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How to Form a Library, 2nd ed

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English literature has not been neglected by English bibliographers, although a full bibliography of our authors is still a crying want. Complete lists of the works of some of our greatest authors have still to be made, and it is to be hoped that all those who have the cause of bibliography at heart will join to remedy the great evil. It would be quite possible to compile a really national work by a system of co-operation such as was found workable in the case of the Philological Society's Dictionary of the English Language. Sub-editors of the different letters might be appointed, and to them all titles could be sent. When the question of printing arose, it would be well to commence with the chief authors. These bibliographies might be circulated, by which means many additions would be made to them, and then they could be incorporated in the general alphabet. In such a bibliography books in manuscript ought to be included, as well as printed books. Although there is little doubt that many books still remain unregistered, we are well supplied with catalogues of books made for trade purposes. Maunsell[31 - Before 1595. Maunsell (A.). Catalogue of English printed Books. London, 1595. 4to. Part 1, Divinitie. Part 2, Sciences Mathematicall.] was the first to publish such a list, and in 1631 was published a catalogue of books issued between 1626 and 1631.[32 - 1626-1631. A Catalogue of certaine Bookes which have been published and (by authoritie) printed in England both in Latine and English, since the year 1626 until November, 1631. London, 1631. 4to.] William London[33 - Before 1658. London (William). A Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England, orderly and alphabetically digested. With a Supplement. 1658-60. 4to.] published his Catalogue in 1658, and Clavell's his in 1696.[34 - 1666-1695. Clavell (R.). General Catalogue of Books printed in England since the dreadful Fire of London, 1666. Fourth edition. London, 1696. Folio.] Bent's Catalogue, published in 1786, went back to 1700,[35 - 1700-1786. A General Catalogue of Books in all Languages, Arts, and Sciences, printed in Great Britain and published in London. London (W. Bent), 1786. 8vo.1811. London Catalogue of Books. London (W. Bent), 1811. 8vo.1810-1831. London Catalogue of Books. London (W. Bent), 1831. 8vo.1816-1851. London Catalogue of Books. London (Hodgson), 1851. 8vo. Classified Index. London (Hodgson), 1853.1831-1855. London Catalogue of Books. London (Hodgson), 1855.] and this was continued annually as the London Catalogue. The British and English Catalogues[36 - 1837-52. The British Catalogue. Sampson Low, 1853. And Index. 2 vols. 8vo.] followed, and the latter is also published annually.[37 - 1835-1880. The English Catalogue of Books. Sampson Low. And Indexes. 8vo. Continued annually.]

For early printed books, Ames and Herbert's great work[38 - 1471-1600. Ames (Joseph). Typographical Antiquities: being an Historical Account of Printing in England, with some Memoirs of our Antient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by them … with an Appendix concerning Printing in Scotland, Ireland to the same time. London, 1749. 4to. 1 vol. Considerably augmented by W. Herbert. London, 1785-90. 3 vols. 4to. Enlarged by T.F. Dibdin. London, 1810-19. 4 vols. 4to.] is of much value, but information respecting our old literature has increased so much of late that a new history of typographical antiquities is sadly needed. Mr. Blades has done the necessary work for Caxton, but the first English printer's successors require similar treatment.

William Thomas Lowndes, the son of an eminent bookseller and publisher, and himself a bookseller, published in 1834 his Bibliographer's Manual[39 - Lowndes (W.T.), The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. London, 1834. 4 vols. 8vo. New Edition, by H.G. Bohn. London, 1857-64. 6 vols. Sm. 8vo.] which has remained the great authority for English Literature. It had become very scarce when Henry Bohn, in 1857, brought out a new edition with additions in a series of handy volumes, which is an indispensable book of reference, although it is far from being the complete work that is required.

