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Your Chinese Horoscope 2014: What the year of the horse holds in store for you

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The Tiger often marries young and he will find himself best suited to those born under the signs of the Pig, Dog, Horse and Goat. He can also get on well with the Rat, Rabbit and Rooster, but will find the Ox and Snake a bit too quiet and serious for his liking and will be highly irritated by the Monkey’s rather mischievous and inquisitive ways. He will also find it difficult to get on with another Tiger or a Dragon – both partners will want to dominate the relationship and could find it difficult to compromise on even the smallest of matters.

The Tigress is lively, witty and a marvellous hostess at parties. She takes great care over her appearance and is usually most attractive. She can be a very doting mother and while she believes in letting her children have their freedom, she makes an excellent teacher and will ensure that her children are well brought up and want for nothing. Like her male counterpart, she has numerous interests and likes to have sufficient independence and freedom to go off and do the things she wants to do. She has a most caring and generous nature.

The Tiger has many commendable qualities. He is honest, courageous and often a source of inspiration to others. Providing he can curb the wilder excesses of his restless nature, he is almost certain to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life.

The Five Different Types of Tiger

In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Tiger are described below, together with the years in which they were exercising their influence. Therefore Tigers born in 1950 and 2010 are Metal Tigers, Tigers born in 1962 are Water Tigers, and so on.

Metal Tiger: 1950, 2010

The Metal Tiger has an assertive and outgoing personality. He is very ambitious, and while his aims may change from time to time, he will work relentlessly until he has obtained what he wants. He can, however, be impatient for results and become highly strung if things do not work out as he would like. He is distinctive in his appearance and is admired and respected by many.

Water Tiger: 1962

This Tiger has a wide variety of interests and is always eager to experiment with new ideas or satisfy his adventurous nature by going off to explore distant lands. He is versatile, shrewd and has a kindly nature. He tends to remain calm in a crisis, although he can be annoyingly indecisive at times. He communicates well with others and through his many capabilities and persuasive nature usually achieves what he wants in life. He is also highly imaginative and is often a gifted orator or writer.

Wood Tiger: 1914, 1974

The Wood Tiger has a friendly and pleasant personality. He is less independent than some of the other types of Tiger and more prepared to work with others to secure a desired objective. However, he does have a tendency to jump from one thing to another and can easily become distracted. He is usually very popular, has a large circle of friends and invariably leads a busy and enjoyable social life. He also has a good sense of humour.

Fire Tiger: 1926, 1986

The Fire Tiger sets about everything he does with great verve and enthusiasm. He loves action and is always ready to throw himself wholeheartedly into anything that catches his imagination. He has many leadership qualities and is capable of communicating his ideas and enthusiasm to others. He is very much an optimist and can be most generous. He has a likeable nature and can be a witty and persuasive speaker.

Earth Tiger: 1938, 1998

This Tiger is responsible and level-headed. He studies everything objectively and tries to be scrupulously fair in all his dealings. Unlike other Tigers, he is prepared to specialize in certain areas rather than get distracted by other matters, but he can become so involved in what he is doing that he does not always take into account the opinions of those around him. He has good business sense and is usually very successful in later life. He has a large circle of friends and pays great attention to both his appearance and his reputation.

Prospects for the Tiger in 2014

The Year of the Snake (10 February 2013–30 January 2014) will have had a moderating effect on the Tiger and not all his plans will have proceeded as quickly or as smoothly as envisaged. However, as the year draws to a close, the Tiger can look forward to an upturn in activity.

At work there could be interesting developments. Some Tigers will have the opportunity to extend their duties, vary their role or take on something new. September and October could be key months. Snake years are ideal for developing skills and any way that the Tiger is able to add to his capabilities could be to his future advantage.

If he is looking to make major purchases or buy something specific, especially around the year’s end, he could benefit from some good fortune, and it would be worth him keeping alert for special offers and when shopping in more unusual outlets.

With his active and outgoing nature, the Tiger will make the most of the family and social occasions the closing months of the year will bring. However, he does need to be aware of the views and sensitivities of other people. Also, he needs to be realistic in his planning. He may like to do a lot, but Snake years are not ones for rush and it is better to appreciate what he can do rather than rue what he cannot. December, however, could be a particularly active month domestically and socially.

