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Your Chinese Horoscope 2014: What the year of the horse holds in store for you

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In view of the pressures the Water Rat is likely to face this year, it is also important that he gives some consideration to his lifestyle. This includes taking regular exercise and giving some thought to the quality of his diet as well as spending time on pursuits he enjoys. If a new activity or subject appeals to him, he should follow it up. Not only will this be of benefit now, but it can also open up possibilities for later.

The Water Rat will also value his social contacts during the year. Whether he is meeting friends or going to events that appeal to him, his social life can do him good as well as extend his circle of acquaintances. However, while a lot is set to go well, the Horse year does contain its awkward aspects and the Water Rat should be careful of saying things he may later regret or placing himself in a situation which could rebound on him. These words only apply to a minority of Water Rats, but the Horse year can bring problems for the unwary and lax. April, June, late August, September and December could see the most social activity.

The Water Rat’s domestic life will be especially busy this year and in view of the various commitments of family members, there will need to be good organization and some flexibility. Here the Water Rat’s attentiveness and ability to gauge the feelings of others will be especially appreciated. However, it is also important that household tasks and decisions are shared and that there is good co-operation between all. In addition, while family members will often be occupied with their own activities, the Water Rat should ensure that time is allowed for joint activities as well as to appreciate individual and family successes. Home life can be rewarding this year, but it does require input and mindfulness.

The Horse year is also capable of springing surprises, with travel being one. It could be that the Water Rat sees a late holiday offer that appeals to him or is invited to visit family and friends at short notice. By embracing such chances, he will find the spontaneity can make them all the more special.

Generally, the Year of the Horse will demand a lot of the Water Rat, but by rising to its challenges and being prepared to adapt and learn, he can benefit from what occurs. Throughout the year, he should liaise closely with those around him. With support and a carefully considered approach, he will get far more from the year and be able to sow seeds for later growth. In many ways this is a year of preparation for the better times that await, especially in 2015.

Tip for the Year

Seize any chances to add to your skills. By building on your experience, you will help new possibilities to open up. Your efforts can make this both a constructive and instructive time.

The Wood Rat

This year is significant for the Wood Rat. Not only does it mark the start of a new decade in his life, but a lot that he does during it can have important implications for his future. The year may not always be easy, but its lessons can prepare the Wood Rat for subsequent success.

One area of concern to many Wood Rats will be their work situation. Some may already be established in a particular career but feel they are not making the progress they would like. However, these Wood Rats should not underestimate their position and the experience they have built up. Their reputation, commitment and judgement are all valued, and as the year progresses many will find they are offered wider responsibilities and the chance of greater involvement. Although this can bring added pressure, it not only shows the faith more senior colleagues have in the Wood Rat’s abilities but will also allow him to add to his skills and learn more about his industry. Whenever the Wood Rat has the chance to further his role in some way, he should make the most of it, for what he does now can pave the way to more substantial advances in the future, particularly as opportunities are likely to arise next year.

There will, however, be some Wood Rats who are feeling unfulfilled in their present position and looking for a career change. For these Wood Rats, as well as those currently seeking work, the Horse year will be challenging, but despite some difficult and often disappointing moments, many Wood Rats will be able to secure entry into a new type of work. These Wood Rats will need to be adaptable and show they are willing to learn, but the positions they take on now can often give them the chance to establish themselves in a new career. March, June, September and November could see encouraging work developments.

A further benefit of the year will be the training many Wood Rats receive and the insights they are able to gain into the industry in which they work. Not only can these be helpful in their present position but they can also reveal aptitudes these Wood Rats can build on and can alert them to other possibilities in the future.

Similarly, Wood Rats who are seeking work will find that if they take advantage of any retraining or refresher courses they are eligible for, new ways forward can open up for them. These may not always be easy times, but important seeds for the future can now be sown.

As far as the Wood Rat’s personal interests are concerned, however, this can be an encouraging year. Some Wood Rats will already have acquired considerable expertise in a certain hobby or pursuit and will now have the chance to take this further, either by following up new ideas, setting themselves a more ambitious project or sharing their knowledge with others. Some may also find a personal interest of financial benefit. Whatever they do, in the Horse year all Wood Rats should set time aside for pursuits they enjoy. In addition, some may become intrigued by a new interest or form of recreation, including one with a keep-fit element, and what is started this year can have benefits both now and in the near future.

Financially, this is a time for discipline. With the Wood Rat’s existing commitments, as well as the plans and hopes he has for the year, he will need to keep a tight rein on spending and set money aside for specific requirements. With good control, he will be able to proceed with many of his ideas, possibly including exciting travel plans, but money does have to be managed well and risks avoided. Also, should the Wood Rat enter into any financial commitment, he should check the terms and obligations. Where financial matters are concerned, this is a year to be thorough and careful.

