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Your Chinese Horoscope 2014: What the year of the horse holds in store for you

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He can look forward to a busy social life in the Horse year and will often have an interesting mix of things to do. Once again, his interest in others and ability to empathize will make him popular company. For Water Tigers who have experienced recent personal difficulty or feel their life is lacking a certain sparkle, the Horse year can be a time of exciting possibility. However, to bring improvement these Water Tigers need to be active and go to events in their area and/or join interest or community groups. Positive action can lead to meeting others and, for some who are currently unattached, exciting romantic possibilities. May, July, September and December could be busy months socially.

The Water Tiger’s home life will also be especially active this year, with the possibility of an important family occasion to mark. In view of all the activity, there will need to be good organization, co-operation and flexibility. To help, the Water Tiger should spread out any practical undertakings rather than have a lot concentrated in a short space of time. He should also make sure that quality time does not suffer due to general busyness. With travel well aspected, he should aim to take a holiday with his loved ones over the year as well as take advantage of any travel opportunities that arise at short notice. Horse years do have an element of surprise and spontaneity about them.

Overall, the Year of the Horse can be a favourable one for the Water Tiger. To benefit fully, he will need to keep alert as well as use his ideas and strengths to advantage. However, the Water Tiger has a lot to offer and with a positive ‘can do’ attitude, he can fare well and enjoy some well-deserved success.

Tip for the Year

Seize your opportunities. Be determined, believe in yourself and enjoy what you do. That way, you can achieve some pleasing results. This year has considerable potential for you – make the most of it.

The Wood Tiger

This will be a full and interesting year for the Wood Tiger. Not only does it mark the start of a new decade in his life, but with his active and enthusiastic nature, he will revel in the excellent opportunities it will bring. For any Wood Tiger who has felt held back or frustrated in recent times, this year can see a welcome improvement in both his situation and prospects.

With Tiger resolve combined with his quick wits, the Wood Tiger can achieve a lot in 2014 as well as set a positive pattern for the next few years. However, to get the best results from the year, he will need to remain focused and concentrate on priorities.

For Wood Tigers who are well established in a career, the Horse year can offer some good opportunities to move ahead. Whether obtaining promotion with their existing employer or moving elsewhere, these Wood Tigers will find this an encouraging time. Also, what many Wood Tigers take on this year will give them the chance to explore and extend their capabilities and, in the process, prepare them for further advances in the future. What is achieved this year can have considerable long-term value.

For Wood Tigers who feel unfulfilled or are seeking work, the Horse year can also bring new opportunities. However in order to benefit, these Wood Tigers will need to be active in making enquiries and quick to follow up any possibilities – Horse years are not ones for delay. However, when committed to an objective, the Wood Tiger will usually achieve what he wants – and changing or finding a job will be a priority for many this year. February, April, June to early July and September could see encouraging developments.

Another factor that will help many Wood Tigers this year will be their ability to relate well to others. Not only can the Wood Tiger be a key member of any workforce or team, but during the course of the year he can particularly impress influential people and establish what can become important contacts. If relevant, he may find it helpful to join a professional organization. By networking and raising his profile he can do a lot to strengthen his position and prospects.

Progress at work will often lead to an increase in income and as a consequence some Wood Tigers will decide to go ahead with accommodation plans or major purchases that they have been considering for some time. By thinking through their requirements, they will often be very pleased with the outcome. An element of good fortune can sometimes help as well.

The Horse year can bring some good travel opportunities and some Wood Tigers will decide to celebrate their fortieth year with a special holiday or treat. If this can be planned and budgeted for in advance, it can be enjoyed all the more and be a memorable highlight of the year.

The Wood Tiger will also make the most of his social opportunities this year. Not only will he value meeting his friends (some of whom will be especially supportive this year), but will also thoroughly enjoy the social events he attends. His personal interests can also bring him into contact with new people. Late April, May, July, September and December are likely to see the greatest level of social activity.

For the unattached Wood Tiger this can be an especially exciting year, with a chance encounter possibly becoming significant. Wood Tigers who have been feeling lonely and would welcome company, a more rewarding social life or possible romance should make it a resolution to go out more and perhaps join a local activity group. This is a year which rewards positive and purposeful action.

The Wood Tiger can also benefit from his personal interests this year. If he has ideas he would like to take further, this would be an ideal time to act. The Wood Tiger is blessed with an imaginative and enquiring nature and some of his undertakings this year will be especially rewarding.

In addition he should give some thought to his well-being and if he feels his level of exercise or the quality of his diet is in any way lacking, he should seek advice on the best action to take.

His home life will be busy and eventful and his loved ones may well be keen to celebrate his fortieth year in style. Over the year the Wood Tiger may also give extra assistance to more senior relations. However, in view of the general activity of the year, flexibility would be advised where more practical activities are concerned and the Wood Tiger should watch his sometimes over-zealous nature. He may be keen and willing, but there are limits to how much can be undertaken at any one time. Overall, however, this can be a full and rewarding year domestically.

The Wood Tiger has many talents, and his determination, quick wits and experience may lead to some good results in the Horse year. To make the most of his opportunities, he does need to concentrate on specific aims and focus on priorities, but he will be helped by the support and goodwill of those around him and his loved ones will be especially important. There are some memorable personal times in store for him in this rewarding year.

Tip for the Year

Celebrate your fortieth year by regarding it as a time for action. Focus on your priorities and use your strengths to advantage. Your efforts – sometimes helped by a certain amount of good fortune – can make this a personally special year. Enjoy it and give it your best.

The Fire Tiger

There is a Chinese proverb that is especially apt for the Fire Tiger this year: ‘Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. Seize the opportunity.’ This is a highly promising year and by acting in determined and enterprising fashion, the Fire Tiger can accomplish a great deal.

His personal life is particularly well aspected. For Fire Tigers with a partner this can be an often special year, with some marrying, starting a family or reaching a shared goal. Whatever their aspirations, the Horse year will see many Fire Tigers having good cause to celebrate. The Fire Tiger can also benefit from a certain amount of luck this year and once plans are underway, an element of fortune can often help them along.

For Fire Tigers who are alone and may have had some recent personal misfortune to bear, the Horse year can see a transformation in their situation – often through Cupid’s arrow being aimed directly at them! Romance could be found through a chance meeting or in some other way, but however it comes about, for many Fire Tigers this will be a year of passion. May, July, September and December to mid-January could see some particularly meaningful developments.

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