Overall, the Snake year will have brought its challenges and some frustrations, but the Tiger will have gained useful experience and will be able to build on this in 2014.

The Year of the Horse begins on 31 January and will be a favourable one for the Tiger. Tigers thrive on activity and, being resourceful and enterprising, are set to make the most of the opportunities this fast-moving year will bring. Those who have been disappointed with recent progress or are unhappy with their present situation will find the Horse year is very much a time for moving forward. With resolve, effort and willingness, many can see their prospects substantially improve.

At work, the Tiger will often have the chance to make more of his expertise and use the skills he has recently built up. As a result, when promotion opportunities become available or staff are required for specific assignments, many Tigers will be excellently placed to benefit. All Tigers can help their situation by being more involved in their place of work, whether working in a team, starting up initiatives or taking chances to network. The effort the Tiger makes now can do much to enhance his reputation and strengthen his prospects.

For Tigers who have felt held back in recent years, are looking for new challenges or are seeking a position, the Horse year can bring interesting possibilities. By keeping alert, making enquiries and being persistent, many will find doors opening for them. February, April, June and September could see positive developments, but whenever the Tiger sees an opening, has an idea that may help his situation or would like to find out more about a particular type of work or industry, he should investigate. It will be his initiative and drive that will lead him to make headway over the year.

Personal interests are favourably aspected and if the Tiger has a project he wants to start or an idea he is keen to explore, he should give himself the time and opportunity to do so. The Tiger’s inventiveness and creative spark will often be whetted during the course of the Horse year, and for Tigers who enjoy following or partaking in sport, there can be exciting times in store.

The Tiger’s progress at work can lead to an increase in income and some could also receive a gift or bonus over the course of the year. However, to benefit from any upturn, the Tiger will need to manage his money well and ideally set sums aside for specific requirements and, if he is able, reduce any borrowings. With good management and control, he can improve his financial situation over the year.

The Tiger enjoys company and whether meeting up with friends, going to parties and other social occasions, taking part in interest groups or enjoying events in his area, he will have plenty of opportunity to go out and enjoy himself during the year.

For the unattached, affairs of the heart are splendidly aspected, with existing romances becoming more meaningful or new acquaintances quickly becoming special. These can be busy, exciting and often passionate times. Almost all months of the year will offer social occasions for the Tiger to enjoy, but May, July, September and December could see the most activity.

The Tiger’s home life is also pleasingly aspected and during the year there could be several good reasons to celebrate. In keeping with his inventive nature, the Tiger will never be short of ideas and yet again his input will lead to a lot happening. However, while the Tiger is enthusiastic, he does need to avoid spreading his energies too widely, and where practical (and potentially disruptive) undertakings are concerned, he should concentrate on one task at a time. The year will be busy enough without adding further pressure.

In general, the Year of the Horse is filled with great possibility, and the Tiger’s drive, ideas and dynamic personality will help to make this an active and fulfilling time. He can also look forward to a certain amount of good fortune. In addition, his relations with others will bring him much happiness and he will greatly benefit from the encouragement and support he receives from those around him. This is a year of considerable opportunity.

The Metal Tiger

The Metal Tiger has a keen and alert nature and as the Horse year starts he will have plans to get underway and hopes to realize. To get the best from the year, he will need to remain focused and resist the temptation of trying to do too much at once. With organization, discipline and concentrated effort, however, he will be able to achieve a great deal.

Foremost in the thoughts of many Metal Tigers will be their work situation. In particular, some will be feeling that they have not been making the most of their potential and will be keen to take on a new role. The Horse year will give many of these Metal Tigers the chance they want.

Those who are well-established in a company may find opportunities arising – sometimes quite suddenly – for them to take on more specialist tasks and use their experience to better advantage. As a result, many will find their work becoming more satisfying. Some will also have the chance to mentor more junior colleagues.

Metal Tigers wanting a complete change – perhaps a position nearer to their home – as well as those seeking work could also benefit from encouraging developments. By keeping in regular contact with employment agencies, talking to contacts and making enquiries, they can find their persistence paying off and bringing them an interesting new opening. Admittedly, there could be adjustments to make and new procedures to learn, but the Metal Tiger often does well when given a challenge. February, April, June and September could see important developments.