Allibone's Dictionary[40 - Allibone (S.A.). Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. Philadelphia, 1859-71. 3 vols. Royal 8vo.] contains much that is omitted in Lowndes's Manual, but it is more literary than bibliographical in its scope. The well-selected criticisms appended to the titles of the several books are of considerable interest and value to the reader. Mr. W.C. Hazlitt's Handbooks[41 - Hazlitt (W. Carew). Handbook to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. London (J. Russell Smith), 1867. 8vo.–– Collections and Notes, 1867-1876. London (Reeves & Turner), 1876. 8vo.–– Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Literature, 1474-1700. London (Bernard Quaritch), 1882.] are exceedingly valuable as containing information respecting a class of books which has been much neglected in bibliographical works. The compiler has been indefatigable for some years past in registering the titles of rare books as they occurred at public sales.

Mr. Collier's account of rare books,[42 - Collier (J.P.). A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the rarest books in the English language, alphabetically arranged. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo.] founded on his Bridgewater Catalogue (1837), is of great use for information respecting out-of-the-way literature, as also is Mr. Corser's descriptive Catalogue of Old English Poetry.[43 - Corser (T.). Collectanea Anglo-Poetica; or a bibliographical and descriptive Catalogue of a portion of a Collection of Early English Poetry. Manchester (Chetham Society), 1860-79. 9 vols. Sm. 4to.]

Accounts of books published in Gaelic,[44 - Gaelic. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica; or, an account of all the books which have been published in the Gaelic Language. By John Reid. Glasgow, 1832. 8vo.] in Welsh,[45 - Welsh. Cambrian Bibliography: containing an account of the books printed in the Welsh Language; or relating to Wales, from the year 1546 to the end of the 18th century. By W. Rowlands. Llanidloes, 1869. 8vo.] and in Irish,[46 - Irish. Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820. Containing a chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish writers … carried down to the year 1750, with a descriptive Catalogue of such of their works as are still extant. By E. O'Reilly. Dublin, 1820. 4to.] have been published. The works of American authors are included in Allibone's Dictionary, referred to under English literature, but special books have also been prepared, such as Trübner's Guide,[47 - Trübner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature: a classed list of books published in the United States of America during the last forty years. London, 1859. 8vo.] Stevens's American Books in the British Museum,[48 - Catalogue of the American Books in the Library of the British Museum. Christmas, 1856. By H. Stevens. London, 1866. 8vo.] and Leypoldt's great book, the American Catalogue.[49 - The American Catalogue under the direction of F. Leypoldt. New York, 1880. 2 vols. 4to. Suppl. 1876-84. Compiled under the editorial direction of R.R. Bowker by Miss Appleton. New York, 1885.] Catalogues of Books on America, such as those of Obadiah Rich, have also been compiled, but these are more properly special bibliographies. France has always stood in a foremost position in respect to bibliography, and she alone has a national work on her literature, which stands in the very first rank—this is due to the enthusiastic bibliographer Querard.[50 - Querard (J.M.). La France Littéraire, ou Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Savants qui ont écrit en français, plus particulièrement pendant les XVIII

et XIX

siècles. Paris, 1827-64. 12 vols. 8vo.–– Littérature Française contemporaine (1826-49). Continuation de la France Littéraire. Paris, 1842-57. 6 vols. 8vo.] A better model as to what a national bibliography should be could not well be found. The catalogue of current literature, which bears the name of O. Lorenz, is also an excellent work.[51 - Lorenz (O.). Catalogue de la Librairie Française 1840-1865. 4 vols. 1866-1875. 2 vols. 8vo. The Catalogue of Books from 1876 to 1885 is in preparation.–– Tables des Matières, 1840-1875. Paris, 1879-80. 2 vols. 8vo.]

