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Your Chinese Horoscope 2014: What the year of the horse holds in store for you

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Another area which will require care will be his finances. With sometimes limited resources, the Fire Ox will need to think carefully about what he spends his money on. With good control, he will manage to do a surprising amount, but if he lacks discipline, some of his activities may have to be curtailed. Also, if he enters into any agreement or makes a large purchase, he needs to be sure of the details and keep the paperwork, including receipts and guarantees, safe. Risks, carelessness and not checking facts fully could all work to his disadvantage.

For Fire Oxen in work or seeking work, even if on a temporary basis, the Horse year can be demanding. Those already in a position will often have the opportunity to do more, and even though this may not always be fulfilling, by showing reliability and commitment, these Fire Oxen will find that more rewarding possibilities can follow on. Also, any Fire Ox who is able to take advantage of an apprenticeship or work placement will find this can give them valuable experience, including insights into the type of work they may want to do in the future as well as where their aptitudes lie. The Horse year will, for many, be instructive and alert them to future possibilities. This also applies to Fire Oxen currently seeking work. Effort will be required, but once given a start, they will have a platform on which to build later. What is accomplished this year can have long-term significance.

Although the Fire Ox generally keeps himself active, he should also give some thought to his well-being. To be at his best he would find it helpful to have a balanced diet and, after busy times or late nights, give himself the chance to catch up on sleep. He should also follow the recommended procedures if involved in any strenuous or hazardous activity. Attention to health and well-being is important this year.

While the Fire Ox will often be occupied with his studies and other activities, he should also make sure he contributes to home life and is open and forthcoming with those around him. His participation will not only be appreciated but will also help build rapport and understanding.

Overall, the Year of the Horse is one of important possibility for the Fire Ox. However, he does need to use his time wisely and make the most of his opportunities. As an ambitious Fire Ox, he is very much laying the foundation for future success.

Tip for the Year

You may have set ideas, but do be open to opportunity. Important developments can often follow on from what you do now. Also, value your relations with others and enjoy the support and good times you can share.

The Earth Ox

This can be an active and generally pleasurable year for the Earth Ox, although he will need to be flexible in approach. To be too rigid over particular plans or unyielding over certain issues could lead to problems as well as undermine some of what he is hoping to do. The Earth Ox does have a firm will, but in 2014 he would do well to adapt to the situations in which he finds himself and to be open and communicative.

One area he will give much attention to this year will be his home. He may be keen to improve certain areas and replace inefficient equipment as well as add new comforts. As he considers various options, if he is prepared to be flexible and open to suggestion, he will be pleased with how his plans develop.

With accommodation being a key feature this year, some Earth Oxen may consider moving to somewhere that better suits their needs. Here again, original plans may alter and this is very much a year to be open to possibility.

In addition to the practical activity that will be seen in many an Earth Ox home, the Earth Ox will take a fond interest in the activities of his family members. Younger relations will often be keen to seek his advice and will benefit from his valuable support. The Earth Ox can also look forward to some pleasing family occasions. Whether celebrating his own or another’s retirement, his growing family or a close relation’s success, he can enjoy quite a few memorable moments this year.

However, while a lot can go well, no year is ever free of problems. Should the Earth Ox find himself in disagreement with someone or have doubts over certain developments, he would do well to address the issue early on rather than risk it escalating. Often open and honest discussion will help, as will a willingness to compromise.

A further area which needs close attention this year is finance. With home-improvement costs, perhaps including a move, together with his other plans and commitments, the Earth Ox will need to keep a close watch on his financial situation and carefully check the terms of any new commitment he may take on. Also, he needs to take his time when considering more expensive purchases. This is no year for haste or risk.

Although the Earth Ox’s various plans will keep him busy, he should also devote time to his own interests. Projects he sets himself over the year can be especially absorbing. Many Earth Oxen will also be attracted by outdoor pursuits. The Horse year can contain an interesting mix of things to do and the Earth Ox may find it worth joining a local interest group or becoming more involved in community activities. Interesting possibilities can open up for the willing and keen.

The Earth Ox will value his close circle of friends during the year, and should he find himself under pressure or have any concerns, he should talk matters over with them. Admittedly, Earth Oxen do like to keep their thoughts close to their chest, but this is a year favouring openness. March, May, September, November and the end of the Horse year could see some fine social occasions, and for some unattached Earth Oxen the year can bring an interesting romantic encounter.

For Earth Oxen in work this can be a time of change. Many will retire, while others will look at reducing their hours or investigate types of work or particular projects they could do on their own. In considering their options, these Earth Oxen should draw on expert advice. Sometimes opportunities can arise suddenly and it will help if the Earth Ox has already thought through what he wants to do.

Although the Earth Ox usually keeps himself active, it is also important that he gives some consideration to his own well-being over the year. Should he feel out of condition or have any concerns it would be worth him obtaining medical advice.

