To the heights through hardships I tend. Chauncey.

Sursum corda. Hearts upward. Bancroft.

Sustinere. Bear. Brooks.

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go, for she is thy life. (Prov. iv. 13.) Philadelphia Apprentices’ Library.

Tandem vincitur. At length he is conquered. Morris.

Tantes da dir. Rutgers.

Tentanda via est. The way must be tried. Wetmore.

Terra aut mari. By land or sea. Parke.

The North against the World. Edwards.

This I’ll defend. McFarlan.

Toujours le même. Always the same. Giles.

Toujours fidèle. Always faithful. Horry.

Toujours prest. Always ready. Carmichael.

Tout en bonne heure. All in good time. Hicks.

To Virtue & Science attend,

And Truth & Justice defend. Newberry.

Transiens adjuvanos. Crossing the sea to help. Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts.
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