German literature has been, and is, well registered. Heyse,[52 - [Heyse (C.W.).] Bücherschatz der deutschen National-Litteratur des XVI und XVII Jahrhunderts. Systematisch geordnetes Verzeichniss einer reichhaltigen Sammlung deutschen Büchen. Berlin, 1854. 8vo.] Maltzahn,[53 - Maltzahn (W. VON). Deutschen Bücherschatz des sechszehnten, siebenzehnten und achtzehnten bis um die Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Jena, 1875. 8vo.] Heinsius,[54 - Heinsius (W.). Allgemeines Bücher Lexicon, 1700-1815. Leipzig, 1812-56. 14 vols. 4to. 7th Supplement.] and Kayser,[55 - Kayser (C.G.). Index Librorum. Vollständiges Bücher-Lexicon, enthaltend alle von 1750 bis zu Ende des Jahres (-1876) in Deutschland … gedruckten Bücher. Leipzig, 1834-77. 4to.] have all produced valuable works. Heinsius published his original Lexicon in 1812, and Kayser his in 1834, and Supplements to both of these have been published about every ten years. A more condensed work was commenced by A. Kirchhoff in 1856, containing the catalogue of works published from 1851 to 1855; a second volume of the next five years appeared in 1861, and since Kirchhoff's death Hinrichs has published a volume every five years. The Leipzig Book-fairs have had their catalogues ever since 1594, and the half-yearly volumes now bearing the name of Hinrichs,[56 - Hinrichs (J.C.). Verzeichniss der Bücher … welche in Deutschland vom Januar, 1877, bis zum (December, 1885) neu erschienen oder neu aufgelegt worden sind. Leipzig, 1876-80. 12mo. In progress.–– Repertorium über die nach den … Verzeichnissen, 1871-75, erschienenen Bücher. Von E. Baldamus. (1876-80.) Leipzig, 1877-82. 12mo.] which have been published regularly since 1798, and to which the Fair catalogues succumbed in 1855, may be considered as their legitimate successors.

The Literature of Holland is well recorded by Campbell[57 - Campbell (M.F.A.G.). Annales de la Typographie Néerlandaise au XV

Siècle. La Haye, 1874. 8vo.–– 1

Supplément. La Haye, 1878. 8vo.] and Abkoude,[58 - Abkoude (J. VAN). Naamregister van de bekendste … Nederduitsche Boeken … 1600 tot 1761. Nu overzien en tot het jaar 1787 vermeerderd door R. Arrenberg. Rotterdam, 1788. 4to.–– Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken 1790 tot 1832, Amsterdam, 1835. 4to. 1833-1875. Amsterdam, 1858-78. 3 vols. 4to.–– Wetenschappelijk Register behoorende bij Brinkman's Alphabetische Naamlijsten van Boeken … 1850-75 … bewerkt door R. van der Meulen. Amsterdam, 1878. 4to.] and for Belgium there is the Bibliographie de Belgique.[59 - Bibliographie de Belgique. Journal Officiel de la Librairie. Année 1. Bruxelles, 1876. 8vo.] Italy can boast of a Gamba[60 - Gamba (B.). Serie dei testi di Lingua Italiana e di altri opere importanti nella Italiana letteratura nel Secolo XV al XIX. Quarta edizione. Venezia, 1839. 8vo.] and a Bertocci,[61 - Bertocci (D.G.). Repertorio bibliografico delle opere stampate in Italia nel Secolo XIX. Vol. I. Roma, 1876. 8vo.] and a public office publishes the Bibliografia Italiana.[62 - Bibliografia Italiana: Giornale compilato sui documenti communicati dal Ministero dell'Istruzione Pubblica. Anno 1-14. 1867-80. Firenze, 1868-81. 8vo. In progress.]

Spain is fortunate in possessing a splendid piece of bibliography in the great works of Antonio.[63 - Antonio (N.). Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus sive Hispani Scriptores … ad annum Christi 1500 floruerunt. Matriti, 1788. 2 vols. Folia.–– Bibliotheca Hispana Nova sive Hispanorum Scriptorum qui ab anno 1500 ad 1684 floruere notitia. Matriti, 1783-1788. 2 vols. Folio.] Some years ago, when I was occupied in cataloguing one of the chief collections of Spanish books in this country, I was in the daily habit of consulting these Bibliothecas, and while comparing the books themselves with the printed titles, I seldom found a mistake. Hidalgo's[64 - Hidalgo (D.). Diccionario general de Bibliografia Española. Madrid, 1862-79. 6 vols. 8vo.] work and the Boletin[65 - Boletin de la Libreria. Año 1. 1873. Madrid, 1874. 8vo. In progress.] show that at the present time bibliography is not neglected in that country.

