Обучение финансовой и компьютерной грамотности. Освоение предпринимательских навыков, основ ведения бизнеса в процессе развития навыков коммуникации: ведение социальных сетей, создание сайтов, фотосъемка, участие в интервью и других бизнес-коммуникациях.
ГОД ОТКРЫТИЯ 2007 (?).
1–9 классы.
Семейная школа «Орион» – школа на территории семейного сообщества, гармонично встроенная в его жизнь. Наши дети успешно проходят промежуточную и итоговую государственную аттестацию.
Учим с опорой на совместную деятельность детей и взрослых, общие события, ценности и бережные межличностные отношения.
Мы гарантируем дружелюбное социальное окружение. Ребенок перестает бояться общения. Он учится коммуникации, решая задачи развития.
Мы учим через игру, проектную деятельность, используем элементы исследовательской работы. Подходы варьируются в зависимости от индивидуальных задач развития ребенка.
Воспитание и ценностное развитие. Мы не только обучаем, но и воспитываем – через неформальные события. Дети выбирают их или организуют с помощью взрослых.
Широкий спектр дополнительного образования и профориентация. Чтобы ребята могли осмысленно выбирать профессию или дальнейшее образование, они участвуют в рабочих стажировках. Это реальная практика на производстве, в технологической или бизнес-организации, где дети учатся работать по-настоящему, осваивают востребованные навыки и примеряют к себе нюансы профессии.
Школабелаяворона. рф
1–7 классы.
Ежедневно в расписании школы имеется 3 блока, посвященных:
• академическому обучению и hard skills,
• авторским курсам с акцентом на обучение soft skills (Пойми себя; Критическое мышление; Проекты; Тайм менеджмент),
• развивающим занятиям (Актерское мастерство; Шахматы; Этикет; Спорт).
В школе «Белая Ворона» уверены в следующем:
• Школа должна давать знания без отрыва от реальной жизни, при этом в интересной и увлекательной форме,
• Ребенку важно получить конкретные навыки: ответственность, критическое мышление, самостоятельность в делах и суждениях, коммуникативность, самоопределение
• Атмосфера всех лет школьной жизни должна быть безопасной, поддерживающей, комфортной, свободной, с принятием и уважением к каждому.
1. Фоксфорд. Медиа. (2019) Soft skills – что это такое и где этому научиться. Режим доступа: https://media.foxford.ru/soft-skills/(датадоступа: 16.05.2022).
2. Mann, C. (1918) A Study of Engineering Education. Boston: The Merrymount Press.
3. Strauss, V. (2017) The surprising thing Google learned about its employees – and what it means for today's students. Retrieved from: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/12/20/the-surprising-thing-google-learned-about-its-employees-and-what-it-means-for-todays-students/ (accessed 16 May 2022).
4. Faye, F. (2016). If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Bloomberg. Retrieved from: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2016–12–22/if-you-re-so-smart-why-aren-t-you-rich(accessed 15 May 2022).
5. Heckman, J. J. & Kautz, T. (2012). Hard evidence on soft skills. Labour Economics,19 (4), 451–464. https://doi.org/10.1016/flabeco.2012.05.014
6. Gray, A. (2016) The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Retrieved from: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-10-skills-you-need-to-thrive-in-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/(accessed 16 May 2022).
7. OECD (2015). Skills for Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional Skills. OECD Skills Studies. Paris: OECD Publishing. http:// doi. org/10.1787/9789264226159-en.
8. OECD Skills Outlook. Retrieved from: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/oecd-skills-outlook_e11c1c2d-en(accessed 16 May 2022).
9. National Soft Skills Association (NSSA). Retrieved from: https://www.nationalsoftskills. org/ (accessed 16 May 2022).
The School of the Future. Does it Have the Room for Soft Skills Development?
The so-called soft skills – a set of personal and social skills and qualities – are increasingly becoming the subject of studies and public discourse lately. However, school and University education still remains focused on knowledge. Will the School of the Future place as much emphasis to the development of soft skills as to substantive learning? We are starting a series of publications dedicated to the models of the School of the Future. Our first conversation is about what role the school plays in developing soft skills in children.
Zoya Talitskaya
Expert, Gladway Foundation for the Development of Media Projects and Social Programs
Scientists discovered long ago that in-depth knowledge and even good grades at school and the University do not necessarily translate into success in life and career. For example, the National Soft Skills Association of America describes the findings of a study covering several thousand American engineers, conducted more than a hundred years ago, in 1918. Even then, about 85 % of engineers cited personal qualities as the most important factor influencing success in an engineering career – compared to 15 % citing technical knowledge and skills (Mann, 1918).
Among the much more recent findings is information from Google, which analyzed data on the hiring, career development and dismissal of its employees between 1998 and 2013. The study showed that technical knowledge and skills in the respective field ranked last among the eight most important qualities of the best Google employees. All the seven more important success factors were represented by social skills: being a good mentor; good communication and listening skills; ability to understand others (including recognition of others’ values and perspectives); empathy and support for one’s peers; ability to think critically and solve problems; and ability to establish linkages between complex ideas (Strauss, 2017).
The term "soft skills” lacks a clear definition in Russian or in English language. In fact, even though the term "soft skills" prevails, the concept can be described using different names, such as common skills or core skills. This includes skills, abilities, and personality traits that are important and needed in any profession, as well as generally in every person’s life. Typically, soft skills include critical thinking, problem-solving ability, ability to speak in public, work in a team, be a leader, creative thinking ability, and so on. Soft skills are hard to measure, unlike hard skills, that is, knowledge and skills in specific areas and professions.
James Heckman, Nobel Prize winner in economics, dedicated a lot of time to education research, including that in vocational training. He showed that high IQ level only increases a person’s chances of financial success by 1–2 %. Instead, soft skills like conscientiousness and diligence, perseverance, and self-discipline are more likely to lead to financial success (Faye, 2016).
In his works on soft skills, Heckman suggests relying on the taxonomy of personal qualities (character traits) used by psychologists dealing with personality development (Heckman, Kautz, 2012). These are the so-called "Big Five” personality traits include: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Russian translations, definitions, and descriptions of these terms can be found in Table 1. This table contains descriptions and explanations of all terms, because some of them do not have easy and unambiguous equivalents in Russian, and the Russian-language sources on soft skills often distort their meaning or inaccurately convey important nuances.