For personal relations, the Wood Rat will find it an eventful time. With his genial nature, he has a wide range of friends and contacts and over the year some of them can be especially helpful to him. Whenever he has concerns or anxieties, he should not hesitate to talk these over with those around him, who may not only be willing to help but also have experience of their own to draw on. In this sometimes demanding year the Wood Rat could particularly value the assistance he is given.

There will also be excellent opportunity for the Wood Rat to meet new people during the year and he will enjoy an almost immediate rapport with some of them. Late March, April, June, September and December could see the most social activity. However, while the Wood Rat’s relations with those around him will generally be positive, the aspects warn against acting thoughtlessly or taking risks. Wood Rats who are newly in love or perhaps looking for romance need to proceed particularly carefully. Time should be allowed to build a relationship, especially if it is to endure.

While the Horse year calls for care, it will also have its high points, including the marking of the Wood Rat’s thirtieth birthday. Not only will family and friends be keen to celebrate, but also to underline the affection they have for the Wood Rat. There could also be another personal event which is something of a milestone, possibly a personal decision, a family event or an addition to the family. The Wood Rat may find the Horse year bringing several significant moments. Many will also have important decisions to make concerning their accommodation. By discussing their ideas with their loved ones, these Wood Rats will be pleased with how their plans turn out. Domestically, this can be a full and eventful year.

Overall, the Wood Rat will need to proceed carefully in the Year of the Horse. However, by nature he is practical and alert, and provided he remains mindful of the feelings of others and takes advantage of the opportunities that come his way, he can lay down a firm foundation on which to build in the future. In particular, skills acquired in his work can prepare the way for the opportunities that await in the near future. His thirtieth year will require effort, but what he takes from it can go a long way towards helping him realize some of the aspirations that he has for this new and exciting decade in his life.

Tip for the Year

Be attentive and give time to others. Also, think long term and look to further your skills and talents. Use this year well, for it can prove significant.

The Fire Rat

This will be a full and often demanding year for the Fire Rat, but it will also be one of considerable possibility. He will have the chance to develop both new and existing skills and often gain important qualifications. What he undertakes now can have considerable bearing on the next few years.

For Fire Rats in education, there will be exams to prepare for as well as decisions to make about the direction they would like their life to take. At times the pressure may be considerable and the Fire Rat may feel overwhelmed, but if he gives his best and works in a consistent and organized way, he may be pleased with what he achieves.

During the year he should make the most of the resources available to him. Not only can this help with his studying but, looking ahead, by contacting organizations and advice centres he could find out more about the possibilities available. He should also talk to those at home as well as his tutors. Knowing him as well as they do, they too will have ideas and suggestions he could benefit from as well as practical ways to help. In the Horse year the Fire Rat needs to be receptive to the advice of others.

However, while this can be a constructive time, it is important that the Fire Rat accepts that not all his plans will be easily achieved. The Horse year will require great effort and if he is lax or careless, disappointments could loom.

Many Fire Rats will devote a lot of their time to studying this year, but this can also be an important time for general development. In particular, the Fire Rat will often have the chance to take certain interests further. Whether he is developing his skills, exploring his ideas or just having fun, his personal interests can bring both pleasure and other benefits. Fire Rats who enjoy playing a musical instrument, like sport or are artistically inclined will find that joining others and learning more can lead to them developing their talents and being inspired to take them further. Also, if something new intrigues the Fire Rat during the year, he should follow it up. As with so much this year, it can lead on to other possibilities.

With his lively nature and wide interests, the Fire Rat has a good way with others and gets on well with most. Over the year he will enjoy going out with friends and attending parties and other occasions, and will value certain friendships in particular. However, the year does have its more cautionary aspects. If the Fire Rat finds himself in a situation about which he has misgivings or is tempted to over-indulge, problems could occur. This is no time for risks or personal lapses. Fire Rats, take note. Enjoy the year, but be careful. Late March to early May, June, September and December could see the most social activity.

Another area which requires care is finance. With the Fire Rat likely to want to do a great deal on often limited means, he would do well to take his time when considering purchases and avoid impulse buys. Also, if entering into any financial agreement, he should check the terms and be aware of the obligations. This is no year for risk.

For Fire Rats currently in work, the Horse year can bring the chance to build on their present position and move on to new duties. Although sometimes their work may be repetitive and they may be keen to make more of their abilities, by showing commitment and willingness to learn, they will have the chance to benefit when other openings arise.