The works of Barbosa Machado[66 - Barbosa Machado (D.). Bibliotheca Lusitana, historica, critica e cronologica. Na qual se comprehende a noticia dos authores Portuguezes, e das obras que compuserão. Lisboa, 1741-59. 4 vols. Folio.] and Silva[67 - Silva (J.F. da). Diccionario bibliographico Portuguez. Lisboa, 1858-70. Tom. 1-9. 8vo.] show that Portugal is not behind the sister kingdom in the love for bibliography.

Bibliographies of other countries might be mentioned here, but space will not permit. There is one branch of general bibliography to which special attention has been paid for a long period of years. O. Placcius published his Theatrum Anonymorum et Pseudonymorum at Hamburgh in 1674 (2nd ed. 1708). Villani continued the record of pseudonymous literature by publishing at Parma, in 1689, a small volume entitled La Visiera alzata. J.C. Mylius published his Bibliotheca Anonymorum et Pseudonymorum at Hamburgh in 1740.

Barbier's great work on the Anonymous in French Literature was first published in 1806-8, the second edition appeared in 1822-27, and the third in 1872-78, as a continuation to the second edition of Querard's Les Supercheries Littéraires. Querard's work is more curious than useful, because the author has entered into minute questions of authorship which do not really belong to the domain of bibliography. Manne's volume (1834) is not of much value. Lancetti published an octavo volume on Pseudonyms in Italian (1836), but Barbier's work was not worthily imitated in any other country until Mr. Paterson commenced the publication of the very valuable work of the late Mr. Halkett.[68 - A Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain, including the works of Foreigners written in or translated into the English Language. By the late Samuel Halkett, and the late Rev. John Laing. Edinburgh (William Paterson), 1882-85. Vols. 1, 2, 3 (to 'Tis).]


Special Bibliographies

Bibliographies of special subjects are more useful than any other books in the formation of a library. The articles in the new edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica will be found valuable for this purpose, but those who wish for fuller information must refer to Dr. Julius Petzholdt's elaborate Bibliotheca Bibliographica (Leipzig, 1866), or to the Bibliographie des Bibliographies of M. Léon Vallée (Paris, 1885). The late Mr. Cornelius Walford contributed a paper "On Special Collections of Books" to the Transactions of the Conference of Librarians, 1877 (pp. 45-49), in which he specially referred to the subject of Insurance.

In the present chapter I propose to refer to some of the most useful bibliographies, but to save space the full titles will not be given, and this is the less necessary as they can mostly be found in the above books or in that useful little volume we owe to the authorities of the British Museum—"Hand-list of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues, and Indexes placed in the Reading-room," 1881.

Agriculture.—Weston's Tracts on Practical Agriculture and Gardening (1773), contains a Chronological Catalogue of English Authors, and Donaldson's Agricultural Biography (1854) brings the subject down to a later date. Victor Donatien de Musset-Pathay published a Bibliographie Agronomique in 1810, and Loudon's Encyclopædia of Agriculture contains the Literature and Bibliography of Agriculture, British, French, German, and American.

Ana.—In Peignot's Repertoire de Bibliographies Spéciales (1810) will be found at pp. 211-268, a list of books of Ana, and Gabriel Antoine Joseph Hécart published at Valenciennes, 1821, under the name of J.G. Phitakaer, a bibliography entitled "Anagrapheana." Namur's Bibliographie des Ouvrages publiés sous le nom d'Ana was published at Bruxelles in 1839. The late Sir William Stirling Maxwell made a collection of books of Ana, a privately printed catalogue of which he issued in 1860.

Angling.—Sir Henry Ellis printed privately in 1811 a small octavo pamphlet of 21 pages which he entitled "A Catalogue of Books on Angling, with some brief notices of several of their authors," which was an extract from the British Bibliographer. In 1836, Pickering printed a Bibliotheca Piscatoria, which was formed upon Sir Henry Ellis's corrected copy of the above Catalogue. Mr. J. Russell Smith published in 1856 "A Bibliographical Catalogue of English writers on Angling and Ichthyology," which was soon superceded by the following work by Mr. T. Westwood. "A new Bibliotheca Piscatoria, or a general Catalogue of Angling and Fishing Literature." London, 1861 (another edition, edited conjointly with T. Satchell, 1883). Mr. R. Blakey published in 1855, "Angling Literature of all Nations." London, 1855. 12mo. Mr. J.J. Manley, M.A., published in 1883, "Literature of Sea and River Fishing," as one of the Handbooks of the International Fisheries Exhibition.

