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Your Chinese Horoscope 2014: What the year of the horse holds in store for you

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Where matters of the heart are concerned, this is a year for care. With time and attention, many a romance can flourish, but without commitment, relationships may falter.

Overall, the Year of the Horse will be a demanding one for the Ox. It is no time for idling or being resistant to change, and the progress the Ox makes will be the result of effort and commitment. However, one of the Ox’s many strengths is that he is hard-working, and by being prepared to adapt as situations require and to add to his skills, he can do well. Throughout the year it is important he keeps his lifestyle in balance and preserves time for his domestic and social life as well as gives some consideration to his own well-being. With care, effort and balance, however, he can make this a constructive and satisfying year.

The Metal Ox

This will be an interesting year for the Metal Ox, but it is also one for care. Events will move swiftly and although the Metal Ox likes to plan ahead, in 2014 he will need to show flexibility and be accommodating. As the Chinese proverb reminds us, ‘If you chase after two rabbits, you will catch neither.’ In the Horse year the Metal Ox will need to concentrate on priorities rather than spread his energies too widely.

In his work, the Horse year will bring change. New methods of working may be introduced or, by virtue of his experience, he may be given a more specialist role. Some new developments may happen quickly and catch the Metal Ox by surprise, but this is very much a year to adapt and ‘go with the flow’. If not, some Metal Oxen run the risk of being passed over and missing out on opportunities. Also, when changes take place, if the Metal Ox is a part of what is happening rather than appearing too removed, he will have more chance to bring his strengths to bear and, in the process, raise his profile and position. This is no year to stand still or let chances slip by.

Most Metal Oxen will remain with their present employer over the year and experience a change in duties. However, for Metal Oxen who would welcome new challenges elsewhere as well as those seeking work, the Horse year can bring important opportunities. To benefit, these Metal Oxen will need to be quick and flexible. Although they may be keen to pursue a certain type of work or remain in a particular industry, by widening their options many could secure a position that offers them the chance to use their strengths in other ways. March to early May, July and September could see encouraging developments.

Another benefit of the Horse year will be the opportunities it will bring for the Metal Ox to extend his knowledge and skills. Often these will come through the new duties he takes on, but if there is an area of his knowledge he would like to improve on or a skill he would like to become more proficient in, he would do well to set time aside to learn more. Whether through research he can do by himself or enrolling on a course, by doing something positive he will not only feel he is moving himself forward but also that he is helping his future prospects. A few Metal Oxen may also decide to take up a new recreational activity, but whatever the area involved, with a willingness to learn, the Metal Ox will find considerable benefits can follow on.

He can also be helped by giving some consideration to his well-being over the year. With the energy he puts into his activities and the long hours he sometimes keeps, it is important he allows time to rest and makes sure he has regular and appropriate exercise. He should also pay attention to the quality of his diet. To be neglectful could leave him lacking his usual energy or prone to minor ailments. If he has any concerns or decides on a keep-fit regime, it would be worth him seeking medical advice.

The Horse year can hold travel opportunities for many Metal Oxen, often arising at short notice, and again they are likely to enjoy the pleasures that travel can bring.

By nature the Metal Ox is thorough and careful, and in the Horse year he does need to be vigilant in money matters. If he takes on new commitments or has doubts over a particular transaction or financial matter, he should seek clarification. This is no time for making assumptions or taking risks.

The Metal Ox is usually selective in his socializing and prefers to keep his social circle relatively small. However, the Horse year can open up interesting possibilities and he should not deny himself the chance to go out, whether to meet friends or to go to events that appeal to him. Also, by keeping informed about what is happening in his area, he could learn of activities that he could enjoy or that could benefit him in some other way. Here again, the year can bring some interesting opportunities, but the Metal Ox does need to act upon them.

For Metal Oxen who are unattached and would welcome company, new activities can also be an excellent way to meet others. For some, the year can have intriguing love prospects, but the Metal Ox will need to be attentive and cannot take the feelings of another for granted or appear unaccommodating, otherwise disagreements could ensue. Awareness is very important this year. March, May, September and November could see the most social activity.

The Metal Ox’s home life will be particularly busy this year and there will need to be good co-operation and a willingness to compromise over certain arrangements. Also, where some practical undertakings are concerned, the Metal Ox will need to prioritize rather than attempt too much at once. He may be keen, but as the Chinese proverb warns, spreading his energies too widely could lead to less satisfactory results. In the Horse year he needs to be realistic about what is doable at any one time.