For Fire Rats seeking work this can be a difficult time. With many people chasing few vacancies, it will require a special effort to secure an opening. However, by preparing applications with care, including finding out more about the company and duties involved, the Fire Rat will find his initiative will show through and may lead to him securing that all-important foothold on the employment ladder. March, June, September and November could see some interesting possibilities.

The element of Fire adds tenacity and drive to a sign and this is especially the case with the Fire Rat. He is purposeful and alert and has style and presence. Provided he is disciplined and prepared to put in the effort, what he achieves this year can be an important foundation for the future. The Horse year will be demanding and not always easy, but it represents a real chance for the Fire Rat to show his qualities and prepare himself for the success that awaits.

Tip for the Year

Make the most of chances to learn. What you do now can often have long-term value. Also, enjoy your personal interests, for these too can benefit you, sometimes in an unexpected way.

The Earth Rat

There is a Chinese proverb which states, ‘He who comprehends the times is great.’ As 2014 starts, the Earth Rat would do well to reflect on his position and what he would like to see happen. Having ideas in mind will not only give him something to work towards but also allow him to use his time and energy more profitably. The Year of the Horse, while not always easy, does have considerable possibility.

As with all Rats, the Earth Rat is blessed with an enquiring mind. If something intrigues him, he will always endeavour to find out more. His curious nature will serve him well this year. Remarks he hears, subjects he reads about or invitations that come his way may all give him the chance to try new activities, go to new places or take up new interests. This is very much a year to be open-minded and game.

Earth Rats who are newly retired or who retire this year will find that with more free time available they will have more chance to develop their interests. Their actions can make this an often stimulating time. Another encouraging feature of the year will be the support the Earth Rat receives from those around him. Not only will family and friends be encouraging, but other enthusiasts or a local interest group can add to the pleasure his interests bring.

Also, quite a few Earth Rats will have dormant talents just waiting to blossom. It could be they enjoy music, art, writing or another creative activity but have not had the chance to either explore or develop their skills. Now is the time. The Horse year is one of interesting possibility.

The Earth Rat would also do well to give some consideration to his general well-being and take regular and appropriate exercise. He may be tempted to join a keep-fit class, but whatever he does, by remaining active (and sometimes sharing activities with others), he can benefit. However, before starting any new exercise regime or if he has any concerns, it is important he seeks medical guidance.

During the year the Earth Rat will often have social occasions to look forward to and the chance to meet his friends, and April, June, September and December could be particularly full and pleasing months socially.

As always, the Earth Rat will give much attention to his home life, including tackling domestic projects, sorting out maintenance problems and smartening living areas. The Horse year is one for action, and the plans the Earth Rat carries out during it, including some he may have thought about for some while, will bring him considerable pleasure.

Over the year he will also find others, particularly younger relations, seeking his views and grateful for assistance he is able to give. However, while his domestic life can bring him much contentment, there may also be issues that concern him. Minor matters have a tendency to escalate in Horse years and if the Earth Rat detects difficult undercurrents or potential problems, he would do well to address these early on. With dialogue and compromise, awkward situations can often be dealt with, but in the Horse year early action is advised.

This also applies to a possible friendship issue. Here again the Earth Rat should be mindful of the views of others and wary in potentially awkward situations. Fortunately his ability to read people and situations can serve him well and he is a skilled diplomat, but disagreements could arise and risk casting a shadow over some of the year’s activities. Earth Rats, be warned and tread carefully.

Another area which requires care is finance. Over the year the Earth Rat needs to watch his spending as well as plan for more major outgoings. Also, when completing paperwork, especially if tax, pension or benefit related, he needs to be thorough and query anything which is not clear. This is a year to be thorough and disciplined.

Despite this, the Earth Rat would do well to try and make provision for travel, if possible. A change of scene could do him a lot of good and he could enjoy new experiences and be inspired by the sights he sees. This is a year which can open the Earth Rat’s mind to new possibilities.

Overall, the Earth Rat can derive much personal benefit from the Horse year, although to get the most from it he does need to act upon his ideas and develop his interests. This could include nurturing talents which may have lain dormant for some time. The Horse year does hold considerable scope for the Earth Rat, but money matters need to be handled with care and while the Earth Rat can look forward to many agreeable times with others, the year can give rise to problems, which ideally should be addressed early on. The Earth Rat will need to remain aware of these potentially awkward aspects and proceed with caution. This can be a satisfying year with scope for personal development, but it is also one which requires care.

Tip for the Year

Be open – you can gain a great deal from the support and encouragement you are given as well as enjoy the way many of your ideas develop. Also, make the most of your own special skills. These too can bring pleasure – and a possible surprise.

Famous Rats
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