Architecture.—Lacroix (E.). Bibliographie des Ingénieurs, des Architectes, des Chefs d'Usines industrielles, des Elèves des Ecoles polytechniques et professionnelles et des Agriculteurs. Première (—Troisième) Série. Paris, 1864-67. 4to.

Assurance (Life).—Lewis Pocock published "A Chronological List of Books and Single Papers" relating to this subject in 1836, a second edition of which was published in 1842.

Astronomy.—Lalande published his valuable "Bibliographie Astronomique" at Paris, 1803. Otto Struve's Catalogue of the Library of the Pulkova Observatory, published at St. Petersburg in 1860, is highly esteemed by astronomers. The first part of the Catalogue of the United States Naval Observatory at Washington, by Prof. E.S. Holden, is devoted to Astronomical Bibliography.

–– Houzeau (J.C.) and Lancaster (A.), Bibliographie générale de l'Astronomie. Bruxelles, 1880. 8vo. In progress.

–– Mr. E.B. Knobel, Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society, printed in the Monthly Notices of that Society for November, 1876 (pp. 365-392), a very useful short Reference Catalogue of Astronomical Papers and Researches, referring more especially to (1) Double Stars; (2) Variable Stars; (3) Red Stars; (4) Nebulæ and Clusters; (5) Proper Motions of Stars; (6) Parallax and Distance of Stars; (7) Star Spectra. Mr. E.S. Holden's "Index Catalogue of Books and Memoirs relating to Nebulæ and Clusters of Stars" was printed in the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections in 1877.

Bible.—The famous Le Long published at Paris, in 1713, his "Discours historiques sur les principales éditions des Bibles polyglottes," and in 1723, in two volumes, folio, his great work "Bibliotheca Sacra." This was edited and continued by A.G. Masch, and published at Halæ Magd. in five volumes, quarto. 1774-97. T. Llewelyn published in 1768 "Historical Account of the British or Welsh Versions and editions of the Bible." A privately printed "List of various editions of the Bible" was issued in 1778, which has been attributed to Dr. Ducarel. John Lewis's "Complete History of the several Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English" was published in 1818, and Dr. Henry Cotton's "List of Editions" (Oxford, 1821, 2nd edition, 1852) was intended as an Appendix to that work. Orme's Bibliotheca Biblica was published at Edinburgh in 1824, and Hartwell Horne's Manual of Biblical Bibliography at London in 1839. Bagster's Bible in Every Land (1848), although not strictly bibliographical, must be mentioned here, because it gives under each language a notice of all versions published in that language. Lowndes' British Librarian or Book Collector's Guide. Class I. Religion and its History. London, 1839. 8vo. Parts 1, 2, 3 are devoted to Holy Scriptures, Biblical Commentaries, Biblical Disquisitions, Scripture Biography, Scripture Geography, etc. The work itself was left incomplete Dr. H. Cotton published at Oxford, in 1855, a work entitled "Rhemes and Doway. An Attempt to show what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English." In 1859 J.G. Shea published at New York a "Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, Testaments, and other portions of Scripture translated from the Latin Vulgate, and printed in the United States," and in 1861 E.B. O'Callaghan published at Albany a "List of editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860." E. Reuss published at Brunswick, in 1872, a Bibliography of the Greek New Testament. Dr. Isaac Hall printed a Critical Bibliography of American Greek Testaments at Philadelphia in 1883. Mr. Henry Stevens, the eminent bibliographer, is a special authority on Bibles, and his work, entitled "The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, or a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand representative Bibles in various languages, chronologically arranged" (London, 1878), contains some of the information he possesses.

Biography.—Oettinger's Bibliographie Biographique Universelle (1854) is a most useful work, although it is now unfortunately somewhat out of date.