In addition to all he does around his home, the Metal Ox will often help and advise family members as well as give assistance to someone much older than himself. Others especially value his solid and dependable nature and in the Horse year he will earn the gratitude of many. He can also look forward to some notable family events, especially during the summer.

Overall, the Year of the Horse will be an active one for the Metal Ox and although he may be uncomfortable with the pace of events, by being prepared to adapt and widen his perspective, he can greatly benefit from the opportunities the year offers. He will also be able to add to his skills or acquire new ones over the year and this can help open up possibilities in the future. This is a time for moving forward and while the Metal Ox may by nature be cautious, if he is willing to venture forth he can gain a great deal from the Horse year.

Tip for the Year

Concentrate on priorities and be prepared to adapt as required. With your talents and a certain flexibility, you have it within you to accomplish a great deal this year.

The Water Ox

The Water Ox is blessed with a keen and practical nature and as 2014 starts he will be likely to have ideas about what he would like to see happen over the year as well as certain issues he would like to address. As a result, many Water Oxen will start the year in determined spirit.

One particular area of focus may well be their work situation. While many Water Oxen will have made headway in recent times, this period of change is far from over. Horse years are innovative and fast-moving and in many workplaces new procedures will be introduced, policies and objectives reviewed and expectations increased. As situations change, it is important that the Water Ox keeps himself informed and involved. This way he will not only have more chance to contribute but also to benefit from the openings that are created. What many Water Oxen accomplish this year, in sometimes volatile situations, will be very much to their credit and something they can build on in the future.

It is also important that throughout the year the Water Ox works closely with others and seizes any opportunities to build up his contacts and raise his profile, including, if appropriate, joining a professional organization. Again, the more involved he is, the more he stands to gain.

The Horse year can also bring important developments for Water Oxen seeking work or looking to change employer. Events can take an unexpected course and this is a year to be open to possibility. By doing so, many Water Oxen will be able to successfully embark on a new stage in their career. Horse years offer opportunity, but the Water Ox cannot be too narrow-minded or independent in his approach. Late February to early May, July and September could bring some decisive moments, but such is the nature of the year that opportunities could arise at almost any time and will need to be acted on quickly.

A great many Water Oxen can look forward to a modest rise in income during the year, but finances still need to be carefully managed. This includes making allowance for both new and existing commitments as well as keeping a close watch on everyday spending. This is a year to be careful and thorough and avoid risk. If the Water Ox has problems or enters into a long-term agreement it could be helpful to seek professional advice.

With the busy nature of the year it is also important the Water Ox keeps his lifestyle in balance and allows himself time for recreation, personal interests, exercise and just relaxing. To keep pushing himself could lead to stress and leave him susceptible to minor ailments. Water Oxen, do take note and give some consideration to your lifestyle.

The Water Ox can derive much pleasure from his home life this year, and joint pursuits and quality time with his loved ones will not only help mutual understanding but also lead to many enjoyable occasions. It is important that the Water Ox shares what is on his mind with others and with a spirit of openness helpful to all. The summer months could be especially full and interesting. However, in view of the busy nature of the year, practical projects should not be rushed but carried out as and when time allows.

The Water Ox should also make the most of his social opportunities. Contact with others can do him good and be another way to keep his lifestyle in balance. March, May, September and November could see the most social activity.

The Water Ox is certainly set to have a full and eventful year, but throughout he does need to be aware of changing situations and prepared to adapt accordingly. This is not a time to be intransigent or too independent in approach. However, while the year will bring its challenges, it will also bring opportunities for the Water Ox to add to his capabilities and improve on his position. During it, he would do well to give some consideration to his lifestyle and preserve time for those who are important to him. This can be a rewarding year, but it does call for watchfulness and keeping his lifestyle in balance.

Tip for the Year

Value your relations with others. With their support, advice and encouragement your year will be that much easier. Also, allow yourself some ‘me time’ to relax and enjoy your achievements.

The Wood Ox

This will be an eventful year for the Wood Ox and while the pressures may sometimes be great, there will be much for him to enjoy.

With Wood as his element, this Ox is practical and realistic. He is also patient and prepared to work hard for the things he wants. In the Horse year some of his longer-term hopes will be realized, sometimes in unexpected but fortuitous ways. Indeed, what happens this year can be the culmination of considerable effort combined with an element of luck.

