because it is a constant tension
between that which is and that which should be –
and it is an impossible longing also
because only that can be which is.
So know yourself as you are
without any ideals,
without any judgment
and without any condemnation.
Go deep within yourself without any desires to become
because only then can you know yourself.
Discover yourself,
not according to anybody else,
but as you are.
Discover the fact,
discover the real
in its total nakedness.
In this total authenticity
just be a witness,
and then there is an altogether different quality to life,
the quality of let go.
Then one is relaxed totally.
And all flowering is in relaxation,
and all benediction.
175. Love.
Fear cripples consciousness,
and fear is the source of unconsciousness,
that is why without transcending fear
no one can attain to full consciousness.
But what is fear?
Fear is awareness of death without knowing what death is.
Fear exists in the gap between you and your death,
and if there is no gap, no space,
then there is no fear.
Do not think of death as something outside you
because it is not.
And do not think of death as something in the future
because it is not.
Death is within you,
because death is the other side of life.
Life cannot exist without death;
they both belong to the same energy
as positive and negative poles.
So do not identify yourself with life –
because you are both.
The identification with life creates the gap.
And death has nothing to do with the future,
it is always here and now.
Every moment, it is.
And when one ceases to regard it
as something outside oneself