Book-keeping.—B.F. Foster's Origin and Progress of Book-keeping (1852) contains an account of books published on this subject from 1543 to 1852.

Botany.—Pritzel's Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ (1851, another edition 1872-77) is the Bibliography of the subject, and this work is supplemented by Mr. Daydon Jackson's Index of Botany, published by the Index Society. Trimen's Botanical Bibliography of the British counties, London, 1874. 8vo.

Chemistry.—R. Ruprecht, Bibliotheca Chemica et Pharmaceutica, 1858-70. Göttingen, 1872.

Classics.—Dr. Edward Harwood published his "View of the various editions of the Greek and Roman Classics" in 1790. He was followed in 1802 by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, whose work was much enlarged, and reappeared in several editions; the fourth and best being published in 1827 (2 vols. 8vo.). J.W. Moss published his "Manual of Classical Bibliography" in 1825, 2 vols. 8vo. Henry G. Bohn's General Catalogue, Part II. Section I. 1850, contains a valuable list of Greek and Latin Classics. Engelmann's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Græcorum et Latinorum (1858) is an elaborate work on the subject, and Professor John E.B. Mayor's translation and adaptation of Dr. Hübner's Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature will be found to be a very useful handbook.

Commerce.—See Trade (#trade).

Dialects.—Mr. J. Russell Smith published, in 1839, a useful "Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England" (24 pages). When the Rev. Professor Skeat started the English Dialect Society, he at once laid the foundation of an extensive Bibliographical List to include MSS. as well as printed works. This Bibliography is being published by the Society in parts.

Dictionaries.—William Marsden printed privately, in 1796, a valuable "Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, Grammars, and Alphabets."

Dictionaries.—Trübner's Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars (1872, second edition 1882) is a very useful work. H.B. Wheatley's account of English Dictionaries was published in the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1865.

Drama.—A notice of some books in the English Drama will be found in Chapter IV. The Bibliothèque Dramatique de Mons. de Soleinne (1843-44, 5 vols.), with its continuation to 1861, is a splendid Catalogue, in which the books are fully described, with valuable notes and preface.

Earthquakes.—Mr. Robert Mallet's Bibliography of Earthquakes will be found in the British Association Report for 1858, and Mons. Alexis Perrey's Bibliographie Seismique in the Dijon Memoires for 1855, 1856, and 1861.

Electricity.—Sir Francis Ronalds' Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity, Magnetism, and the Electric Telegraph (1880) contains a large number of titles. O. Salle's Bibliography of Electricity and Magnetism, 1860 to 1883, was published in 1884.

Entomology.—Dr. Hagen's Bibliotheca Entomologica (Leipzig, 1862-63) is a carefully compiled and useful book.

Epigrams.—There is a list of books connected with Epigrammatic Literature appended to The Epigrammatists, by the Rev. Philip Dodd. 8vo. London, 1870.

Fine Art.—The First Proofs of the Universal Catalogue of Books in Art, compiled for the use of the National Art Library and the Schools of Art in the United Kingdom. London, 1870. 2 vols. Sm. 4to. Supplement. London, 1877.

–– Essai d'une Bibliographie de l'Histoire spéciale de la Peinture et de la Gravure en Hollande et en Belgique (1500-1875), par J.F. van Someren, Amsterdam, 1882. 8vo.

Freemasonry.—Gowans (W.). Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry and kindred subjects. New York, 1858. 8vo.

–– Hemsworth (H.W.). Catalogue of Books in the Library at Freemasons' Hall, London. Privately printed.

There is a list of books on Freemasonry in Petzholdt's Bibliotheca Bibliographica, pp. 468-474. Mr. Folkard printed privately a Catalogue of Works on Freemasonry in the Wigan Free Library in 1882, and in the Annals of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, Vol. IX. Part I. (1883) is a Catalogue of Works on this subject in the Library of the Grand Lodge of Iowa.

Future Life.—Catalogue of Works relating to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Soul, by Ezra Abbot. Appended to W.R. Alger's Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. Philadelphia, 1864. 8vo. Reprinted, New York, 1871.

Geography.—See Voyages and Travels (#voy).

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