A particularly eventful area may be his private life. Wood Oxen with a partner may well find that plans they have been working towards for some time can now be realized and between them there could be several personal successes to enjoy, including for some an addition to their family. Others may move to somewhere more convenient or, through their own efforts, be able to transform their existing home. An important element of the Horse year is that it favours following up ideas.

Although, like all Oxen, the Wood Ox values his independence, it is also important that he is prepared to discuss his thoughts and any concerns with his partner, friends and more senior relations. If he does so, they will not only be better able to advise but can sometimes assist in unexpected ways. A lot that the Wood Ox sets out to do this year will be helped along by the support of others.

The Horse year can also be significant for the unattached Wood Ox. Again, events can take a surprising course and he may meet someone by chance who will soon become very special to him. Although the Wood Ox likes to take his time in getting to know another person, love could take hold suddenly this year and transform his situation. March, May, September and November could be important months.

In view of accommodation costs, however, plus his other activities and sometimes expensive personal plans, the Wood Ox will need to be disciplined in money matters. When entering into an agreement he does need to check the terms and, if considering expensive purchases, take the time to compare prices. Hurrying, taking risks or ignoring fine print could lead to problems. Money matters require careful handling this year.

At work, the Wood Ox will see important developments. There may well be changes to his responsibilities, objectives and workload. These can often bring increased pressure but at the same time give him the chance to demonstrate his potential and extend his skills. With commitment and hard work, many Wood Oxen can do their reputation a lot of good this year and mark themselves out for future progress. However, as with all Oxen, the Wood Ox does have a stubborn streak, and should he show himself resistant to change, his progress may not be so great. In the Horse year he does need to be willing to learn and to embrace change.

For Wood Oxen who are seeking work or intent on changing their employer, the Horse year can open up some interesting opportunities. Effort will be required and when making applications and at interview these Wood Oxen will need to stress their experience and also demonstrate initiative by finding out more about what is involved. With persistence and determination, however, the Wood Ox can make this a significant and rewarding year. Late February to early May, July and September will be important months for employment matters.

The Wood Ox can derive much satisfaction from his personal interests over the year and if he has ideas he is keen to develop or skills he can put to good use, he should allow himself the time to do so. With a willing attitude, he can look forward to some encouraging achievements. For Wood Oxen who are interested in adding a new element to their lifestyle, it could be well worth considering joining a local activity or social group.

With his busy lifestyle the Wood Ox would also do well to give some thought to his well-being. With so many ambitions to fulfil, in this busy year he does need to keep himself in good form.

Overall, the Horse year will see a lot of activity in the Wood Ox’s life and is very much a time for building on his position. He will be assisted by those around him and sometimes the workings of chance as well. As a Wood Ox he is keen and practical, and his efforts will bring some well-deserved results as well as help his continuing progress. A satisfying year.

Tip for the Year

Act on your ideas. Your resolve and determination can lead to a lot opening up for you. Also, do consult others. These can be special times which can see the fulfilment of some important personal hopes.

The Fire Ox

This can be a promising year for the Fire Ox, although just how well he fares is very much in his own hands. With willingness to make the most of his situation and the opportunities that will open up for him, he can make good progress and enjoy some positive developments. However, if he idles or makes little effort, the year can have salutary warnings. This can be a time of great potential, but the Fire Ox does need to seize the moment and apply himself.

For the many Fire Oxen in education this can be an interesting year. Although busy with coursework and preparing for exams, these Fire Oxen will often have the chance to extend their studies as well as tackle certain areas in greater depth. This can not only make their studying more interesting but also bring out certain strengths. Admittedly, the pressures will sometimes be great and there will be times when some may question their abilities, but by concentrating on what needs to be done and organizing their workload well, many will find themselves making great strides.

The Fire Ox can also benefit from making good use of the facilities and support available to him. By being willing and proactive, he can gain a lot from what he does now as well as prepare himself for future possibilities.

He will also have the chance to develop certain interests. Some can have a good social element, with much fun likely to be had. For the sporting and outdoor enthusiast in particular, this can be quite a lively year.

The Fire Ox will value his friendships too and welcome the support and understanding of those around him. In addition new activities or studies can often introduce him to new people over the year. For a few Fire Oxen, affairs of the heart can add moments of excitement, although there may, for some, be painful times as well. The path of true love rarely runs smooth.

In fact the Horse year does have its more awkward aspects and the Fire Ox will need to remain aware of the feelings of others and be particularly careful in any difficult or fraught situation. Although he can be outspoken, words said in haste could rebound on him and he would do well to think before he speaks out.
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