Overall, the Year of the Horse will be an active one for the Earth Ox as well as being a time of change. It is no time to be too independent-minded or inflexible, and the Earth Ox does need to consult others and listen carefully to their views if he is to make the most of his opportunities. This is a year of considerable possibility, but is also one for increased mindfulness.

Tip for the Year

Be flexible in your undertakings so that you can benefit from the support of others and make the most of the chances that will open up for you. With awareness and an accommodating approach, you can achieve a lot this year.

Famous Oxen

Lily Allen, Hans Christian Andersen, Peter Andre, Gemma Arterton, Johann Sebastian Bach, David Blaine, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Camus, Jim Carrey, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Natalie Cole, Bill Cosby, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marlene Dietrich, Walt Disney, Patrick Duffy, Jane Fonda, Edward Fox, Michael J. Fox, Peter Gabriel, Elizabeth George, Richard Gere, Ricky Gervais, Julia Gillard, William Hague, Handel, King Harald V of Norway, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Hal Holbrook, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Joel, King Juan Carlos of Spain, John Key, B. B. King, Keira Knightley, Mark Knopfler, Burt Lancaster, Chloë Moretz, Kate Moss, Eddie Murphy, Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Bill Nighy, Barack Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar Peterson, Lionel Richie, Wayne Rooney, Tim Roth, Rubens, Meg Ryan, Amanda Seyfried, Jean Sibelius, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Lady Thatcher, Alan Titchmarsh, Scott F. Turow, Vincent van Gogh, Sigourney Weaver, the Duke of Wellington, Arsène Wenger, W. B. Yeats.

The Tiger (#uf87c2375-b3df-5eb2-9024-169f2c601578)

Wood Tiger 26 January 1914 to 13 February 1915

Fire Tiger 13 February 1926 to 1 February 1927

Earth Tiger 31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939

Metal Tiger 17 February 1950 to 5 February 1951

Water Tiger 5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963

Wood Tiger 23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975

Fire Tiger 9 February 1986 to 28 January 1987

Earth Tiger 28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999

Metal Tiger 14 February 2010 to 2 February 2011

The Personality of the Tiger


the zest,

the enthusiasm,

the giving the little bit more,

that makes the difference.

And opens up so much.

The Tiger is born under the sign of courage. He is a charismatic figure and usually holds very firm views. He is strong-willed and determined and sets about most of his activities with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. He is very alert and quick-witted and his mind is forever active. He is a highly original thinker and is nearly always brimming with new ideas or full of enthusiasm for some new project or scheme.

The Tiger adores challenges and loves to get involved in anything that he thinks has an exciting future or that catches his imagination. He is prepared to take risks and does not like to be bound either by convention or the dictates of others. He likes to be free to act as he chooses and at least once during his life he will throw caution to the wind and go off and do the things he wants to do.

The Tiger does, however, have a somewhat restless nature. Even though he is often prepared to throw himself wholeheartedly into a project, his initial enthusiasm can soon wane if he sees something more appealing. He can also be rather impulsive and there will be occasions in his life when he acts in a manner he later regrets. If he were to think things through or be prepared to persevere in his various activities, he would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success.

Fortunately the Tiger is lucky in most of his enterprises, but should things not work out as he hoped, he is liable to suffer from severe bouts of depression and it will often take him a long time to recover. His life often consists of a series of ups and downs.

He is, however, very adaptable. He has an adventurous spirit and rarely stays in the same place for long. In the early stages of his life he is likely to try his hand at several different jobs and he will also change his residence fairly frequently.

The Tiger is very honest and open in his dealings with others. He hates any sort of hypocrisy or falsehood. He is also well known for being blunt and forthright and has no hesitation in speaking his mind. He can be rebellious at times, particularly against any form of petty authority, and while this can lead him into conflict with others, he is never one to shrink from an argument or avoid standing up for what he believes is right.

The Tiger is a natural leader and can rise to the top of his chosen profession. He does not, however, care for anything too bureaucratic or detailed, and he does not like to obey orders. He can be stubborn and obstinate and throughout his life he likes to retain a certain amount of independence in his actions and be responsible to no one but himself. He likes to consider that all his achievements are due to his own efforts and he will not ask for support from others if he can avoid it.

Ironically, despite his self-confidence and leadership qualities, he can be indecisive and will often delay making a major decision until the very last moment. He can also be sensitive to criticism.

Although the Tiger is capable of earning large sums of money, he is rather a spendthrift and does not always put his money to best use. He can also be most generous and will often shower lavish gifts on friends and relations.

The Tiger cares very much for his reputation and the image that he tries to project. He carries himself with an air of dignity and authority and enjoys being the centre of attention. He is very adept at attracting publicity, both for himself and the causes he supports.
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