The Metal Tiger’s financial prospects are also encouraging. Many Metal Tigers will increase their income over the year or benefit from the receipt of something extra. Some may also find a way to supplement their income through an interest or skill. However, to make the most of any upturn, the Metal Tiger does need to manage his situation well rather than proceed on an ad hoc basis. By considering his position and saving for more major purchases, as well as, if possible, making provision for the longer term, he will benefit both now and in the future. In addition, he may decide on an efficiency drive this year, getting his paperwork in better order and sorting through unwanted belongings. Horse years encourage activity and the Metal Tiger may be keen to make quite a few positive changes.

He can also derive considerable pleasure from his interests during the year, particularly from the way he is able to develop certain ideas. He could find it helpful to contact other enthusiasts or at least get feedback on some activity he may be considering. This way he could benefit from a certain synergy and some interests and projects could gain new momentum. A new recreational pursuit could also catch his attention, as the Horse year will bring some interesting possibilities.

The Metal Tiger’s social life is also well aspected and he will have plenty of chances to meet up with his friends as well as attend an often interesting mix of occasions. For the unattached, the Horse year has distinct romantic possibilities. Any Metal Tiger who is feeling jaded or unfulfilled and would welcome more company would find it well worth joining an activity group in his area. Late April, May, July, September and December could be active and interesting months socially.

The Metal Tiger’s home life is also likely to see a lot of activity during the year. If he is a grandparent, he could find himself helping younger family members more as well as offering pertinent advice. His extensive knowledge can be much appreciated this year. In addition, by talking, listening and spending time with his loved ones, he will not only value the special rapport they share but will find that all sorts of ideas and activities can come about. In addition, he will take pleasure in tackling more practical projects, and provided he does not rush or embark on too many at once, he will be pleased with the improvements made.

With this being a year of positive developments, there could also be a family celebration in many a Metal Tiger household and a holiday or local trip could provide some memorable highlights.

Overall, the Metal Tiger can do well in the Horse year. He will have the chance to put his ideas and strengths to good use, but exactly how he fares is, to some extent, in his own hands. This is a year for effort and taking the initiative, and any Metal Tigers who are tempted to coast or not particularly exert themselves could find chances are missed. With willingness, commitment and his usual enthusiastic nature, however, the Metal Tiger can benefit from the variety of opportunities the year will bring.

Tip for the Year

Act with determination. That way, you can achieve a great deal. Also, whenever possible, join with others. Shared activities are favourably aspected and your relations with others can be meaningful and special.

The Water Tiger

As the Year of the Horse gets underway, many Water Tigers will feel this is a time of change and that by acting purposefully, they will gain results. And this will be the case for many. The Horse year requires effort and application and the enterprising Water Tiger will be able to make positive strides. For those who have been feeling unfulfilled or have been hindered by recent circumstances, this can be a particularly welcome change.

In the Water Tiger’s work situation there can be significant developments. In view of the expertise and experience he has built up, he will often have the chance to move his career forward, either by taking advantage of promotion opportunities or new openings that arise during the year. Many Water Tigers will find themselves in the right place at the right time in this year of rapidly moving developments. The Water Tiger’s strengths can serve him especially well and, being an effective communicator and good at generating ideas, he will often find himself with an increased role to play in many a team. This is a year when he can make his talents count and show others his true potential.

This also applies to Water Tigers who feel there are limited prospects where they are as well as those looking for work. Although the employment situation may be difficult, by considering different ways in which they could use their skills and making an extra effort with their applications and at interview, they will find new doors opening for them. The Water Tiger’s drive, talents and personal strengths will impress many this year. February, late March, April, June and September could see interesting developments, but with the aspects as they are, at almost any time of the year the Water Tiger may see an avenue of enquiry which could be worth pursuing.

Another positive aspect concerns his own personal development. Whether through work or his personal interests, he should make the most of any opportunities to learn something new or improve on his skills and knowledge. Much can follow on from this in the future.

In addition, Water Tigers who enjoy creative activities could receive an encouraging response to any ideas or work they may promote this year. As the saying goes, ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained,’ and it will reward the Water Tiger to venture.

The progress he makes can also help financially, and with the aspects as they are, he may also benefit from some financial windfalls this year. However, with existing commitments, an often active lifestyle and the likelihood of travel too, his outgoings will be considerable and will need to be watched. Before making any major purchase, the Water Tiger should take the time to consider his choices. With care, he can fare well, but he does need to remain vigilant.
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