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How to Form a Library, 2nd ed

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Science.—An article on the Scientific Libraries in the United States was contributed by Dr. Theodore Gill to the U.S. Report on Public Libraries (pp. 183-217). It contains an account of the various periodical records of work in the various departments of science.

Shorthand.—Thomas Anderson's History of Shorthand, London (1882), contains Lists of Writers on Shorthand in different languages.

Theology.—There is an article on Theological Libraries in the United States, in the U.S. Report on Public Libraries (pp. 127-160). The following extract contains some particulars respecting these.—"There are reported twenty-four libraries, which contain from 10,000 to 34,000 volumes; and these twenty-four libraries belong to ten different denominations. Three Baptist, two Catholic, two Congregational, three Episcopal, one Lutheran, two Methodist, seven Presbyterian, one Reformed (Dutch), one Reformed (German), and two Unitarian. And, if we include those libraries which contain less than 10,000 volumes, the list of different denominations to which they belong is extended to fifteen or sixteen."

A considerable number of Bibliographies of Theology will be found in the British Museum Hand-list. Darling's Cyclopædia Bibliographica (1854-59), Malcom's Theological Index (Boston, 1868), and Zuchold's Bibliotheca Theologica (Göttingen, 1864), may be specially mentioned.

Topography.—Gough's British Topography (2 vols. 4to. 1780) is an interesting and useful book, and Upcott's Bibliographical Account of the principal works relating to British Topography, 3 vols. 8vo. (1818), forms one of the best specimens of English bibliography extant.

Topography.—Mr. J.P. Anderson's Book of British Topography (1881) is an indispensable book. Mr. Robert Harrison has prepared for the Index Society an Index of Books on Topography, arranged in one alphabet of places, which has not yet been published. Mr. W.H.K. Wright contributed a paper on "Special Collections of Local Books in Provincial Libraries" to the Transactions of the First Annual Meeting of the Library Association, 1878 (pp. 44-50). Another paper on the same subject, by Mr. J.H. Nodal, appears in the Transactions of the Second Annual Meeting of the Library Association, 1879 (pp. 54-60), entitled "Special Collections of Books in Lancashire and Cheshire," and in the Appendix (pp. 139-148) is a full account of these collections in Public Libraries and private hands.

An indication of some of the chief bibliographies of particular counties and places is here added—

Cornwall: Boase & Courtney, 1874-82. 3 vols. A model bibliography.

Devonshire: J. Davidson, 1852.

"  Plymouth (Three Towns' Bibliotheca), R.N. Worth, 1872-73.

Dorsetshire: C.H. Mayo, privately printed, 1885.

Gloucestershire: Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis, J. Washbourn, 1823-25.

Gloucestershire: Collectanea Glocestriensia, J.D. Phelps, 1842.

Hampshire: Bibliotheca Hantoniensis, H.M. Gilbert, 1872?

"  List of Books, Sir W.H. Cope, 1879.

Herefordshire: J. Allen, jun., 1821.

Kent: J. Russell Smith, 1837.

Lancashire: H. Fishwick, 1875.

Man (Isle of): W. Harrison, 1876.

Norfolk: S. Woodward and W.C. Ewing, 1842.

Nottinghamshire: S.F. Creswell, 1863.

Sussex: G.S. Butler, 1866.

Yorkshire: Rt. Hon. John Smythe, Pontefract, 1809.

"  E. Hailstone, 1858.

"  W. Boyne, 1869.

Trade and Finance.—Catalogue of Books, comprising the Library of William Paterson, Founder of the Bank of England, in vol. iii. of the Collection of his "Writings, edited by Saxe Bannister," (3 vols. 8vo. London, 1859).

–– Enslin und Engelmann. Bibliothek der Handlungswissenschaft 1750-1845. Leipzig, 1856.

Trials.—The Catalogue of the Library of the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh (1857) contains (pp. 297-319) a very useful list of trials in an alphabet of the persons tried. The table is arranged under name, charge, date of trial, and reference.

Voyages and Travels.—Locke's Catalogue and character of most books of Voyages and Travels is interesting on account of Locke's notes. (Locke's Works, 1812, 10 vols. 8vo., vol. x. pp. 513-564.)

There are catalogues of books of travels in Pinkerton's collection (1814), and Kerr's collection (1822).

–– Boucher de la Richaderie, Bibliothèque Universelle des Voyages, Paris, 1808. 6 vols. 8vo.

–– Engelmann (W.). Bibliotheca Geographica. Leipzig, 1858.

Zoology.—Agassiz's Bibliographia Zoologicæ et Geologicæ, published by the Ray Society, 1848-54, was a useful book in its day, but it is of no value bibliographically, and the titles being mostly taken at second-hand, the work is full of blunders.

–– Carus and Engelmann's Bibliotheca Zoologica, Leipzig 1861, forms a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis of Engelmann.

–– Carus and Engelmann's Bibliotheca Zoologica, Leipzig 1861, forms a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis of Engelmann.

A large number of bibliographies of particular authors have been published in this country and abroad, and it may be useful here to make a note of some of these.

Ariosto, Orlando Furioso: Ulisse Guidi, Bologna, 1861, 1868. G.J. Ferrazzi, Bassano, 1881.

Boccaccio: M. Landau, Napoli, 1881.

Burns: J. Mackie, Kilmar, 1866.

Calderon: E. Dorer, Leipzig, 1881.

Camoens: Adamson's Life of Camoens, vol. 2, 1820.

Cervantes: E. Dorer, Leipzig, 1881.

Corneille: E. Picot, Paris, 1876.

Dante: Bibliografia Dantesca, Prato, 1845-46. C.U.J. Chevalier, 1877. G.A. Scartazzini, Dante in Germania, 1881. J. Petzholdt, Dresden, 1880.

Goethe: S. Hirzel, 1878.

Luther: E.G. Vogel, Halle, 1851. J. Edmands, Philadelphia, 1883.

Manzoni: A. Vosmara, Milano, 1875.

Molière: P. Lacroix, Paris, 1875.

Montaigne: J.F. Payer, Paris, 1837.

Persius: J. Tarlier, Bruxelles, 1848.

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