Do you want to ask questions?
Or do you want to get answers?
Because if you want to ask questions
then you will not get answers,
and if you want to get answers
then you cannot be allowed to ask questions –
because the answer is in that consciousness
where the questions have not yet been raised,
or have been uprooted and thrown out.
171. Love.
I hope you will be moving in deep meditation.
Breathe in it
sleep in it
live in it –
let meditation be your very existence.
Only then is the happening.
Don’t do it, but be it.
And my blessings are always with you.
If you need any help from me just ask when
you are thoughtless,
and it will be given to you.
172. Love.
A madman entered the bazaar and declaimed:
The moon is more useful than the sun.
But why? asked someone.
We need the light more
during the night than during the day, he said.
And I say to you that
all our metaphysical theories and explanations
are not of more worth than the explanation of that madman.
173. Love.
Ask for nothing and you will never be frustrated.
Anticipate darkness with light and sorrow with happiness
because such is the nature of things.
Then you will never be frustrated.
Say to life: What can you do to me? I want nothing!
And say to death: What can you do to me? I have already died!
Then you will be truly free,
because unless one is free of life one can never be free of death.
And when one is free of both
one knows that life which is eternity itself.
174. Love.
Man is always lacking,
because he desires without knowing himself,
because he desires to become something
without knowing his being,
and this is absurd.
First one must know his being
otherwise there will be anguish.
Becoming is anguish